Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Blissful Ending

It reads:
Farewell, Thank You and All the Best!
Wednesday, 28th of May, 2008 will conclude the final chapter of our endearing Pantry.
天下無不散之筵席. 別了, 珍重!
As boss said, it seems just yesterday when we had the Pantry opening party. I'm so proud to be witnessing its journey, having the chances to mess up the counter, the kitchen and even the POS; and most importantly taking advantages of the great mission and ideas of ES and AC. Thank you, and all the best.

Was, the making of -
my take -
a's take -

I told Bean that today is last day for Pantry but forgot to mention that it would serve only till lunch. Turn out she's too busy to go down herself so she ordered delivery. It was 3-ish almost 4 and a lady in suit came to deliver. Just wonder who this lady friend is - would be a farewelling friend who helped one of Pantry's last delivery?

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Sunday, May 18, 2008


Dad just came back from Suisse yesterday afternoon, but he didn't miss the big news in Sichuan.
There are 17 Sichuan workers in his China plant and all had their homes gone in the earthquake, while status of their families are far from clear.
Dad has instructed to give out special funds to these workers and provide a 1:3 matching-fund on money raised among the staff. And there will be some 'requests' from the local/provincial government too.
During our usual Sunday dim sum this morning, he kept on saying that human is so vulnerable at the mercy of the nature & 人生無常.
Let's do whatever we can. The fight would not be short and sweet.

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Zero-Sum Game

又清倉. 掘出這張照片. 在地鐵列車上.
話說某天下班時份在公司附近的街頭, 見人人手拿一罐 coke zero, 站在地鐵站外, 垃圾筒旁邊, 大口大口的喝着, 場面壯觀. 還有幾位鋁罐回收婆婆在密密"入袋", 大有收穫.
原來有推廣大派 coke zero - 仲係幫你開埋嗰隻, 唔飲唔得. 即時會心微笑 - 高招.
可惜自己不是 coke人, 又趕時間, 耍手擰頭無福消受.

衝入車廂, 前面的太太在喝着 coke zero, 心想 "eating or drinking is not allowed after entering the gate..."的時候, 她一個箭步加左右開踭, 就 sip 了個座位, 才發現原來她 "又食又leg", 真捧場.
原本以為她很快會下車, 畢竟手持兩罐汽水在車廂中人群中穿梭應屬競技遊戲一類, 不宜持久戰跑長途, 況且若要為親朋好友送上窩心飲料如 coke(有此假設皆因阿太太其實冇點飲過), 夠汽夠凍方為上品. 誰料阿太太一路坐一路坐足足6個站到金鐘才下車, 中途打了幾個電話, 還要接力隨人潮到對面月台轉車... 別忘記她還拿着起碼一個手袋和一個膠袋, 有相為証. 真有心.

用小小糖水做甜頭就幫你飲到開巷仲跑埋半個香港. 哩個廣告, 真抵賣.
香港人, 真抵得諗.

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Monday, May 05, 2008

To Whom It May Concern

Thanks for all the regards (and intellectual/gossipy curiosity alike) sent through re my once-in-a-life-time incident.
I'm intact. And lessons well learnt :)

2Q is always an expensive quarter personally:
Mom's birthday, Mother's Day;
Dad's birthday, Father's Day;
Mom & Dad's anniversary;
2nd tax instalment.
and this year with this once-in-a-life-time incident.

So I'd better skip fancy and unfunctional get-togethers in the days to come... :)

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Sunday, May 04, 2008


話口未完, 今日輪到自己小炒.
唉. 失敗. 是自己大意了. 還有不耐煩的性格缺憾.
是出道多年來第一次交通意外. Touch-wood.
細燈飛彈了出來 (相信是在撞擊之下受擠壓彈出), 有關部位碰花撞歪更不用說.
人地架坐駕初步報價大約3千個大洋, 未計人人地架坐駕.
一腳值千金. 希望是破財擋災吧.
以後要打醒精神, 加倍小心.

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Saturday, May 03, 2008

What Color is it

Watched and read the news about the torch relay yesterday.
Could only say I'm far from delighted.
Not to the 'show' itself which was quite a joke, but the various responses observed.
Can't take it easy, man.
It could be a big deal, that matters.


Thursday, May 01, 2008

車剛驗好, 油換好迫力皮換好, 泵把噴好, 便吩咐把車開回來, 殊不知...
就碰花了. 在泊車的時候.
不是很嚴重. 就是赤赤痛吧了.

自首時, 一直躲在背後. 一口氣說完了, 就大喊一聲 "好緊張呀...!!"
hahahaaaaa, 嗰種心情我好明白, 曾幾何時我都係咁. 有次講完個心仲係唔舒服, 第日再 email 爸 say sorry... 真瘀. reply 話真係唔緊要, 個心先好過啲.
Anyway, 下次小心啲嘞.
要佩服和多謝多年來給予我們的信心和包容, 架架車都俾我(地)舞到呢... 數下數下原來都已經有6架.

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一直以來, 爸媽在家中開"長輩派對"的台柱 couples 有4, 男一枱女一枱麻雀耍樂永冇走雞.
今晚從媽口中得知 status quo 有變, 原定下個週末的母親節曼谷之旅(大人party細路冇份)也泡湯了.
