Sunday, December 31, 2006


2006.12.29 @ DownSeven by a's new toy
唔係唔happy, 係認真啫.

Happy New Year, EveryOne!


Wednesday, December 27, 2006

ps2 Variation...

Kit missed our very heated discussion on 女's xQ question after hotpot at TigerPalace. After a brief brief to her, I realize that it may be easier to remix the question this way -
Villager(s) with the 'hallmark' will be rewarded (not dead), while they would be punished if mis-claim.

This doesn't change the question in nature. Yet it addresses humanity in leading us to believe that the villagers in question would indeed try their best to figure out whether they are hallmarked and claim their reward the soonest without misclaiming.
One very important assumption - all people in question are intelligent (able) and motivated (willing) to find out the truth, then they would put on not only their own but also others' perspective, so to lead to that result/answer.

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A Gift In-Sleep is a Gift In Need

Heard from p2 that ahB likes the gift-that-matters from w so much that -
(1) he has (almost) already dismantled the car;
(2) he insisted to bring the car to sleep with him (and mom). When p2 protested that it is too big, ahB pitched to take the remote control instead, which is smaller.


Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Eve 繼續爬地

2006.12.24 @ Discovery Bay with ph, hh, kp & hg
(Dates & times on photos are erroneous... too bad cannot serve as alibi...)

大廚傑作之一Oreo Cheesecake



ps There were free ferry rides between Central and Discovery Day on selected period of time. There will be free rides again on New Year Eve.

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Managing performance...

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ps Christmas Eve Square 之打邊爐

赫然發現, 早前鬧得溫吞吞的'天下無不爆之秘密'已告一段落, 沒留什麼痕跡.
在陳總大駕光臨下, 熊熊爐火之中, 兩個目標人物已大方向大家宣佈了新動向.


Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Eve Square 之打邊爐

Snapshots by a -
當然, 當晚人物之精彩, 食物之美味, 分工之beauty, 節目之豐富, 思潮之起伏, 討論之熱烈, 笑聲之強弱, IQ之高低... 實非相片筆墨所能形容 -

宴會廳: TigerPalace
人物: 虎, 虎太(富泰!?), 陳總, e, a, 烏, 千年蛋, p, 女, p2, 車神, p2-車神-公子, kit, ak45 (早退), 和moi
食物: (火鍋) 象拔蚌, 大蝦, 東風螺, 手切牛, 肥牛, 羊, 豬, 魚皮餃, 菜肉雲吞, 魚蛋, 魚片, 墨魚丸, 牛丸, 貢丸, 醬爆丸(蟹子, 芝士), 芝士腸, 獅子狗魚蛋, 竹笙, 金菇, 豆苗, 津(紹)菜, 西洋菜, 唐生菜, 冬瓜, 豆腐, 手打烏冬, 烏冬, 魔芋. (醬料) 豉油, 芝麻油, 沙爹醬, 辣椒油, 蛋 (甜品) 水果, Haagen Dazs Christmas Log Cake
飲品: 夏枯草, 蔘蜜, 銀菊露, 酸梅湯, 可樂, 喜力, 綠茶, cream soda, 檸茶, 午後紅茶(!), 利賓納, 普洱, 水
分工(採購): kit, ak45, 烏, p, 虎和moi; (food preparation): kit, 虎, 虎嫂, 虎maid(苦妹?)
節目: 少不了洗洗切切, 飲飲食食, 說說笑笑, 問問答答, 包括厚切(魚片), 霸位(泊車, 唔該tiger), 踢波(我輸給千年蛋10:9), 沏/揸/撼車(p2-車神-公子), 据樹(log cake), xQ題...
思潮: (女) 咁多人死唔見佢死之幾多人死I及II; (陳總) 壞蛋, colloquial 暖水壺; (虎嫂) 多士爐...
討論: 益智題, 搞笑(有意)題, 搞笑(無心)題... 以女姐的最熱爆, 陳總的最開懷.

話時話, 當晚大家(包括我自己)對女姐的題目及解釋最有意見, 但我想我已想通了.

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發緊夢? anyway, 多謝哂! 還有, 說的好像是cheese, 不是ice cream...

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Sunday, December 24, 2006


節錄金石堂網上書店 -
黃巢年輕時曾多次參加科舉, 卻屢試不第, 名落孫山, 因此寫下了一首《不第後賦菊詩》以抒發心中不平之氣. 詩中充滿豪邁的英雄不羈之氣, 氣勢之大詩中罕見.
唐朝末年由於地方藩鎮割據, 朝中宦官專權, 局面日益惡化, 以致民變蜂起. 公元880年不滿現狀的黃巢率農民起義軍殺入唐朝京師『長安』, 實現了他『沖天香陣透長安,滿城盡帶黃金甲』的理想. 儘管黃巢沒能隻手摧毀唐朝, 但唐朝也在黃巢失敗後急劇崩潰, 偉大的唐帝國步入日落黃昏, 逐漸瓦解, 中國陷入了歷史上另一次的分裂動盪, 開啟了五代十國的亂世風雲.

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Christmas Eve Square

Had a very enjoyable Christmas Eve Eve. Also, 'ran into' 周潤發 twice.

Tennis in the morning, good weather. Lucky that I was not driving - found out later from the news that there was an accident that caused severe traffic jam at Lion Rock Tunnel in the morning.

Went to grab something from CitySuper before lunch. Ran into 周潤發 the first time when I was leaving. He looked the typical he - seemingly alone, he's wearing a cap, a little beard, carrying shopping bags in both hands, walking leisurely and peacefully.

Had a good and portion-just-right sushi lunch at Ocean Terminal. 蟹膏sushi was a surprise. We were also lucky to arrive before the crowd. There was a much longer queue after we agreed to be seated at order table. I think we just waited for less than 15min.

Ran to Haagen-Dazs to order a cake before movie. Didn't take long to make the decision given limited choice of those ready-to-go. At last w and myself picked a Christmas log cake, which is 'seasonal' (only available during this time of the year), and made with the rich and dense Belgian Chocolate ice cream.

Watched the Curse of the Golden Flower. hehe, this was my then 2nd encounter with 周潤發. I feel generally good for watching it . You don't have to use much brain power (which you will see very important to be reserved for the challenging dinner afterwards) given the straight-forwardness of the story but your heart. It has a lot of reflection about love, hatred, power, relationships, and of course grand and aweful scenes. Gong Li is absolutely the star, leading throughout the film. Frankly, while everybody who hasn't watched the film asked about her breasts, I paid no particular attention to them - I didn't find them awkward that worth mentioning.

At night, there was the spectacular hotpot grandprix at TigerPalace - definitely deserve separate posting(s) - coming soon...



Just now finished the papers p passed me last nite, in 10min for the pretty thin deck. Nothing interesting.
Let's see after the new year.


Friday, December 22, 2006


Great Yakitori with a, p and w @ Nanbantie, Causeway Bay
Food as good as usual, though I think they are putting on less salt and cooking to more well-done: foie gras, angus beef, lamb chop, sea eel, cod fish, ox tongue, pork wrapped asparagus roll, chicken wing, chicken soft bone, chicken skin, chicken kidney, sausage, green pepper, mushroom, eggplant, sweet potato, 稻庭烏冬, salad sticks.

a and myself finished a bottle of plum wine. Though a 'used to' drink, he must be too tired after a long day that he's drunk quite soon and didn't talk much. Anyway, thanks for bearing with us who talked quite a lot.

BTW, tiger is such a good brother to offer a a ride home. Next time, remember to spend $200, in single purchase, to be entitled to free parking at Times Square.

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坐在p2附近甚富娛樂性. 皆因不時會聽到一些令人啼笑皆非(有說令人髮指)的問題或要求.
又不知道是否敝部門陽盛陰衰, 大部份這些使人哭笑不得的無厘頭需求, 都是出諸一衆男士之口 - 奄奄悶悶, ,婆婆媽媽, 扭扭擰擰, 麻麻煩煩, 腦大生草兼而有之.

話說有一回跟千年蛋無意中提起其中一位'奄悶男', 他形客這位人兄有個"knowing grin" - 我的理解就是胸有成竹但笑不語, 好似好識好明白好有諗法咁. 想起人兄月前的無腦問題, 配以knowing grin, 搞笑效果一流. 日前又聽到他ok連連, 聽落都似"knowing ok"之流, 又想起他的"knowing grin"... 忍不住自己笑了起來.


Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Now Showing, During Call



根據阿kit的講法, 我有如此體會 -
對於那些大陸'有毒'食品, 實在不用太擔心. 要知道大陸什麼都是假的 - 連毒藥都是假的 - 睇怕毒你唔死.
不過話說回來, 起碼有一樣是真的, 假不了 - 就是'大話'.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Tiger三番四次在不同場合, 挖盡腦汁recall一些"小學生IQ題"來娛人娛己. 不三不四, 不清不楚的不在此贅(什麼公仔麵意粉豬扒負離子打起上嚟), 突然記起上回阿契媽j有一道題都頗有趣的 -

阿火柴比人扑濕咗個頭, 變咗mud嘢?

(開估: 棉花棒)



金池是大陸女歌手. 不是'歌星', 她沒有自己的歌, 唱的是所謂的'口水歌', 為發燒碟錄音.

她的聲音帶磁性, 有點沙石, 所以蒼桑(不是慘情)的歌很適合她唱, 感情自然就到. Caution: 會聽到心痛.

喜歡她唱得放, 但不吵. 雖然吸氣聲頗明顯.

在聽2隻她的碟. 有不少歌我原本不認識, 卻也沒有'尋根'的打算 -

心醉了 - 心醉了 / 黄昏 / 乾杯朋友 / 同桌的你 / 一世情缘 / 朋友 / 每一個晚上 / 共同渡過 / 用心良苦 / 明天你是否依然愛我 / 驛動的心 / 再回首 / 祝福

昨日重現 - 丁香花 / 痴心绝對 / 淚的小花 / 心在跳 / 明天我要嫁给你 / 下沙 / 有多少愛可以重來 / 情人 / 流沙 / 星晴 / 情書 / 記事本

非常喜歡當中的'黄昏'和'記事本'. 應該還有多兩三首, 但專心享受, 沒有bother是什麼歌.


Sunday, December 17, 2006


沿加連威老道走着, 到了加拿芬道交界... 眼前'豁然開朗'的, 當堂打了個'突'.
這裡... 原是什麼來的?
想了想, 是東英大廈.
她走了, 整個街角都變得很陌生.
仍記得, 小時都不時來這裡的翠園.
看到景物變遷(又禁不住要想當年的時候...), 最容易感覺到自己老了...

ps. 跟p吃gelato時, 碰到已數載沒見面的qt. 她在進軍教育出版事業, 祝成功!

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Another Saturday Tennis

Well, it's like 15c, and was raining in the early morning - there's nobody playing tennis then.

Except... coach Wai
... woo, in action...

... and moi...

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天寒地凍人山人海, 決定到九龍城外賣晚餐.
開車到福佬村道, 六時多就已經triple parking, 相信跟這裏有多間火鍋店及食肆有關.
居然發現一個'缺口'(當然不是泊車位), 心想無理由咁'筍'有個空間. 但想到自己只是來買外賣, 稍停也不為過, 便不慌不忙把車停進去.
說時遲那時快, 剛熄了匙, 便有一頭帶鴨舌帽, 全身黑衣的男子敲我窗.

(頗有禮地) "小姐, 你可唔可以停係對面."
"好快, 去買啲嘢就返嚟... 對面停唔停得ga..."
(現形) "但係你阻住我搵食喎."
嘩咁大罪名, 擔當唔起. 唯有很不情願地, 面燶燶的把車開走.

搵食? 有冇牌先? 有冇納稅先?
勞氣. 但係我又冇鴨舌帽又着到白雪雪, 發作不得.

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Saturday, December 16, 2006


下星期一是我在i-kee的6週年... 是緣是債是場夢呢?
希望係六六(祿祿)無窮啦... 雖然客觀分析未見到達標.
老老實實, 好老闆還是(曾經, 及將會?)有的.
好buddies就... aarrr... 你地話啦.


Friday, December 15, 2006


Tiger飯前飯後左左右右, 用了冇牛一虎加Helpdesk之力, 企圖修復我的"同一時間".
詳情略去也罷, 畢竟我也不懂. Anyway, 過程中令他最不解的, 是無論如何都關不掉其中一道防火牆(不知什麼時候開始, 我的機器安裝了兩個防火牆), 它無時無刻都大搖大擺的自動起動.

事出必有因. P2話齋, 做到火都嚟埋, 阿防火牆梗係要自己up & running啦.

講開firewall, 不其然想起永遠把fire-wire說成firewall的珍姐. 不知道她的大狀生活如何? 還有她的家明哥...?

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Thursday, December 14, 2006


天氣漸冷, 可喜可賀 - 實在咁先正常, 畢竟已近聖誕鐘聲.
不過, 下雨另計. 這幾天陰陰濕濕, 身心都不禁有點寒.
見到家裏的生果, 都無胃口.
所以, 要多謝tiger今日萬歲果盒.

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又到... 季選

到了5點半, castor問: 點解冇人嘅?
所以話, 答應小朋友的事, 要做得到, 因為他們肯定記得. 況且上樑不正下樑歪, 罪過罪過.




第一次和castor認真的玩Pictionary (以前只是擲擲骰, 行行棋, 抽抽卡的不算數).
她要畫的是running nose - 我估到, 最快!!


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Re 100min
Dear a. You are welcome wor. I am a big fan of A muffin in need is a muffin indeed. Let's not forget SL, the muffin messenger.

Very informative 100min.
I don't know CDC sells steamed rice. Or did you buy the vege and come with the rice? Or the other way round?
Glad to see the twins again - tiger and PSP.
It's time to make sure the SOW mentions nothing about implementation. Indeed, who says invention has to be something built in substance?
I confess the castle may not be eligible... what rules are we observing here?
Approaching end of Q4... what's the incentive(s) for nominating and/or achieving the Greatest?

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Just Another Lunch

2006.12.07 @ West Villa
2 jies

v jie's Bell and my wrist

Can't remember very well what we ordered... probably more or less the same dim-sums and snacks as usual.
One new dish pretty good though: 鮑汁鷄粒燴飯
Heard that 蕃薯糖水 was too sweet - had to add hot water to dilute it...!
Am glad that I sticked to my almond sweet soup with egg white.

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Secret Agent

2006.12.08 Man-in-Blue @ 6/F


Prince Charming

P2公子的爬地裝 - 燕尾王子衫連貼身褲...

重有凳凳凳凳... 自己睇.

... 係, 你應該無眼花. 加番把劍(唔係刀仔))就殺哂.

ps1. 其實係分開着
ps2. 其實阿公子係鍾意(1)spiderman, (2)粉紅色. 但因在市面找不到(1)+(2), 在(2)的大前題下, 唯有選了哈囉貓. 各方友好若發現(1)+(2), 請立即通知P2, 或代為入貨睇怕都無問題.


Sunday, December 10, 2006

Blog for...

A friend left me a message a couple of days ago, "for more information" on some of my postings here. This made me thinking, however briefly, what am I doing here as a blogger. Knowing that this would not be decoded so easily, nor I shall, just for record's sake -
~ well, friends do read this, should I be careful and modest about saying something, if at all?
~ well, as friends read this, should I 'compose' with professionalism and take good care of personal data privacy?
~ I believe I do not achieve a very good readability. The inconsistent use of names/nicknames/codings are for the slightest benefit of 'outsiders'. I myself understand them and could relate them perfectly well though.
~ A terrible mix of English, Chinese, slangs, pinyin, self-created-terminology et al, is a rich source of misunderstanding, if not manipulation

~ Indeed I enjoy reading others' more than writing my own
~ Indeed I enjoy reading mine too (though not as much as others) - definitely not 'cos of the writing but fond of the 'substance' itself

aarrrr... hungry. Time to move on - for breakfast.


hi ste-'l& (stěl'ə)

Stella - a latin word meaning 'star'.
Also, is a new friend I met yesterday - who is 2 days (indeed a little bit less than) younger than moi.
So, hi, Stella!

We had hotpot at a friend's house. Not severely over-config - which is rare, and encouraging.
Long-standing items: beef, pork, fishball, beefball (black pepper), squidball, fish dumpling, fish-tofu-square, crab fillet, 金菇, tofu, cabbage, turnip, udon (didn't eat at all)
More 'exotic' items: crab soup base, peepeeshrimp, dunno-what's-inside-醬爆-ball, 菜心
Drinks: beer, coke, apple jasmine
Snacks: kettle chips (bacon & sour cream), korean biscuit sticks, see's little pops
Dessert: Nil (!!!!)
Discussion: possible personal fantasies at Page One... aaarrrr...
Entertainment: magazine - eat, magazine - travel, magazine - spend, 歡樂滿東華...
Entertainment Sidetracks: Human behavior and super accounting logic (aka c9 秘笈/技) at Park'N Shop, 50min-taxi-hunting at CausewayBay...

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Saturday, December 09, 2006

All Ears

One good thing about RE-ing your house is like what Celine Dion would sing - and it's all coming back to me now!
Good things bad things good memories bad memories...
Well, let them be amplified by the powerful form of music!

Now this.
ps. RE can be renovate, rebuild, restructure, reengineer, revolt, revoke, rebell, rejuvenate, regret, retard... (you name it) 歡迎對號入坐(again).



Recently found that when I surf the blogs via my bookmarks, I intend to mistaken a's for mine - or vice versa - yet seldom happen with other blogs.
Maybe it's time to change the FACTOR.
Any good suggestion?


Friday, December 08, 2006

Long Time No Strauss

Listening to this just now. Excited!

Composer: Eduard Strauss, Johann I Strauss, Johann II Strauss, Johann II and Josef Strauss, Josef Strauss
Erich Kunzel
Cincinnati Pops Orchestra
Audio CD (October 25, 1990)
Number of Discs: 1
Label: Telarc
ASIN: B000003CTC

Johann Strauss (1825-1899)
1. Explosions Polka, Op.43
2. Im Krapfenwald'l Polka (In The Little Jelly Doughnut Woods Polka, Op.336)

3. Champagne Polka, Op.211
4. Banditen Galop, Op.378
5. On The Beautiful Blue Danube Waltz, Op.314

Johann Strauss, Sr. (1804-1849)
6. Radetzky March, Op.228

Josef Strauss (1827-1870)
7. Fire Festival Polka, Op.269

Johann Strauss
8. At The Hunt Polka, Op.373
9. Tales From The Vienna Woods Waltz, Op.325

Eduard Strauss (1835-1916)
10. Clear Track Polka, Op.45

Johann & Josef Strauss
11. Pizzicato Polka

Johann Strauss
12. Thunder And Lightning Polka, Op.324


Dialogue - All-You-Can-Talk

~ 差不多3小時(depends on if the participants were late)的飯局
~ 與會人士: 烏, 女姐, 千年蛋, a, p, tiger, v jie, and moi
~ Apology: tiger 嫂 (hmm...), ak45, among others
~ 少少over-config: 砂鍋翅, 片皮鴨, 京燒羊肉, 賽螃蟹, 山東燒鷄, 蝦子豆腐, 清炒豆苗, 高力豆沙香蕉
~ 烏: 隨時入睡, 未能精確的recall昨晚dearest love of all的戰況, 所有提問要經過三讀才有回應.
~ 女姐: 23號可能有一個比"到tiger皇宮打邊爐/BBQ更重要"的約會... 咁一定係好重要.
~ 千年蛋: 年終小結 - 起碼有1/3條數係爆. 起碼有1/3條數係零機會爆.
~ a: 30D定400D. 全晚"無不爆之秘密"的主持人/moderator.
~ p: 好一句"都無料到... 唔爆... 無嘢爆", 明年QB再見先算.
~ tiger: 心理生理狀態下滑(除了烏覺得有上滑的可能, 如髮線), 講負離子公仔麵亂哂龍, 搭火車可到泰國布吉外, 重有太陽能雪櫃...
~ v jie: 3樣新玩具壓場 - 蘋果兜亂, D40(?), 重有帶係手嘅門鐘.
~ moi: 好想有, 但係無嘢好爆.

Challenge的多, 結論的少... 下輪英雄會想必很快載譽歸來.


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Thursday, December 07, 2006

Prologue - All-You-Can-Talk

英雄帖(& reminder) from a
dear deer eaters:
reminder 1: dinner starts at 7:30pm (i will go there by myself after ITU visit)

reminder 2: although there are many celebrat'able moments (見附表... well... some are known and some are still secrets... 請各位對號入座... 歡迎自爆... 互爆... 泛爆... ), it's an AA dinner... (of course, i don't mind being treated... by anyone... or everyone... smile)

reminder 3: it's all-you-can-talk but not all-you-can-eat dinner... for health (& apperance) reasons, pls choose our food wisely... i am not too enthusiastic about self-destruction... :) Oops... it could be a wrong choice of restaurant in the first place

reminder 4: one of the 9-11 persons glittered briefly but surely yesterday and will share some special adventure & experience... you will then know what the dearest love of all is about (and understand why "dear" is synonymous to "expensive")

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Tuesday, December 05, 2006


無話可說. 真失敗.


De... Sequel

Sequel to De... (

0220 Arrived HK International Airport
0223 Called my cab - it said out of service temporarily
0224 Called my cab - it said out of service temporarily
0225 - 0230 Continued calling my cab every 20sec. - it said out of service temporarily
0231 Fed up. Gave up.
0245 Got on a cab.
0315 Home. Finally.

It was a busy night (morning?) at the airport. There were about a hundred people (my estimate) at that hour of time waiting for pick up at the carpark. Assume an average of 1.5 passengers per car, there were 60-70 cabs or limos buzzing around. Quite amazing considering the hour. Well... or maybe that was indeed normal given such hour.

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Monday, December 04, 2006






b姐個百寶大雜匯手袋... 重未計個TP袋.
咁resourceful, 咁free-form. 佩服.

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