Saturday, September 30, 2006


2006.09.29 (CA)

不禁又想起拉斯維加斯典型做show鐵三角 - 羽毛, 魔術, 肯肯舞. Variations 還是有的 - 與時並進也好, 新瓶舊酒也好.
好像比以前更昂貴了. 還是人比以前更"平宜"了.
況且一如以往, 沒有好運氣支持扮豪一番, 不如歸去.
Replicate了104隻emails. 連線不太順利, 只好放棄附件.

p.s. 零碎片刻尚待整理. 需時.

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Saturday, September 23, 2006

12 Hours

12 hours to go before I should be sitting on the plane.
Done 75% packing.
Time to start monitoring and playing with the seating plan.


Thursday, September 21, 2006

Too Balance

hehe, thanks t for supplementing the 2nd part of the survey result -

Let's see this interesting survey quote -
1 of 3 - Executives in a recent survey who say they spend too much time connected to work through mobile devices like BlackBerries. But three of four say that overall, constant connection improves "work-life balance".
~ FORTUNE Magazine, 25 September 2006

Interesting, isn't it? Most of the subjects found their work-life balance is improved while they spend too much time connected to work?
aarrr... maybe the baseline is really low, so there is always room for improvement... hohohooo

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Butterfingers & Brooks Bros

Disclaimer: NOT an advertisement
My dear cup of coffee slipped off my fingers yesterday morning, so my shirt (light purple in color) my pants (light beige in color) were drown with the aromatic brownish fluid.
After washing a little in the washroom, I found that there was no (hand) dryer to dry my now water-dripping clothes. Sorry Mr Globe, I had to use quite some paper towels to pat and squeeze like hell or I definitely would have caught a cold.

The cleansing was very successful. No stain stayed, and not a winkle observed. I think it is also because of the goodness of the tightly but smoothly knitted fabric of the shirt and pants from Brooks Brothers.
Happy. Until I stained my shirt again with some red pepper sauce for dinner.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006


今天, 2006年9月19日, 天尚算晴, 地面乾爽.

早上, 瘦虎為Down7的兄弟姊妹滴了血 -
他在受了兩個會議被取消的打擊下, 決定親自"下廚", 為大伙兒準備他遠道從Cambodia帶回來的咖啡. 誰不知那個用來滴漏咖啡的器具的造工相當粗糙, "披口"鋒利非常, 他的食指因而掛彩, 更換了3, 4塊藥水膠布才停止出血. 辛苦晒!

中午, 得知s今早爬了街 -
s, 女, w 共進午餐, 見s手肘貼上了一大塊膠布, 手掌也有擦傷. 原來她今早晨運時因整理hands-free(!)分了神, 給路上突起的異物跘倒了. 幸而後有有心人幫她"從新站起來".

晚上, 得知今早又係爬了街 -"出晒血"話.
話說她今天穿了新褲子, 闊闊的褲腳, 很是飄逸有型. 可是有型反被有型誤, 這雙飄飄的褲腳就纏住了她的尖頭鞋... 噼啪一聲, 新褲子就報消了, 膝蓋位置穿了一個大洞, 而真的膝蓋當然也不能幸免地"穿了". 終於, 她不能回公司, 幫襯了醫生, 打了破傷風針, 然後work from home. 到此田地, 我唯一可給她的advice 就是打電話問問Amex可不可以claim product (褲子) damaged in accident.


Saturday, September 16, 2006

Jackpot Alumni

Had breakfast at Jackpot. Saw a leaflet stand next to cashier promoting CUHK sort of alumni organization in BJ. There's a contact email too.



One week to go before vacation.
Quite a lot of (in terms of complexity, not indeed quantity - lucky!?) work to be finished.
Lately, quite bothered myself with some self-introduced/others-actuated/interwining ideas.
Maybe time for a change.


Global Calling Card

a SMS asking the local service no. for our calling card. oh, so I assume he's not in HK.
Anyway, I replied with what I know - but he said didn't work. oh well, not surprised.
There are 2 local service numbers but I haven't figured out which number works in what circumstances. or good chance that both do not work when you need them the most.
And, inconsistent trials and errors do not help.


Friday, September 15, 2006



Wednesday, September 13, 2006


dear executive t, according to a survey quoted by Fortune magazine, 1/3 Blackberry executives said they are indulged in the gadget. so watch out - don't think your honey r, if not others, would appreciate that.

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Monday, September 11, 2006

Soccer Ball Again

Some time ago, we had some minor discussions on 'soccer-ball'.

Just now, watching a dunno-what-movie at HBO, heard such dialogue (sort of) -
"Although you teach romantic poetry... you are as romantic as a soccer ball...!"

See, seems that it's indeed called a 'soccer ball'...



Disclaimer -

Firstly, don't read that as if I'm a big fan of KFC. I am not paid.
Secondly, I used left/right/left/right with appropriate "directional landmark" to associate with the directions. It also serves good purpose in validating what has been communicated.
Thirdly, it maybe true that N/S/E/W is the 'best' way to DESCRIBE, but maynot be the best way to be UNDERSTOOD. Talking about being 'the best', it's all about customer requirement and satisfaction.
Fourthly, because of this, I spared a a pleasant break and relieve from (s)he-who-must-not-be-named. How nice!

Having said that... thanks a! For your time and the everything's-now-clear-drawing.
And, you successfully deterred me from going to that KFC, by telling that it would take 20min.


5 Years

A few more hours to go... to those moments 5 years ago.

That night, we were gathering at t's room to play some bridge as usual.

I arrived first... as usual watching TV while waiting.


So I stared harder trying to figure out what's that news... the reportings were kind of confusing.

Suddenly there showed a low-flying plane, going behind one of the twin towers.

I was wrong - it's not going 'behind'. Smokes coming out... it hit the tower.

"...what?? unbelievable... what am I getting at..." I thought, and probably murmured something to t.

Others joint us in the room. Not many conversations.

And then the Pentagon. and more news... outside Penn.

Then we remembered our US folks - some of them were here for the project, but their friends and families... t made some calls.

Forgot when and how we got back to our rooms.

So 5 years. Multiple incidents - nature's call or man-made. What is the world the life we're heading to?


Friday, September 08, 2006

Goodbye Wallpaper

Goodbye to Bean's Tiny Toons...

Goodbye to my starstar moonmoon sunsun...

Will paint the walls instead. 真孤陋寡聞, paints and patterns by paint now are very fancy.



My temporary 竇 for the time being


Hell Where

Intelligent Unit

btw, Dilbert once had a screensaver - in search of intelligence. Guess how much intelligence can be spotted at conference room? hehe...


Thursday, September 07, 2006


新老闆話: 唔係話過程唔重要... 但係結果係重要... (!)


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Feast of Fury

Monday -
Celebrate a's re-scheduled bday

- endorsed by a, 25 Aug 2006

Tuesday -
Prelude/Rehearsal of f's "goodbye HBS" feast

Wednesday -
Peking duck to celebrate f's "goodbye HBS"

Thursday -
Boss chen called for a French private kitchen dinner to celebrate w's and a's bdays. It will be a memorable and BIG feast - every one of us would have received a 10MB menu from boss chen to start with...

Friday -
What's next...?

No wonder a has to call time-out to the 'lifetime career' this week - to be continued next week.

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Tuesday, September 05, 2006


今早開拖, 狀態原是不俗. 不知怎的到了下午'生意淡泊', 身心反而累得有點離譜.
畢竟Down7今天難得人齊, 總得記一記.
~ 敝公司的expense claim再獻新猷, 齊聲一唉. 莫非要用的workaround?
~ 姐的豪門午宴原定今天舉行, 但a, 虎, pn, 萍相繼有公/私務纏身, 唯有順延至明天.
~ 飯還是要吃, 於是跟女, wa 到王家沙點了四人餐飽餐一頓, 滿載而歸. 談及bilingual 的Pictionary - 如有發現, 請通知姐.
~ 到百老匯運吉. 觸碰了傳說中的N73, 及遠觀了5D. 前者身價4千多(或0機價!)已(將)成為家標準裝備; 後者則是a午夜加白日夢迴時, 準備向超鑽會宣佈的新驚喜, 價值2萬3千多, 據聞重有折...!
~ a 話/ 今晚 / 想 / 與client / 去游水...!
~ 拍了Down7全家'福'
~ apn之間的咖啡風雲因蝦條生果盤的關係暫時得以舒緩.
~ 西裝骨骨的千年蛋與我們分享了他從上海帶回來的Belgian(!)餅餅, 榮幸榮幸
~ 明天開始放假一大週(or more?), 祝愉快! 記住記住帶手信回來.


Monday, September 04, 2006

Being Shirley on Stage

For some reasons, watched Shirley Kwan's latest concert DVD again today - still love it. She's one of my favourite.
Frankly she didn't sing 'perfect' especially in the beginning and she's quite serious and nervous and - speechless. But I like her style. I dare not say I like her character, as if I 'know' what's hers. I think she is one of the few that doesn't really embrace 'fame' in the entertainment business. And, being a single mother is one of the hardest job.
I enjoyed the concert tremendously... can't forget how I was touched and sang along with thousands of audience in the stadium that night.


Sunday, September 03, 2006


Renovation at my home will be starting tomorrow, so have been quite busy packing up and moving things away. Dad rented a place nearby so that we will move away for about 2 months, together with many of our 身外物.
Came to the rented place early this morning, tried to clean up a little bit but then found that it was not as messy (and massive) as I would imagine - given I packed only a "reasonable" portion of things to bring along. And basically my clothes are yet to arrive.
Then came an important task - get connected. I was a little nervous as this would be the first time I do the 'wiring' myself. If I had packed the equipments myself, I definitely would NOT detach any of the connections and leave the boxes in a 'loop'. Unfortunately, I didn't do it quick enough before my dad dismantled the 'network' completely. Anyway, from a pool of device, ACs, cables and whatever, I picked up the modem, BUFFALO AirStation, a couple of cables, ACs and did the little operation to connect the nerves...
Not without worry I switched on the power, as if they would explode... and BINGO! I did it right the very first attempt!

Now I'm happy.
... and today will see more packing and moving and unpacking...


Friday, September 01, 2006

3 Years

Congratulations to p ! (
Didn't notice it's been 3 years... time flies.
