Friday, December 01, 2006


2030 Typed in address:
2033 Blog page displayed, clicked 'Sign In'
2035 'Sign In' boxes appeared, typed to sign-in
2038 Signed in, started typing this blog entry
2041(est.) Clicked 'Publish'
2045(est.) Published, clicked 'OK/Done' and clicked 'View Blog'
2047(est.) Refreshed blog
... wait... wait... wait...

Here I am. Finished ONE piece of KFC chicken thigh ('cos no breast, and 'cos I didn't know such a show stopper was waiting for me). now awaiting the delayed CX313 to depart at 2255(est.). An estimated 1hr&55min delay. Hopefully would arrive home before 0300(est.).

Fed up. Totally. For the delay. For this retarded dial-up connection. For this lounge that s_ _ _ _.



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