Monday, September 11, 2006


Disclaimer -

Firstly, don't read that as if I'm a big fan of KFC. I am not paid.
Secondly, I used left/right/left/right with appropriate "directional landmark" to associate with the directions. It also serves good purpose in validating what has been communicated.
Thirdly, it maybe true that N/S/E/W is the 'best' way to DESCRIBE, but maynot be the best way to be UNDERSTOOD. Talking about being 'the best', it's all about customer requirement and satisfaction.
Fourthly, because of this, I spared a a pleasant break and relieve from (s)he-who-must-not-be-named. How nice!

Having said that... thanks a! For your time and the everything's-now-clear-drawing.
And, you successfully deterred me from going to that KFC, by telling that it would take 20min.



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