Wednesday, October 25, 2006

秋風起, 熱朱肥

從來BJ 星巴克的熱(凍)朱都算價廉物美(凡事都是relative) - 沒那麼甜, 朱味較突出之餘, 價錢更比香港低一截 (當其他啡類跟香港的價錢一樣).
在氣溫已跌至幾度的大清早, 走到BJ Office樓下的SB想嘆杯熱朱, 卻赫然發現熱朱已升格為"經典巧克力"(但看不出分別), 價錢也就配合它"經典"起來了.

我後面的姐姐: 中杯熱巧克力.
SB 人: 多謝24塊錢.
姐姐: ei? 為什麼? 在上海只要17塊錢... 我要熱巧克力.
SB 人: 這是"經典巧克力"
姐姐: 我不要, 我是要上海那種.
SB 人: 只有一種巧克力.(重複一遍)"經典巧克力".
姐姐: 那麼我不要... (猶豫) 還是要吧...

但秋風起, 熱朱再"肥"都還是有市場的.



今早急步往開會途中, 碰到一個其實不常見到面的同事.
同事: 今天第一次見你不是穿黑色.
我(in green): 不是吧... 我還有紅外套呢.
同事: 是不是讀了什麼星座什麼什麼的...?
我(in green): ...

選顏色還要看老天爺, 太可憐.





Saturday, October 21, 2006

Pinky Love

Finally, after all these weeks, will play tennis this morning.
Count my fingers, haven't played for many weeks already -
3 weekends too tired or tied because of trips
3 weekends because of vacation
1 weekend because of messing around in Pantry

Got coach a tube of pink tennis ball as handletter.
It's pink (pink ribbon) in support of fighting against breast canner.


Patent et al

Once and again, can't believe Scott Adams is not related to i-kee in some way.


Friday, October 20, 2006


吹水之餘不忘吃喝, 是夜3人在灣仔利園點了
~ 田七紅棗生魚湯 (小煲)
~ 爽脆生腸 (用白滷水及XO醬, 當然非橙色貨色)
~ 海山骨 (蝦醬惹味)
~ 鮮蝦蟹肉蒸乳酪 (蛋白)
~ 上湯豆苗
~ 栗茸布甸
~ 馬來喳咋
雖不是什麼新菜色, 還是一貫的好味道.



與老友飯聚吹水, 不亦樂乎
~ 原來搭昂坪360咁貴
~ 更年期與老板行為學
~ "Chart神"與"表哥"之辦公室叱吒風雲
~ "咁囉" = Roger
~ 應驗>10年前預言香港會有Disneyland之說
~ 習泳reverse engineering與小拳王
~ 弟弟的女朋友之身份證(不)明與中秋果籃
~ 爸媽真的開始老了
~ ... 可誰不是?


Thursday, October 19, 2006


今天老細終於開口了: Travel 這麼頻密, 要不要(?)考慮一個 short term assignment 云云.
考慮嗎... 當然可以. 畢竟凡事皆可能, never say never...


Tuesday, October 17, 2006


作為消費者, 從搭飛機到搭巴士, 從吃點心到吃set lunch, 近來的遭遇可說是不快多於滿意.
事先聲明, 我可不認為是自己要求高喎.
就以為要"萬念俱灰"的時候, 今天終於遇到香港服務業的一線曙光. 事情是這樣的:
看中網球拍A, 已到了要commit的階段, 卻發現我要的grip size #1 在兩大運動連鎖店都已sold out.
思前想後, 決定打電話到SOGO 碰碰運氣. 接到運動用品部, 回應的小姐聽來相當 pro, 對我的提問沒有不必要的猶豫. 由於有點"打定輸數"的心態, 因此除了check網球拍A外, 請她把網球拍B也查一查作後備. 結果前者是positive, 而後者negative, 因grip size #1對該model而言相對細小而沒有進貨. Anyway, 既然A有貨, 就請姐姐幫忙留起, 待明天晚上往取.
下午開拖不停, 後來才發現Sogo姐姐曾致電並留言: 她向代理把網球拍B的grip size #1也要了回來(明天到), 讓我晚上可看/試清楚才再決定. Yeah!
看, 我可是容易滿足的.
我應該不會兩個model都買的... 吧... hmm...aarrrr...


Sunday, October 15, 2006


年紀大, 機器唉, 口味都變埋.
~ 在Pantry搗亂10小時, 企坐比約為70/30. 不坐尤自可, 一坐不得了: 跟媽晚餐時開始坐立不安, 手, 腰, 大腿, 腳趾微軟; 肚餓不是, 不餓也不是. 心想: big wok.

~ 記憶力驚人. 驚人者, 嚇驚人是也, 有意料之外之意. 例子多不勝數, 譬如話, aarrr... 有什麼呢...
~ Jet Lag 加進我的字典, 並成為常用詞.
~ 今早開車去(被)洗, 閒着便在附近吃個早餐, 在老mcd與茶餐廳之間, 選了後者. 點了蕃茄湯火腿通粉, 熱奶茶. 不知道遲些日子會否像姐一樣, 喜歡在茶餐廳歎早餐時看報紙呢?
~ 說起老mcd, 其實孩提時代並不喜歡, 它的氣味甚至會令我"作嘔", 只能喝汽水which is 也不特別喜歡. 中學時代開始吃魚柳包, 薯條, 慢慢double-cheese也可接受. 現在它的薯餅鷄翼卻可算是我之所欲!
~ 說起茶餐廳奶茶, 從前碰都不碰, 只愛華田美祿Horlick, 檸水還勉強可以, 十分好奇為何會有那麼多(大)人喝奶茶咖啡. 但現在有些時候, 居然會有crave for 茶餐廳奶茶.
~ 小時覺得車細些都"唔坐得", 現在路面擠, 泊車煩, 油價高, 開始欣賞車細都有好處.

ps 記憶體有限, 待續...


Friday, October 13, 2006

Beta Anyone?

Anyone knows if this is good?


Meryl in Prada

Meryl Streep on dressing the part of Miranda Priestley in The Devil Wears Prada
"Choosing thousands of different little accessories, bags, rings - it made me think, 'Meryl, you're not really a girl! You don't like this s___!'"
~ TIME Style & Design, TIME Magazine Fall 2006 Supplement



家豆打Volley過激, 至右手瘀傷腫脹一大片. 看過跌打, 敷藥包紥.
今天她的同事帶來日本手信食物, 她卻投訴鐵打藥濃烈的香味蓋過一切, 食而無味.


Thursday, October 12, 2006


不幸地, 家妹跌到褲穿窿.
補償可選: (1)購回相同貨品, 或(2)現金賠償 - 入貨價減$100
據聞因心理陰影的關係, 況且不一定買得到相同款式云云, 雖然很喜歡肇事長褲, 豆還是選擇了方案(2).
明天我就要負責把證物交到Amex的辦事處, 把程序跑一跑.

ps1 問題1: 選方案(1), 但如該貨品已"升值"的話, 是否還有效?
ps2 問題2: 膝蓋穿窿有否補償?


Wednesday, October 11, 2006


老老友的辦公室擴充, 今天終於完成搬遷到更大更美之'私房'.



中午飽餐後, 冷不防碰到少俠.
他的高就讓我羨慕不已. 好嘢!

ps1 原來少俠已自首... hehe

ps2 唔知少俠的座駕係...?


Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Just finished an assignment and sent.
Still have time to sleep, if able to.


Monday, October 09, 2006

Mad Cow

Eating habit in the past 2 weeks has been quite beef-oriented. Captured here for those I can recall, and probably some other non-beef dishes if worth mentioning. In chronological order:

~ Mon Ami Gambi: Classic French steak frites and Patio seating. A French steakhouse first opened in New York. Typical French steak, charcoal grilled rib eye with very good fries. Excellent Butter Lettuce Salad, with apple, walnut and gruyere cheese.
~ LG: a Dry-Aged prime rib specialty restuarant at Palm Springs. Same as before, ordered their "Jewel in the Crown" (something like that) which is actually a 24oz. dry-aged Porterhouse steak: half tenderloin half NY strip sirloin. (
~ Cafe R&D: A nice place with Patio seating serving simple menu, at large sandwiches and salads at Fashion Island. They serve Reuben sandwich (corned beef, swiss cheese on toasted rye bread) without sauerkraut but their own mayo-cabbage, taste good. Also good is their Ahi #1 Tuna Tartare: Tuna tartare seasoned with spring onion, seasame oil and pepper, come with a whole avocado and toasted ciabatta. The avocado must be at right ripeness to allow the chef to slice it thin, and spread out the slices like a fan with the top still attached. Bravo. We also ordered Tuna Sandwich and Roasted Chicken Salad, which were ok by their look.
~ Cafe at Neiman Marcus: Actually it has a name, something like Bar blahblahblah, yet I forgot. Imagine it is a place like the cafe at Lane Crawford in HK, where you see only women (99%), indeed wealthy housewives, chat and eat and time out for their bustling shopping maniac. Friends are saying that actually they do fashion show in the restaurant too: models wearing design brands walking around the tables but not on runway. While they won't disturb your eating, you're welcome to inquire and order if found anything interesting. Anyway, back to food. They serve you bread and mini chicken broth to start with. The bread is superb: a super-sized butter brioche come with strawberry butter. The brioche smells butterly and fluffy. The strawberry butter is a miracle served on chilled plate: tastes exactly like HD strawberry ice-cream but melts only in your mouth. The cheeseburger is above expectation with voluptuous slices of tomato and relatively inexpensive among menu items.
~ Omaha steak: Yum!
~ Lawry's Carvery: Lawry's (heard that they're opening their first store in HK) has been a good place for prime rib. This time tried their casual outlet which also serve hand-carved made-to-order sandwiches. Had a Carvery Prime Rib Original - Artisan bread with prime rib, carved to your specification. (

A few more places that we didn't have beef:
~ Stage Deli: At Caesar Palace in LV. Good Fish & Chips and Belgian waffle.
~ Ten Ten: A Cantonese restaurant with very good steamed lobster, steamed fish and roasted duck. Can skip mango pudding and sago sweet soup though.
~ Taiko: oh my sesame chicken!
~ Burger King: Yes, didn't have burger because their broiler was out of order!(

Time to bed... jet lag just kicked-in...

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Saturday, October 07, 2006


2006.10.06 (CA)
On-and-off 都會輕輕思考究竟Irvine 的中文譯名(如有的話)是什麼.
事源開車途中經過一個建築物, 叫爾灣台灣人什麼什麼會的...
在鬼佬地方出現中文字, 自然格外搶眼, 不禁在心中重複讀了幾遍.
爾灣...! 爾灣? 噢, 係喎, 請以普通話/國語朗讀.
不禁, 再次, 感到普通話/國語比廣東話跟英語要親近得多.



2006.10.06 (CA)
在網上查看Wendy's最近的分店, 成為今天午餐之選.
久違了, order 了一份 Classic Double with Cheese combo.
Classic Double 就是1/2lb. beef , 加上芝士.
還是眼闊肚窄吃不完. 不算很好吃, 快餐hamburger 呢, 總不能苛求, 有新鮮生菜蕃茄洋蔥熱騰騰的夾在一起還想怎樣?

其實不是Wendy's 擁躉, 只是香港再沒有它的踪影, 就"遊覽"一下吧.

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Friday, October 06, 2006


2006.10.05 (CA)
Plastic surgery is such a big topic here, and Beverly Hills is definitely at the tip of it.
Amongst many of the nip-tucks, breast implant is definitely one of the highlights. I was told that
~ It is one of the most popular graduation presents dads give their daughters (!)
~ Young guys in Cali are so used to seeing women with silicone breasts that they found natural breasts look weird (!!)

Just watched a TV reality show (again!) DR.90210. It follows some plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills and their patients - how they meet and 'consult', and the actual surgeries. You are suppose to see the changes, both physcially and psychologically, as the patients undergo the surgeries.

I always doubt (or I don't have to?) how real are these 'reality' shows.
Despite the bloody pictures that you can still imagine while they mask the blood and fluid, everything between doctors and patients seems to be perfect - handsome doctors, beautiful patients (at least before surgeries), glamorous lifestyle, beaches & bikinis, high fashion... The only 'bad' things are left to the doctors(!) -
~ The handsome young doctor has too busy a schedule (about 6 months a patient be able to schedule a surgery the soonest), and too big a house that his wife is crying to go back to what and where 'they used to be'
~ The oriental lady doctor who just gave birth to a very cute boy, now 6-month-old, is very depressed to find that she's pregnant again. She can't bear "2 babies crawling... everything 2 babies..."

oorrr... ic

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Thursday, October 05, 2006

Good Steak

2006.10.04 (CA)
Had a very good home cooking dinner for 3, we shared~
Two 6oz. filet mignons
Two 8oz. rib eyes
8oz. sauteed mushroom
8oz. broccoli
Iced tea

~ Steaks were Omaha steaks (, marinated with pepper, garlic, soy sauce and gourmet butter right before putting into oven - oven pre-heated with "Broil" mode and cooked for 6min. Wow, each of us was having more than 9oz beef on average...
~ Mushrooms were cut into quarters, sauteed with olive oil and gourmet butter.
~ Broccoli was cut into little brushes, boiled in water with a little salt.
~ Iced tea was Arizona Iced tea with ginseng & honey, with or without ice.


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2006.10.04 (CA)
我最愛它的早點: 豆漿(咸或甜), 咸豆花, 素菜包, 醬肉包, 醬肉燒餅...

Boss chen曾給我一本它的"週年" coupon (據聞是mw留下的). 細看當中的簡介, 才知道半畝園的"發源地"是在加洲, 由一位來自台灣的太太開設, 為的是要給當地的僑胞提供一些地道台式的食點. 此舉似乎相當成功, 它在美國西岸東岸都有十來家分店, 後來更"回歸"到台灣和BJ多開了幾家.

"踏破鐵鞋無覓處, 得來全不廢功夫" - 今天終於發現了它在Irvine的踪跡.
Taiko是一家我相當喜歡的日本餐館, 我每次都盡可能到訪, 一嚐它的Sesame Chicken. 今天就到Taiko take-out 午餐. 因為order要約10分鐘, 等着的時候就在附近閒逛, 無意中發現原來半畝園就在隔鄰約3, 4個鋪位, 於是走進店內取了一份外賣menu, 打算有機會的話要試試.

現在回想起來, 其實半畝園一直在此. 但我從來只見它放出來的招牌寫着A&J Restaurant, 而沒有留意它在鋪面的招牌寫着半畝園.

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Wednesday, October 04, 2006


2006.10.03 (CA)
談起Star Wars.
談起Yoda大師武藝高強 "...arguably the wisest and most powerful Jedi of his time..."
"都係輸身材."w哥話 "...standing merely 66cm tall..."

hehe... 對Yoda有興趣可一讀

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Monday, October 02, 2006

Celine Dion

2006.10.01 (CA)
A key mission completed in LV - watching Celine Dion's A New Day show.
This is the 4th year she sings here, at The Colosseum of Caesar Palace. The Colosseum was built and designated to accomodate her show for >4,000 audience.
Produced by Franco Dragone's DRAGONE, it's a 90-minute show. Great stage visuals with the acclaimed world's largest indoor high definition LED screen, 48 dancer-performers with Celine's 勁過聽碟 powerhouse performance. She's such a born live-performer. You simply can feel how much she loves singing and she did a very good job. And surprisingly, she can dance well!

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About Bellagio

2006.10.01 (CA)
Something funny about the service at Bellagio - supposedly an high-end hotel in Las Vegas.

Day 1
Everything has a price. Additional shampoo, soap, lotion... you name it - cost you some bucks.

Day 1.5
Something rang in the middle of the nite around 3-ish. I was wondering whether it's the phone ringing or sort of alarm - the not-so-little round silver light on the wall was flashing along with the rhythm of rang-rangs. I made up my mind after 3 seconds in decision to pick up the phone instead of dressing up and run. I was right - that was the phone. However, it's a wrong number. The operator had connected the wrong room for the caller. That drove me crazy.

Day 2
Facial tissue not being replenished even though the peachish ones appear - which means tissue is using up.
Spare towels in the drawers not being replenished too.

Maybe we have to pay for those?

Day 3
Forgot to tip house-keeping. It maybe a decision of the sub-conscious mind though.
Supposed to meet uncle and aunt at the hotel self-parking lot. Was pointed to a wrong direction (valet parking) by a lobby staff. It was a totally opposite direction. Jesus.


Sunday, October 01, 2006

King Without Burger

2006.09.26 (CA)
Awaiting to board the small jet (3 seats x 16 rows) to Vegas, intended to get some food at Burger King.
Bumper. No burgers because their broiler was out of order.
Without a choice got a pack of crown-shaped-chicken-fillet-sort-of-thing at US$8.xx.
What a great start to the Vegas trip.

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