Wednesday, May 30, 2007


m哥哥問入機場的事, 順道告訴他我近來不用飛.
"咪好囉, 呌下" 佢話.
係囉. 就咁. 唯有.

ps. a兄bull-fight回來. 手信呢? Conference 嘅唔算.



Today, someone told me that I'm stubborn, in a nice way - "not easy to (be) convince(d)"
uurrrrrrhhhhhhh...??? maybe yes, if that's about 5-dull-rice.
So it adds on artistic = temperamental?
Don't know who's more in(con)vincible.


Sempé Too



Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Dehumidifying my books... and here are (& the only cartoons I own)...
My 1st and favourite Sempé

and this one...

and the Le petit Nicolas series...
and more... (thanks bean for bringing them back when she exchanged in Loire Valley, France)



聽了幾轉Mika, 怕太hyper睡不了, 是時候過過冷河.

Like the #3 'Double' very much. David played with his son Igor. Intersting chemistry.

Bach, Brahms, Tchaikovsky: Violin Concertos / Beethoven: Romances
David Oistrakh with Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra,
Sir Eugene Goosens, Georg Fischer, George Malcolm, Franz Konwitschny, Dresden Staatskapelle, Igor Oistrakh
1. J.S. Bach: Concerto for violin, strings & continuo No. 1 in A minor, BWV 1041
2. J.S. Bach: Concerto for violin, strings & continuo No. 2 in E major, BWV 1042
3. J.S. Bach: Concerto for 2 violins & strings in D minor ("Double"), BWV 1043
4. Beethoven: Romance for violin & orchestra No. 1 in G major, Op. 40
5. Beethoven: Romance for violin & orchestra No. 2 in F major, Op. 50
6. Johannes Brahms: V
iolin Concerto in D major, Op. 77
7. Tchaikovsky: Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 35


Monday, May 28, 2007

I Wanna be a Good Citizen

... yet, maybe we all are trying too hard
and, how could I forget the project I've done with this authority...

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Sunday, May 27, 2007

Heavenly 325

Per conversation with hh

Little Prince is not dead.
He has learnt from the Geographer that flowers do not last forever, and he begins to miss the rose he has left behind. Though on Earth, he found a rose garden which confused him - he thought that his rose is the only rose.
But then, the Fox enlightened him that his love for his rose makes her unique and he is therefore responsible for the relationship.
So it's time for him to return to home-sweet-home Asteroid 325, where his beloved rose is.

At least that's what I would have believed.

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Now Playing Stuck in the Middle

Particularly like the opening dd dd ddt dtdt dd dd ddt dtdt d... chords

Stuck in the Middle

I sit and think about the day that you gonna die
os your wrinkled eyes betrayed the joy with which you smiled
Care to see my reason?
Care to put your life in mine?
Looking at life from the perspective of a boy
Who learnt to love you but has also learned to grow
Could we make it better, stormy weather
So I dunno
Oh, oh, oh ? Is there anybody home?
Who l believe me, won't deceive me, won't try to change me?
Ah, ah, ah ? Is there anybody home?
Who wants to have me, just to love me?
Stuck in the middle
I look at you, You look at me
We bite each other
And with your better words you kick me in the gutter
But my troops are bigger than yours
os you'l never stand my fight
Ours is a family that based upon tradition
But with my careless words I tread upon your vision
Are five kids better than one, who busy like to be gone?
This is to my name,This ain't a pretty plan to break your heart of me
I know that what I started means that when we have parted
I can live in all this (stench?).
Oh, oh, oh ? Is there anybody home?
Who'll believe me, won't deceive me, who'll try to teach me?
Ah, ah, ah ? Is there anybody home?
Who wants to have me, just to love me?
Stuck in the middle, Stuck in the middle
Stuck in the middle, Stuck in the middle


Saturday, May 26, 2007


今朝打波熱到癲. 曬不特止, 嗰種悶氣迫人來, 簡直殺人於無形.
一上車, thermo讀到34.5度. (咁少?)
Anyways, 好戲在後頭.
走完獅子山隧道, 讀到40.5度.
嘩, 真係焗得熟. Medium rare 啱冇?

ps 難怪今日酷熱警告



2007.05.23 @ HKCEC
這張入場劵(其實是2張), 花了我萬七個大洋有多.
還有ph, kp的學費, 有數的電話會議, email及有關的人力物力, 終於在驚濤駭浪之下大功告成. 多謝!
坐第4行, yeah!

表演精彩, 可惜短了一點(我是貪心的)
~ Superwoman [曹格]
~ 三七二十一 [曹格]
~ Acoustic 光明會 (Yingcfoo mix) [何韻詩]
~ Acoustic 喜歡喜歡你 [何韻詩]

~ Acoustic Shampoo [何韻詩]
~ Acoustic 天使藍 [何韻詩]
~ Acoustic 千千萬萬個我 [何韻詩]
~ 濛 [何韻詩] (原唱: Juno)

~ 第三身 [何韻詩 & Juno]
~ 左面 [Juno]
~ 大愛 [何韻詩] (原唱: 許志安)
~ 愛愛愛 [何韻詩 & 方大同]
~ 歌手與模特兒 [方大同]
~ 寧願晏啲瞓 [何韻詩 & 張繼聰]
~ 勞斯萊斯 [何韻詩 & 張繼聰]
~ Good Luck [張繼聰]
~ 小王子 [何韻詩] (原唱: 黃耀明)
~ 艷光四射 [何韻詩 & 黃耀明]
~ 光明會 [黃耀明] (原唱: 何韻詩)
~ 永恆 [黃耀明]
~ 幽默感 [何韻詩]
~ 花見 [何韻詩]
~ 勁愛你 [何韻詩]
~ 光明會 (dafreak mix) [何韻詩
從來不知道"大愛"這首歌, 當時Hocc只介紹是方大同作曲. 她唱得很好, 聽着呆了.
曹格好唱得. 方大同也是.
黃耀明是一貫的水準, 一貫的'熱情'.

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Office 必備

頭痛孖寶, 有冇用都好.
奄悶冇譜, 瞓一覺最好.
若然瞓唔到, 晨運打機打碟睇書擦餐冇嘮叨.

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原本跟媽咪去做阿四, 但因附近停車場都誇張爆滿, 唯有先放下她慢慢逛, 我就承機兜來兜去, 最後把車泊了在somewhere 的錶位.
走到久違了的百老匯電影中心. 可能時間關係(大約中午), 人流相當稀少, 不其然覺得有點可惜.


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2007.04.05 Easter lunch @ Sushi Imamaru
聽日無得食, 唯有望相止渴.

2007.05.11 蛋哥千年加一午宴
一行7人5個pizza: Florentina, Parma, Margherita (x2), Mushroom; 2大Salad: Chicken Caesar, Nostrana.

2007.05.18 @ Nanbantei TST
最喜愛的其中一間餐館, TST店闊落得多.
那天傾盆大雨. 飯後糖朝新鋪hea一hea, 正.





嗱嗱嗱, 豆買ga jar. Hot cocoa 未開, 近來實在太熱. 其他(72%, pralines, choco dipped dried mango)就... byebye.

新產品. Darp落有粉. 個人認為維記特濃稍勝.

點解瘦虎可以長命 conf call 講不停? 睇怕都係"出外靠朋友, 在call靠'口立濕'". 鳴謝九製mudmud, 脆肉乾, vitamin C, 還有逃過鏡頭的香蕉糕, 光酥餅, 黑加侖子糖, 當然還有 latte. 真係唔係親眼見都唔知阿瘦虎啲snack咁... 有傳統美.


Friday, May 25, 2007

Bundling at its Best

據聞... 內部認購鄭秀文演唱會 @ $880.
皆因原本$480 飛comes with (not free but to be paid) $400 張偉文飛.



Thursday, May 24, 2007

thanks p



嗱嗱嗱, 仲好意思叫我唔好妒忌?! 刻薄啊

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Once upon a time... 有人話...

聞名不如見面之雞蛋仔 @ 太(泰?)安(?)樓...
... 我忍

(玉照玉手由 阿福@666 提供)
究竟紙袋上的窿窿是現成可供procure的還是user自己用, say, 打窿機打成的?

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冇嘢, 都係青春累事.
今日晨早飲咗清熱酷, 晚飯後食咗楊桃, 睇下點.
(雖然in-between 飲咗兩次咖啡...)



Have underestimated the challenge of having small hands - thought would be doing fine with the acquired nimbleness and strength after years on the blacks-and-whites.
A different set of muscles have to be involved. Of course at the minimum it's about accurately hitting the right spots, yet with the added challenge of holding, balancing the instrument and your body at the same time with the same hand at a large extent. Twist of wrist could help and/or constrain whatever intended to do on movements and strength.
hmm... one step at a time. Interesting.


Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Life in Cartoon Motion

Mika - Life in Cartoon Motion

Thanks Sym for sharing this with me. Happy listening
It's fun, flamboyant, easy-listening, though a little low in substance, hohohooo
1. Grace Kelly
2. Lollipop
3. My Interpretation
4. Love Today
5. Relax (Take it Easy)
6. Any Other World
7. Billy Brown
8. Big Girl (You are Beautiful)
9. Stuck in the Middle
10. Happy Ending
(Hidden Track) Over My Shoulder


Monday, May 21, 2007


咪仔sir今朝突然IM彈出嚟, 以為佢又念念不忘我隻SG. 哦, 原來係問我熟唔熟 counterpoint harmony, 佢下星期要大戰 APA 個 panel 咁話(其實佢就想大戰, 係比人打至啱). 嘩, 深嘢嚟.
我啲theory真係比番晒有凸好多年, 仲要冇mud慧根, 唯有比咗一個等如冇比嘅提議 – 狂煲 Fugue 睇睇會唔會ding一聲. 佢都好無奈咁話唯有睇多啲 Bach 點搞.
其實唔一定去到咁遠古, 有音樂就有, 當然pop都有, 但真係諗唔起.
不如介紹佢睇下 De-Mystifying Tonal Counterpoint or How to Overcome Your Fear of Composing Counterpoint Exercises, by Christopher Dylan Bailey, Columbia University. 重點係 OVERCOME your FEAR!!

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Friday, May 18, 2007


聽着你(可能)面對的"新挑戰(釁?)", 只能說一句隨遇而安.
粗俗一點, 就是"煮到嚟就食囉". 畢竟你在明他在暗.
沉默不是發脾氣, 只是真的不懂反應. 尤其對手似乎非癲即傻.
不要想他/它了. 先算.


Thursday, May 17, 2007


隨陳總和e到上環永吉街的麥奀記(忠記)吃雲吞麵, 發現了在它隔壁的波斯富唱片公司.
Classical 的選擇頗多, 分類也整齊, 而且價錢十分合理, 我想有些"老"碟並無與時並進加價, 所以比我以前買落的還要平一點. 該店還有少量黑膠碟, 可碰碰運氣尋尋寶.
在掙扎要不要買ASM的Mozart Sonatas... 盛惠$288... hmm...
還是買Recital 2000...
還是買David Oistrakh的Brahms...
還是買Rostropovich 的DVDs...

I'll be BACK!!

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Now Playing 愛的教育

Free seating. 隨便入座.

唱: 梅艷芳
曲: 黃丹儀
詞: 黃偉文
編: 英師傅 for double c music group

當我一歲 為我解釋感情
以你熱戀的經驗 舉個例証
靈慾那麼無形 人類那麼難明
若你懂 願你給我說清

愛與不愛 問你怎麼肯定
哄騙自己的謊話 怎去辯證
還是你需要愛 才自覺經已在戀愛
合眼晴 就當夢遊仙境

雙手擁抱過 咀巴親吻過
想不起如何 講不出為何
就算設法証實 曾是刻骨銘心的愛過
教我確定這假設 沒錯
(教我發現得到過 教我說服我心魔)

教我一課 讓我不必憧憬
信這鍊金的魔術 只要耐性
人類每天談情 誰又夠膽發誓保證
我懂得 愛戀真正風景


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Nothing Really Matters

Nothing really matters... anyone can see


Simple Maths

Chatted with s, who described herself as 1/2 technical + 1/2 management.
That prompted me to think who (what?) am I -
I have been ONE man band.
Am in ONE piece, still, for now.
There will be NO band, however, soon.

Hmm... could NO band accommodate ONE moi?


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Bohemian Rhapsody

The write-up at Wiki is surprisingly comprehensive, a good place to start understanding more about the piece.

Bohemian Rhapsody
by Freddie Mercury

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide, No escape from reality
Open your eyes, Look up to the skies and see
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy
Because I'm easy come easy go, Little high little low
Any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to me, to me

Mama just killed a man
Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger, now he's dead

Mama, life had just begun, But now I've gone and thrown it all away
Mama, ooh, Didn't mean to make you cry
If I'm not back again this time tomorrow
Carry on, carry on as if nothing really matters
Too late, my time has come
Sends shivers down my spine, body's aching all the time
Goodbye everybody, I've got to go
Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth
Mama, ooh, I don't want to die
I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all

I see a little silhouetto of a man
Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango
Thunderbolt and lightning, very very frightening me
(Galileo) Galileo (Galileo) Galileo, Galileo figaro Magnifico
I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me
He's just a poor boy from a poor family
Spare him his life from this monstrosity
Easy come, easy go, will you let me go
Bismillah! No, we will not let you go (Let him go!)
Bismillah! We will not let you go (Let him go!)
Bismillah! We will not let you go (Let me go!)
Will not let you go (Let me go) Will not let you go (Let me go)
Ah No, no, no, no, no, no, no (Oh mama mia, mama mia) Mama mia, let me go
Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me, for me

So you think you can stone me and spit in my eyes
So you think you can love me and leave me to die
Oh, baby, can't do this to me baby
Just gotta get out, just gotta get right outta here

Nothing really matters, Anyone can see
Nothing really matters, Nothing really matters to me

Any way the wind blows


Now Playing Bohemian Rhapsody

First of all, I'm not a fan of Queen but Bohemian Rhapsody is a greatgreatgreat piece of rock opera. You can simply analyze it from the way it's written and the way it was produced with limited technology available 30 years ago.
I'm not a Star Trek fan neither. But someone combined the two and it is fun. For w.


May the Force be with YOU

It claims to be the 2nd time in history that fans will decide which stamp will be issued bythe U.S. Postal Service.

I voted for Princess Leia and R2-D2. Currently it's at the 3rd place.
Yoda is leading the toll and Darth Vader comes 2nd.


It's Time to File

Meant to check how to redemn the Disney pirates, quite surprised to find IRD's "File Your Tax Return Online" advertisement at Standard Chartered's home page. Quickly surfed to HSBC and Hangseng but didn't see the same.



讀着友人的blog, 想起這首歌.

曲: 張佳添@宇宙大爆炸
詞: 黃偉文
編: 青山大樂隊

等 終於到夜深
才能收集上次你 留在飯店那紙巾
夜更深 不敢送贈的吻
全憑我手中的偷拍照 營造著你那體溫

我 如果想一世人和你過
平時就要企後幾吋 去幻想 別要摸

若有 一天公開 明目張膽的愛
我怕會讓你 太意外
我的愛 只願縮到最小 彷彿不存在
就算 我最愛你 情願好好遮蓋
化作了密碼 不公開
我一向 都慣自言自語 沒別人愛
難道你發覺我志在 就會肯滿足這期待
如若我也有權愛 同樣我也有權不必被愛

揀 偏僻角落坐
完全袒露就怕我 全部被你看情楚
待你好 只不過是幫我
成為我愛演的一個我 其實未算太坎坷

暗裡進行更自在 不相戀 誰會受害
但願盡情地種 誰說花 需要開

若我 一天公開 明目張膽的愛
我怕會讓你 太意外
我的愛 只願縮到最小 彷彿不存在
就算 我最愛你 情願好好遮蓋
我怕揭露了 不精彩
拆穿了 總盼望誰在意 蜜月難再
如若你發覺有我在 就結束暗戀的時代
無謂去博你憐愛 明白叫你太煩的 不是愛
如若我也有權愛 同樣我也有權揀 怎樣愛


Monday, May 14, 2007


那天跟kp談到雞蛋仔. 已經好久沒嚐.
懷念在金鐘地鐵站外的老伯伯, 他做的雞蛋仔外脆內軟, 又不太甜. 外脆呢, 相對比內軟容易. 內軟的先決條件是要足料,而且火候要控制得好, 不然 "蛋黃" 不熟就搵人要.
料-less 的雞蛋仔徒具軀殼, 其實aarrr... 應該叫雞蛋殼至啱.
hh說北角"電車路" (咁長... 唔係啩? 哦, 近SPACE) 有家不錯的, 改天要試試.
年前大澳之行的大樹下伯伯炭燒雞蛋殼, 殼質鬆脆. 但因炭燒比較慢, 火旺人丁更旺, 要排大隊.



0910 洗車(俾人). 睇我幾乖.
0950 接嗲地, 豆, 當然還有主角阿媽咪
1000 飲茶 @ 飯堂. 同枱無敵組合舅母舅父阿姨姨丈姑姐姑丈. 小孩輩居然只有我跟豆. 睇我幾乖.
1130 大人們到我家攻打四方城. 豆到赤柱扒龍舟(!). 我去Studio. 阿蛇話如果我想換畫, 佢會好好好樂意接手我隻Gibson喎. 哼, 佢就想. 唔會比佢奸計得逞, 我一定可以master隻嘢!
1430 小手入貨奇華(20% off), long-stem strawberries, 飛去w家玩Wii. 打tennis 打boxing打到手震腳軟加身水身汗, 開冷氣都無用, 係有少少浪費資源. 之後又食蛋糕又食薯片又咖啡又strawberries都補唔番.
1900 打碟釘鞋釘但無亂使錢. 睇我幾乖.
2000 媽咪節大餐 @ 飯堂. 4個家庭的小孩輩(都係5個啫) 終於現身 (除了身在Melbourne的表弟無辦法).

在這天下媽咪大晒的日子, 是日消費當然(繼續)由嗲地負責, 連我簽卡入油嗰1,000大洋都有即時cash rebate. 掌聲鼓勵! (不過媽咪啲麻雀本就唔知包唔包…)
話時話, 其實每次"4大家族"的活動洗費, 都是以family而非人頭單位來分帳. 1個代表嚟食得一餐同4個人齊食足3餐都係算1份. 以一年8個大show計, 我咁勤力, 年中幫嗲地節省不少 hohohooo. 睇我幾乖.
不過咁, 過時過節我都好識做準備正禮, 唔會白食. 睇我幾乖.

祝媽咪身體健康, 開開心心, 食得瞓得又玩得.

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一個人在家, 是喜歡暗的.
不然的話, 書桌的燈, 足夠了.
集中. 環保. Cool.
爸媽妹不一樣, 永遠燈光火著, 差不多把全屋的發光體都發動起來.



還找到狗仔feel相一大張. Hyatt都沒有了...


Sunday, May 13, 2007


Bumped into another Maserati outside w's home today, with the car plate DREAMCAR.
Seems that owners of Maserati quite like defining their own car plates to differentiate themselves.
Personally speaking... Maserati is quite far away from being a 'dreamcar' to me. Not that it is not conspicuous. Maybe its masculinity skews more to being earthy than being dream-like - unless you dream to be masculine.


Friday, May 11, 2007


月前碰到掛上 MASERATI 牌的Maserati, 原來真的是代理的車, hohohooo
節錄自 2007.05.11 蘋果日報 - Shot壹Shot: 哦, 原來咁串!

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First thing first. 阿邊個今朝終於現身, 原來喺HK, 面對面攤咗牌. 巧婦難為無米炊.
Action: 各位有(好)路數請揚聲, 不勝感謝.

等call等到傻, 3個等1個, 已經30min. 然後wk問有工做無? 要跳樓. (咁啱)

啲checklist亂七八糟, AP打GCG打返AP打返GCG打我都無用ga ma. 只想問一句, 係邊個出嘅!!

啲數又係一岩一忽, 雞肋雞肋.

btw, 多謝hh提點, 原來敝blog之前只容許registered bloggers留言. 現在已改過來, 歡迎各路英雄.

ps... 繼續等...


Wednesday, May 09, 2007


= Temperamental...?


Mika the Prince Charming

Wow cute. Thanks sym for sharing.
Mika Live in Taratata - Piano session



我就是副車. 無奈.

anyway, 有無人知道為什麼芒果核是有毛的呢?
上網輕輕search過, 未找到原因. 據聞有些品種的芒果核是無毛(hairless)的.

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Monday, May 07, 2007


粒粒爆到章法大亂, 在在大小通殺, 有明有暗.
我都唔想. 可能心火盛.
且看百忍成金先, 還是龜板降毒勁.

ps 看來都要播隻天使之音伴我入夢, 進補一下



去飲, 除了為一對新人贈興外, 當然就是跟老友們吹吹水.
昨夜的婚宴, 新娘子sis-man是老同學, 靚靚不在話下, 氣氛也十分歡愉輕鬆, 選曲及音樂編排應記一功(實在好怕那些溫吞吞曖曖昧的背景音樂, dim燈當做浪漫個隻). 換了4套晚裝(湖水藍, 白, 紅, 綠)之餘也跟新郎滿場飛招呼賓客, 完全沒有欺場. 席間還有新人的大學同學, band-mate等助慶, 有accordion有guitar有彈有唱, 當中不乏水準超卓的驚喜. 可惜新娘沒有露一手(...除了一臂的金飾).
是夜新娘笑着落了幾次淚, 開心的淚. 恭喜恭喜!

跟sq 和sym 交換情報, shortlist了要看要聽的, 有些實在已onlist 忱誤了很久 -
~ 歌: Carla Bruni, James Morrison, Tori Amos (新碟23首歌, 抵)
~ 書: 活着, 許三觀賣血記(!), 洗澡, 兄弟
~ 戲: Cube, Momento, Stranger than Fiction

~ 其他: ... aarrr... 如果要打工不如交換工... 去Mongolia起屋... 母校募捐事宜... 阿邊個咩名... 一陣邊個chi邊個車... 等

各位同學飲勝. 兩星期後"老地方"再見.

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Re the Greatest Steak of All

有人: 羅生伉儷, 烏, a, moi
有地: 堅道
有飲: Dao 1996, Latour Camblanes 2004, Welch
有食前: Brie (served with peppered Table Water), Melon with Parma Ham, salad leaves, baked onion soup (served with Danish Mozzarella)
有食主: US Super Prime grade rib eye, Australian Angus rib eye, sole fillet bacon roll with French green beans
有食甜: Blueberry 湯圓, Chocolate donut
~ 有幸見証a處男下海炮製的澳牛, 雖然後來慘變"極黑牛", 也不失一個經歷. 可憐羅生個新孖人煎鑊, 比極黑更黑.
~ 是晚feature有美牛有澳牛. 下午特意在 citySuper 精挑了美牛作主打, 又心思思想試試平宜一大截(接近40%)的澳牛, 也要了一件. 兩者有很大差別. 當然Super Prime 跟 Angus 已經是default兩級的距離, 而美牛肉味明顯較濃(其實同級的阿根廷或意大利牛肉味會再濃一點). 加上a的手勢... anyway, 牛牛只用梅鹽微微調味已很出色.
~ 羅生主理的 sole fillet 好juicy, 用了fennel seeds, 沒有 aniseed 那麼'嗆', 誤咬都不會舌頭麻痺. French green beans 好爽脆.
~ 羅太主理的湯圓即叫即整, 新鮮的湯圓皮特別軟硬適中, 可惜是晚blueberry不夠甜.
~ Dao是去年在澳門買的, 再一次大獲好評, 下次記得要入貨
~ Brie 是一向喜歡的'雀仔牌', 永無失手.
~ Chocolate donut 是 Little Mermaid 的, 所以其實不是 authentic doughnut, 而是類似 mochi 的物體.
a有相 -

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Sunday, May 06, 2007

Bossa Nova 一期一會

某天閒逛時在某店聽到, 濃郁的很有引力. 是哪天哪店已記不起, 唯獨對曲念念不忘.

1. C'est si Bon
2. Rever
3. Les Feuilles Mortes
4. Les Parapluies de Cherbourg
5. J' Ai Vu
6. Salade de Fruits
7. Watch What Happens
8. Elle, Lui, Nous
9. Dans mon Ile
10. Pour Toi
11. La Vie en Rose
12. Derniere Valse
Favourites so far - 1, 2, 3, 4, 9

k說看完我的blog後不太想看一期一會7月的re-run. 其實我覺得它的theatre sountrack還是不錯的.
也可能是bias, h負責了大部份的編曲, Laurent 也有份.

1. [Prologue / 戀愛序曲]
2. 一期一會 - 林一峰
3. 漣漪 - 林一峰
4. 戀愛預告 - 盧凱彤
5. 再見Puppy Love - 盧凱彤 /林一峰
6. 偶像創世紀 - 林一峰
7. [Interlude / 就是差一步]
8. 櫻花訣 - 林一峰
9. 等 - 林一峰
10. 偏偏喜歡你 - 趙學而
11. 旅程 - 趙學而 /林一峰
12. 曾經有你 因此有我
13. [Epilogue / 漣漪 Reprise]
14. 當我想起你 - 林一峰
Favourites so far - 2, 6, 7, 11, 14. 可惜沒有疾風

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Friday, May 04, 2007


Mission completed!
Well done 唔該晒! 蝦
仲有... HKMA... hohohooo

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把小紅書'摷'出來了. $28.8 good old days.

(我知我知, 比我扮下嘢先. 近來自我形象, if any, 低落ma)

還有超美味老天祿! 加勁正郭元益!! 仲有...

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Thursday, May 03, 2007


以為今天會發生的, 還是無影無踪沒有發生.
真情好, 假意也好, 要發生的還是要發生.
看形勢, 可能要留待下星期中吧.



繼續沒章法的打掃發掘, 發現到這個draft posting. 應該還未寫完, 但沒有打算'完成' . 由它這樣吧... 畢竟是一個片段罷了.

2007.03.24 @ 鴻星 (瑞安中心) - 千年蛋, 烏, 虎嫂, 虎, p, moi
原本打算BBQ, 但在'懶'及'濕'的大前提下...
~ 既然沒有BBQ, 唯有以燒BB鴿代替. 誰不知已sold out. 咁燒腩仔啦... 又sold out! 哥哥嬸嬸不停sell我們蟹粉小籠包, 九唔搭八. Sold out的食品可不少, '唯有'點了p至愛炒飯.
~ 發現我們order單上的兩個'超點'不同價錢, 召來姐姐確認一下, 再一次證實今時今日的服務態度就係denial. "係唔同價錢geh" 姐姐還未搞清楚是哪兩款食物, 就已經可以好 pro 好流暢快而準地唱出這個標準答案 (突然想起唱票...). 激死, 真係當我們'流'乎?
~ 三時多四時, 一大圍加一小圍 staff 大模施樣的在我們附近開枱吃起大鍋粥來. 虎嫂話齋, 鴻星可不是太低檔次吧, 冷不防有此一著.


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Tribute to Mstislav Rostropovich

The celebrated Russian cellist and conductor Mstislav Rostropovich has died at the age of 80 (27 April 2007)
Known throughout the classical music world as Slava - the Russian diminutive meaning "glory" - Mstislav Rostropovich was not only a maestro but also a courageous defender of human rights.

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Wednesday, May 02, 2007


辛苦哂. 收到風但係忍住唔出聲, 直至...
唔該哂. 原來你已經暗地裡打聽, 不過...
多謝哂. 我個下午茶.
祝你早日榮升賊阿爸 (當然淨係做阿爸就更perfect).



電話唔夠memory, 開始要清清倉. 主要係為食圖鑒.

Pantry 早餐與北京早餐(豐富時)

Home made 蚌仔蝦碌海鮮米線.
其貌不揚過百蚊碗ga wor... 仲有成擔心機. 多謝媽咪.

烏醫生hamper, 精挑細選並非行貨.

嗰日係Pizza Express 4個人食咗3個 pizza, 2個沙律. 圖中位蛋兄就已經吞咗1個

Suzuki的朱古力鮮奶抺茶, 好過咖啡(尤其下面嗰度嗰啲)

近近地去Pret, 與烏和千年蛋, 啲啡就如常 - 勉強

加送(餸)1: 打格仔疹疹又起

加送(餸)2: 露肉映艷陽. 光管脾 - 睇怕打波時要少撐點傘, 少塗點防曬

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