Monday, January 29, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
對於Mutter, 除了很久以前買了一隻她十來歲時跟Karajan的錄音以後, 就未有再入貨. 但去年Mozart 250th celebration 她的一系列特輯又再引起我的興趣, 要好好花點時間. 講開又講, HMV比HK Records還要貴很多.
對於何韻詩, 是新嘗試, 之前未擁有任何她的作品. 但最近無意中接觸到她的一些演出, 似乎可以一試.
Labels: Lust
Thursday, January 25, 2007
How many miles...
Coffee @ Cova, our SnakeDull (and well, HR is going to warn me jeans & Camper are unacceptable)

Karaoke @ Windsor, using FishEye

w's SuperStar @ Karaoke @ Windsor, using FishEye

My discontinued 991 and p's Asics @ Starbucks, Happy Valley (yes I know, a used to want a pair of 991 very much...)

Labels: RecordsSake
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Home Lunch

Labels: BigEater
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
飲飽食醉之後, 工作意慾全消, 只記掛着星期日在Hong Kong Records 掘到的幾只CDs和DVDs.
那天把它們拿在手上把玩, 翻來覆去, 由底至面看了又看, 卻又放下. 如是者十回八回, 還是覺得太貴, 心裏盤算着其他地方應該會平宜一點.
於是, 今個下午除了講call, 就是上網搜尋它們的資料及評論, 印證一下自己的想法, 讓'採購策略'也有個大概.
好, 今個星期就出擊買個精明聽個痛快, 趕走奄悶!
Labels: Lust
Monday, January 22, 2007
是生活太忙? 投入的時間不夠? 是燦爛歸於平淡? 是身邊人不過爾爾? You name it.
溫柔體貼隨傳隨到甜言蜜語形影不離, 便能成為理想情人? 沒那麼容易吧, 還未有處方可依呢.
這些"法寶"可說是放諸四海皆受歡迎. 然而, 即使這些技倆是 well-played well-received, 也並不足以保證愛. 畢竟這些技倆instrumental有餘, 卻不扎實.
人越大越覺得真正的愛, 不太可能是一見鍾情(雖然不妨是一個trigger), 而是一點一滴在相處之中, 發掘出對方可愛之處 - 他的理想, 他的正直, 他的執迷, 甚至是他的無知 - 其實就是what makes the person who he is.
但與此同時, 也得接受變幻原是永恆. 人會變, 環境會變, 經歷會變. 若一天下來, 大家已'進化'得跟從前期許的有差距, 不能再走在一起也不是世界末日. 要不re-basline, 要不引刀成一快也無不可 - 誰知道花開花落之後, 又是什麼光景?
Labels: HeartAndMind
Sunday, January 21, 2007
仍是老樣子嗎? 有帶眼識人嗎? 還有作畫寫文嗎? 還是經常出差嗎?
不是沒有衝動打電話問候一下... 卻還是擱了下來, 一天又一天.
寧願相信, no news is good news.
還是想說: 愛惜自己, 保重身體, 要有自信, 不要胡思亂想.
Labels: BuddyBuddies
Saturday, January 20, 2007
唱: 陳奕迅 曲: 張繼聰 詞: 黃偉文
為何喝過那咖啡杯 無故失踪了
為何你那床頭玩具熊 再找不到
將瑣碎東西帶走 然後又放低
你睡過的 至少我都睡過
為何那個故障手機 無故修好了
為何有雨 門前就突然有一把傘
你就算知 也不會想是我
Labels: Lust
What a start...
Stock Quote (NYSE: xxx)
Current Price: $96.17 (-3.28)
16:00 ET Jan 19
(How many times I've said I have to sell at $100?)
Next week is my HK week. Happy for the fact that I'm on the ground. Yet definitely bothered by the reason that I'm grounded. Fed up.
It's drizzling outside. I wish it would stop soon. This is going to be depressing.
Labels: RecordsSake
Bits & Pieces
Labels: BJee, RecordsSake
Thursday, January 18, 2007
今晚有機會慢慢享受, 吃得出鮮肉的和味, 蜜糖蜜芽清而不嗆的甜美, 外皮微焦的香氣, 米飯也是粒粒蝦仔飯軟硬適中有飯味. 間有少許肥的部份, 無論是食味還是質感都可算是完美. 唯獨全瘦的部份略嫌太有'咬口', 稍稍費勁嘴嚼.
也有人說此店水準不穩定, 那就得看你的彩數了!
Labels: BigEater
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Horowitz Plays Mozart
But I immediately fell in love with the Concerto K488 and picked up the score from a friend to learn it. It's a very charming, lively piece, with two cadenza woven nicely in the 1st and 3rd movement.
Then of course, there was Horowitz, legendary in playing Romantic pieces (like Liszt's or Chopin's). His energy blends so well with this loveable, easy listening Classical piece.
Though, there is a shortcoming about the recording... it sounds quite 'vintage' with inpurities.

1. Concerto for Piano and Orchestra no. 23 in A major, K. 488: 1. Allegro
2. Concerto for Piano and Orchestra no. 23 in A major, K. 488: 2. Adagio
3. Concerto for Piano and Orchestra no. 23 in A major, K. 488: 3. Allegro assai
4. Piano Sonata In B Flat Major, K. 333: 1. Allegro
5. Piano Sonata In B Flat Major, K. 333: 2. Andante cantabile
6. Piano Sonata In B Flat Major, K. 333: 3. Allegretto grazioso
Labels: Lust
在"我"的故事書裏, 十二月一月是敏感的.
大節前後, 一個串一個的事.故.情.景, 難免成為生動有效的關連記憶, 無奈扎根長(老?)期記憶之中.
也可能是太多的回憶, 太少的人物, 太intense的劇情, 所以揮之不去.
ps 返來囉返來囉. Happy birthday to Symbolic, and my late great uncle.
Labels: HeartAndMind
The offence is listed at item 014 of the Schedule to the Ordinance, namely FAILING TO COMPLY WITH TRAFFIC SIGNALS.
I hereby demand payment of $600.00 which is the Fixed Penalty for this offence and inform you that, if you wish to dispute liability for the offence, you should inform me. You are required -
(a) to pay the Fixed Penalty; or
(b) to notify me that you wish to dispute liability for the offence (by using the notification form overleaf), on or before 06/02/2007 .
If you do not pay the Fixed Penalty or notify me that you wish to dispute liability in accordance with this notice, an application will be made to a magistrate for an order that you pay the Fixed Penalty, an additional penalty equal to the amount of the Fixed Penalty and costs.
好長氣. 好嚴厲. 尤其看見中文版本中的罪行編號 (Offence Code), 犯罪日期 (Offence Date)...
嘩... 都係升斗市民啫, 影一影就變咗criminal?
破財失分, 盼擋災吧...
Labels: Lust
Monday, January 15, 2007
I feel the earth move...

So Far Away
It's Too Late
Home Again
Way Over Yonder
You've Got a Friend
Where You Lead
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow
Smackwater Jack
(You make me feel like) A Natural Woman
Out in the Cold
This is a recording of 1971. I remembered dad played this album when I was very small. I didn't have particular interests in it at that time when I preferred symphonies and folk songs much more. Not until like 10 years ago, when I watched an LD of Carole King's concert (dad rented it), I was so impressed by her energy and sense of originality. She's so unpretentious, heartfelt, raw while gentle.
Labels: Lust
吞下毒藥, 唇乾舌燥.
喝下熱湯, 身仍是冷.
週末休業, 電郵八十.
老闆來電, 急謀對策.
業務模型, 半日速成.
凝望電腦, 焦點散渙.
唯有IM閃閃, 讓我回魂再傾.
Labels: RecordsSake
Sunday, January 14, 2007
今次回程班機十分人丁單薄. 中午online check-in時只發現小貓4隻.
後來就現場所見, 前面的機艙只有6丁人, 後面的就看不清. 隱約聽到空姐提到"14份餐"... 可能總共有14 人吧. 於是 -
~ 我原本坐2-4-2陣中的"2", 但眼見超少人, 就移到"4". 準備起飛時, 卻被'勸諭'先回到原先的座位直至起飛完成: 因為乘客太少, 要確保飛機的載重是平衡的.
~ 餐車不用出場. 空中少爺one-by-one問乘客吃喝什麼然後送到.
~ Crew好醒, 乘機叫乘客填cust sat
~ Crew Manager 仲醒, one-by-one 跟我們什麼先生什麼小姐地打招呼
入境時, 三粒花阿sir問 -
"小姐, 請問BJ班機多唔多人?"
"hmm..." (點知點算多點算少? 不過都係覺得...) "唔多"
"hahaa 肯定無"
通常我們是全場最後一班抵港客機, 我想他們大可收隊了.
奇怪的是為什麼航空公司沒有'餵'這些資料給入境處? 我會以為應是例行公事吧?
Saturday, January 13, 2007
其實少俠先不要閉翳. 說不定 貴公司如此慷慨, 你的education fund大可用於bb身上...
Labels: BuddyBuddies
Just read an M&M's advertisement on Business Week (yes, Business Week, 8 January 2007).
It says people/organization can print their logo, choose the color, or custom message on the M&M's.
You say cool...?
Looks like an "executive way" to challenge Jelly Belly?
Labels: Corps
From Financial Times, 12 January 2007
NYSE Group is on the verge of completing a $15B acquisition of Paris-based Euronext. It will also buy a stake in the National Stock Exchange, in India.
Tokyo Stock Exchange may announce an alliance with the NYSE, and in discussion with London Stock Exchange and Deutsche Borse.
Labels: Corps
Friday, January 12, 2007
Henin vs Sharapova
Henin vs Sharapova
Yeah! Enjoyed it so much.
Labels: Lust
Thursday, January 11, 2007
今天開完(今天的)team planning, 老頂在會議室外與大老頂過了幾招, 然後沒好氣的跟我說大老頂的意思, 是要跟重慶的客戶繼續完成那偉大的"業務模型"...
Labels: 5DullRice
上星期在香港, 10度已是城中'熱'話, 一時間大家的'皮皮毛毛'都通通出籠.
從數學角度的'表面證據'看來, -11度跟10度已有21度的差距.
就像... 0度跟21度, 或10度跟31度.
其實是可以多穿一點的, 只是(1)太懶, 嫌煩; (2)大安旨意出門就會上車... 所以都是'自己攞嚟'.
Labels: BJee
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
I believe the HK proportion is indeed high in light of this particular 'diversity'.
I was (am?) a strategy and change consultant yet too lazy to conduct a change impact analysis / change readiness assessment for myself in this matter.
Anyway, when the moment of truth comes, everything becomes so clear about the level of willingness and ability to embrace the change...
Labels: Lust
Saturday, January 06, 2007
重慶機場 - 有點霧, 冷清清的, 只見車不見機
Labels: RecordsSake, SomewhereOutThere
Thursday, January 04, 2007
午飯於一家據說upscale得來較地道的火鍋店, 一人一鍋, 鴛鴦湯底. 麻辣那邊不但火紅得緊要, 湯面的紅油更令它長期維持hyper火滾的狀態, 真是'聲色'俱備. 食材中有不少是'什'類: 毛肚(牛), 雞腎, 豬天梯(脆喉), 鵝腸. 當然不少得牛肉羊肉, 不同種類的魚頭魚咀魚身魚尾, 魷魚與蝦, 菌類, 瓜菜蘿蔔, 超爽脆不知名植物(據說其中一種是榨菜的前身)等. 很好味!
BTW, 這裏fire drill 叫'試火'. 因'試火'的關係, 早上的workshop提前30min結束, 未到12點已開始午飯.
昨晚是'下海'(江畔)晚餐, 到了今晚是'上山', 到南山吃雞宴. 重慶其中的名菜泉水雞, 跟當地有幾個天然溫泉有關吧. 今晚的菜單中不同麻辣程度, 不同做法的雞起碼有6款, 多是黑漆漆, 或火紅紅的. 有混在花椒裏的, 有浸在紅油裏的, 有自己乾炒自己的, 有雜的, 有湯... 同場加映糯米蒸掛骨, 車厘茄煮芋頭, 桂花黃酒, 和櫈櫈櫈櫈... 兔肉...! 當然也是花椒辣椒一大堆.
晚飯後收到驚喜禮物 - 蜡梅花. 現在是蜡梅花當造的時節, 當地人喜歡把它們放在車上或室內取其幽香. 原來吃飯的時候, 客戶就暗地裏着司機去買, 可能司機叔叔不知道原意是要讓我帶上飛機, 他買了一棵特大的, 整整有車尾行李箱那麼長, 大家看見後也嚇了一跳. 因餐館附近也有不少人在兜售, 後來不知是誰就另外選了兩束小的. 盛情難卻, 只好收下. 很香, 也謝謝他們.
話說回來, 相比他們, 自問自己的'待客之道'就沒有那麼'識做'. 可能是'專業病', 當然我們也是客客氣氣得得體體禮貌週週, 但在乎的是表現'專業'的價值, 對事不對人, 少賣賬(理論上 hehe). 但國內的呢, 幾乎都是關係行先. 無論男女, 先飲為敬(當然要有飲的本事, 醉的瀟灑), 由上至下大小通殺, 稱呼是'總'前'總'後, '匯報'前'匯報'後, 講動聽的話, 擺'動人'的恣態... 我還未懂. 我想, 這些是容易看出來了, 問題是你要不要replicate, 要replicate多少.
Labels: BigEater, Corps, SomewhereOutThere
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
晚上跟客戶(也可能是以後更深入合作的partner)吃飯, 到了江畔一家十分得體的餐廳.
這餐廳的名菜是各種各樣的魚(就是'江魚'吧?). 這頓飯起碼有5道菜是魚來的, 食物相當好, 當然少不了麻辣的菜. 可能是為了遷就我們, 麻辣的程度是可接受的, 甚至覺得有點太溫和了. 換了是a, 肯定覺得不夠痛快.
當然跑不掉要喝一點酒. 大陸的客戶真的很'熱情', 為了喝酒, 不分好歹最緊要就手, 就連我這個小薯, 也被敬了好幾次. 幸好喝的是紅酒, 而不是'惡名昭彰'的白酒黃酒, 所以還能保持儀態應付下來, 也能記下這第二擊.
飯後客戶的司機載我們沿江邊走了一圈. 原來這裏的夜景跟香港很像 - 都是商業高樓, 都是有燈火燈飾的點綴. 相對BJ的一大片平原, 這裏近市中心的地方有山有水, 地形上跟香港也有類似的地方.
Labels: BigEater, SomewhereOutThere
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Monday, January 01, 2007
New Year's Eve
~ Had a little more wine and even more Bailey's
~ People were dancing Salsa in deafening music
~ Bumped into a 13/F guy
~ Didn't dance, instead played briefly a body-version of cloth, scissors, stone... and, arm wrestling...!
~ When new year approached, the host of pub led us to countdown with TV broadcast, but in a 1-second-delay mode
~ Free champagne was offered to everyone – it tasted like white wine + sparkling water though
~ Needed food after drinks, ate at a congee store nearby
Again, wish everyone, no less for myself, a better year 2007!
Labels: RecordsSake
是巧合? 我還是主觀認為兩者是有關係的.
BTW, 家裏的巨無霸要退役了, 原來真的不捨得. 爸在聖誕日落order買了架同品牌的"穿梭機". 對上一次開"穿梭機" (但屬另一品牌)已是我的大學年代...
Labels: Lust