Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Book of Answers

hh mentioned a friend who possesses an impressive 6th-sense, who is able to read your mind and give advice by looking at your drawings, and your face.

These remind me of The Book of Answers (
This is how:
Hold the book closed in your hands and concentrate on your question for a few seconds. While visualizing or speaking your question, place one palm down on the book's front and stroke the edge of the pages back to front. When you sense the time is right, open to the page your fingers landed on and there is your answer.

aaahhhhaaaaaaaaaaa! Easy, say you (I would too). As long as the 'answers' are written in ways that open to interpretation, thus exploitation. But guess what - years ago I did ask a question and it gave me 3 letters only... 'YES'. I was impressed at that moment!

Come to think of it - there is no such thing as dumb answer but dumb question. Asking the right question is always an art.


Yesterday Once More

2007.06.29 @ Chater Lounge, Ritz Carlton
Have been liking the ambience, and the mystical effect of the smoky cigars.

Good singing performance as usual. Shouldn't be stingy about showing appreciation.
Still remember the good old days bad old days when "Miss Saigon" was singing there...

ps When we were leaving, I gave out a big *sigh in the elevator - couldn't help but felt so sick and tired hearing those bean-counting "biz talks" of the people just entered. 奄悶非常.

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Drink Eat Man Woman

2007.06.28 Dinner @ Inaho Tei

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都話. 勉強冇幸福. 今朝打咗兩大板就 binglingbunlun 落到呢...

波打唔成, 去咗買CD同魚蛋.



omg 居然有波打... aiya 煲緊書唔想停添...


Friday, June 29, 2007

When an Apple is Born

Love the lit-up green apple when it's 'turned-on'.
Thanks v-jie and v-jie-bro.

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Thursday, June 28, 2007


i'm Not a pLaSTiC BaG 定係 iPhone
係嘅話, 而家好去啦.
尤其 iPhone, 要去NY.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2007




Tokyo 2007 Snap Shot - BigEater 天一

今半(和牛店)以外另一間5年前一吃傾心, 以後每次都會來的天婦羅店 - 天一
上好的天婦羅固然不油不膩, 裏在外是賞心的淡黃, 緊緊的纏着食材, 絕不可以賤肉橫生. 它的鬆化是溫柔不霸道的, 可不是"脆"這回事, 更帶點薄薄軟糯的咬頭; 燙口的材料炸得火候剛好, 原味原汁101%保存.

架生與兩種不同的海蝦. 蝦頭極香口鬆化無渣.

鮎魚, 釀冬菇, 鮮魷, 銀杏.

鰻魚(與師傅送的小紙天鵝), 露筍. 鰻魚開4, 師傅示意頭兩件要醮咖哩粉加鹽, 近尾的兩件要醮蘿蔔汁.

青椒, 小蝦餅. 小蝦餅是最後一道, 本以為已經很飽, 但咬下去實在鮮味非常, 飽意全消, japjapjap幹掉.

吃的是師傅的誠意和功夫, 沒有fancy貴重的材料, 卻是旅程中最花費的一餐 17,000yen (HK$1,100) 兩位, 無飲品.



有人忘記帶毛毛球. 確定情報屬實後, hh和我向前場波人誠懇有加地要求出讓毛毛球, 卻仍被'腰'咗兩咀.
好明顯由於當時人動感太強, 鬆郁矇在所難免.
左攻右. 右攻左. 後排攻擊. 2.5. 人釘人... 都冇.

kp未撲蝶先抽筋. 先抽右腳後抽左. 有報導指可能與先前老趙的炒通菜有關. 最後都能勇戰10分鐘. (查實係'波鞋不能症', 完場後換回高踭鞋就一天都光晒, 直情健步如飛如履平地, 佩服佩服.)
簡直係激戰連場, 人地. 我呢, 就只在場邊監督. 識我多年的老友都知我最怕昆蟲, 撲蝶當然非我杯茶.
(實情係, 我冇帶裝備. 曾經豁出去著住loafer揮幾板, 但係比駐場嬸嬸發現. 佢話小姐你嗰對唔係運動鞋嚟... 咁我就賴皮幾句話晏晝我都係著佢嚟跑來跑去. hehe, 咁嬸嬸都好好人事, 話下次帶對鞋先玩啦. 哦, 知道.
話時話, 我對loafer肯定pro過白飯魚甚至converse, 咁都唔得.)
之後去糖朝. 飲完西瓜走杭菊汁, 勁甜桂花荔枝蜜後, 來一桶滑滑豆腐花.
大大話話等咗桶豆腐花30分鐘, 幸好水準不俗, 條氣都順啲. 4(!!)個人每人兩碗有多.
其實不太明白為什麼要是"顧客點菜". 無新意也無意義. 是application default 吧, 為何不 customize / personalize 呢.


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

History Repeats Itself

The management rationale


Where You From?

No.1!! No wonder w is so peaceful... hohohoo
Also, California has 5 least violent cities out of 10. Maybe sun and beaches, if not Silicon Valley, do help.

Least violent cities in the US (violent crimes per 1,000 people)
1. Irvine, Calif. (0.7)
2. Amherst, N.Y. (1.1)
3. Cary, N.C. (1.2)
4. Gilbert, Ariz. (1.4)
5. Sunnyvale, Calif. (1.4)
6. Provo, Utah (1.4)
7. Thousand Oaks, Calif. (1.5)
8. Bellevue, Wash. (1.5)
9. Simi Valley, Calif. (1.7)
10. Santa Clara. Calif. (1.7)

Most violent cities in the US (violent crimes per 1,000 people)
1. Flint, Mich. (26.0)
2. St. Louis, Mo. (24.8)
3. Detroit (24.2)
4. Memphis, Tenn. (19.9)
5. Orlando, Fla. (19.8)
6. Oakland, Calif. (19.0)
7. Miami Gardens, Fla. (18.5)
8. Little Rock, Ark. (17.5)
9. Baltimore (17.0)
10. Philadelphia (15.6)

Source: FBI
Note: Violent crimes include murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault. Data available for 245 cities (with a population of at least 100,000), does not include cities in Alaska, Illinois, Minnesota and South Dakota.


Godiva Ice Cream

夏日炎炎, 唔講東京住... 講下雪糕先.
今晚吃了Godiva雪糕. 老實說不怎感動, 尤其$39一小杯(125ml)?
朱古力味不俗是"應該"的. 質感也正常的滑溜. 就是沒有那種creamy的richness, 及silky得來有質感的感覺.

看看杯上字仔講什麼東東... "imported and marketed by Godiva... from Rolland..."
哦, 基本上呢, 係OEM, 由以下這間世界第3大(沒有definition, 產量?), 有99年歷史的法國雪糕製造商負責. 它的website 當然有 highlight 做 'private label'.
不懷疑它的雪糕專業... 但係點講呢... 更覺不值$39.


Monday, June 25, 2007

Tokyo 2007 Snap Shot - BigEater Satou

Very good price-performance choice of 松阪牛 lunch @ Satou (near 吉祥寺)

在這窄窄的樓梯排隊, 客人上上落落都要側晒身.
樓下一邊賣生牛, 雪花超靚, 有些要5,000+yen (HK$350+) /100g; 另一邊炸牛肉餅(混有洋蔥), 據聞超juicy超好味, 人龍當然長長的.

主角松板牛, 剛好的marbling, lunch set 每份盛惠2,100yen (HK$140), 超值! 晚餐要double有多(5,250yen).

包沙律, 烏龍茶(或橙汁或紅酒)

所有煮食就在這窄窄的open kitchen


Mac for the Innocent

Right here waiting for you... yeah!


Sunday, June 24, 2007


2007.06.24 @ 南蠻亭 w/爸媽豆
係日本冇食yakitori, 番嚟先食. 今晚上菜較慢, 據聞有1/4爐火壞咗.
燒: 都係各式各樣牛羊雞魚蝦菜咁.

酒: 啤啤佢兩大Asahi (一支經理哥哥送).
主要跟爸豆分享, 媽'係咁意'飲兩啖. 再飲不能, 冇司機.

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Sensibly Grateful

From Verbatim, TIME Magazine, 11 June 2007
"The chance for a kidney for the contestants is 33%. This is much higher than that for people on a waiting list."
~ Laurens Drillich, chairman of Dutch broadcaster BNN, defending a new reality-TV show in which three contestants vie for the kidneys of a terminally ill woman.

ps. the show is called The Big Donor Show
ps2. this Netherlands' controversial show turned out to be a publicity stunt to raise awareness about organ donation.


What the Hell

Disclaimer: Though I'm not even close to like Teletubbies in any sense, this is totally absurd.
From Verbatim, TIME Magazine, 11 June 2007
"I noticed [Tinky Winky] has a lady's purse, but I didn't realize he's a boy."
~ Eaw Sowinska, Poland's government-appointed children's rights watchdog, announcing plans to investigate whether the Teletubbies promote homosexuality. The plan was dropped a day later.

Also read from BBC: Gay Tinky Winky bad for children
Remind me of HK's 明光社et al... BS


Saturday, June 23, 2007

Tokyo 2007 Snap Shot - BigEater 今半

食食食第一站 - 人形町今半. 食黑毛和牛.
自從5年前第1次"邂逅", 以後每次到東京都會幫襯.

btw, 香港的CitySuper有賣今半的醬汁, 就在牛扒櫃那裡.

14號枱, 攞牌仔去cashier埋單. 兩個人盛惠約15,000yen(HK$1,000)無飲品.
如果時間可以, lunch有special會比較化算 (不過未試過, 不知道水準是否一樣).

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打完波, 阿里巴巴... 與40大度(盜).
豆新玩具. 係咩呢? Safe? 另類特殊打字機? 密碼電報器?
查實係Accordion一大隻. 話唔定我地兩姊妹以後可以咁搵食, 到時多多捧場.

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Thursday, June 21, 2007


龍舟節嗰日仲喺東京, 無緣現場欣賞之龍舟體驗. 不過爸媽都有撐場(1 out of 3 races), yeah!
是日赤柱停車場攞正牌搶錢, 露天爛地收$40一粒鐘. 幸好他們晨咁早就到, 泊到無咁"屈元"嘅屋苑停車場.

Q1: 豆喺邊呢?

Q2: 豆又喺邊呢?

Q3: 豆會喺邊呢?

Q4: 究竟係邊隊呢?
溫馨提示1, 豆公司翌日之 internal communication 恭喜並答謝隊伍的"好成績", 話 "We are able to beat a few teams" 云云...
溫馨提示2, 肯定不是AIA, 雖然槳係AIA sponsor(全世界都係).

(1) 打鼓嗰個. 但因鼓聲跟其他亂作一團, 要同時大喊大數 one-two-three-four-five-six-seven-eight-nine-ten (覺得數one to ten 個 rhythm好怪, 但係佢地 training 係咁喎)
(2) 尾二嗰個 (左二)
(3) 都係尾二嗰個 (右二)
(4) 單位數

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Tokyo 2007 Snap Shot - Pick Me Up

全Picks福: 上面四個是此行的收獲, 下面兩個是用開的.
