Friday, March 30, 2007

Runny & Windy

鼻水從哪裏來? 可以源源不絕.
噴嚏的能量從哪裏來? 可以時速百哩.


Quarter End-ing

Shot out several notes.
Quite efficient.
I like working early morning.
Shower and go.




Thursday, March 29, 2007


不是在打噴嚏, 就是鼻塞, 流鼻水.
舌燥喉乾刺刺痛, 喝下Earl Grey, 清熱酷都不管用.




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Monday, March 26, 2007

Elimination & Collaboration

和爸媽豆於新世界飲茶, 離開時發現將會開Starbucks. 細想之下... yyiii? 個位置前身咪係 hHome? 很可惜, 他們的 Davidoff 咖啡非常出色. 豆說灣仔三里屯那家也關門了... 還記得它的青口minestrone意粉是相當出色的. 不知道娛樂行那家還在嗎(雖然個人認為這家水準比三里屯的要差得多)? 可會敵得過大集團, 無情地產商, 善變顧客的挑戰?

誰說競爭對手是不能協作? 只要market-driven...
拿收據免費泊車時, 赫然發現釘在一起的兩張單, 分別是魚翅城及東海...!? 我們光顧的是魚翅城, 為何會多給我們東海單呢? 原來是商場免費泊車的玩法: 首一小時免費, 如在兩家商鋪消費$100或以上(或一家商鋪$2000以上), 便有第二小時免費. 所以雖然我們在魚翅城吃了$400, 還是需要另外一家的收據以享免費泊車. 兩家競爭對手就在這個市場的遊戲規則下, 自發交換收據, collaborate 起來.
有人想用 Game Theory 或其他來解讀一下嗎?

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Sunday, March 25, 2007


近來相當懶, 書是少讀了(aarrr... 也許不只是"近來" 了), 看着一堆backlog, 沒有衝勁也沒感內疚去翻閱. 集中力不足, 看雜誌還是可以的, 另外就是"好食懶飛"的關係, 反而陰D陰D"番兜"了幾本很喜歡跟食物有關的書.

Larousse Gastronomique (Prosper Montagne, Gottschalk) - 是cookery小百科. 原本是法國/文書, 於1938年首次出版, 1961年才被翻成英文, 當然至今已是與時並進多番修訂. 我的是英國Paul Hamlyn 1988年版, 1999年再版.

Jeffrey Steingarten 原是 Harvard-trained 律師, 因太愛食及食物, 人到中年退下火線成了 food critic. 這兩本書並非 restaurant guide, 而是他尋根究底的對個別食物'查家宅'之餘, 還親自設計和實驗一些projects, 十分有趣, 文筆也優雅抵死時有笑位.

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Saturday, March 24, 2007


聽着這 《金曲巨星串》真係想死. 是首medley, 雖然知道很快會過去, 但竟然可以令我難受得三番四次想按停!! 不會再聽第二次!!!
以下的評論已很溫和了, 因他只大致描述了表徵. 情何以堪!!! 實非筆墨所能形容. 好嬲...!!!!

Extracted from 斥測樂壇 ( -
"最爛者首推《金曲巨星串》,乃近期樂壇大事「香港音樂匯展」搞出來的一首14分鐘長,由眾多大牌歌手組合翻唱經典巨星(經典者,全部仙遊去也)歌曲的串燒歌。編曲是D場質素,演繹是唱K水平,歌與歌之間轉接位求其至極,抵打。記得電視採訪這個活動的記者會時阿Sa清唱兩句《傻女》還似模似樣,原來Twins翻唱的是《無心睡眠》,未聽已打個突,聽過只有遺憾。如果香港有「區歌」必定是大熱的《獅子山下》竟然交到廣東話也講不正的衛蘭唱,難道是想羅文復活的苦肉計嗎?陳慧琳楊千嬅的翻唱,能叫人有期望嗎?陳奕迅李克勤已經算穩打穩紮,但《海闊天空》《似水流年》並不屬於他們... 不知那個幕後主理人策劃此事,應該是某些位高權重的樂壇大人物吧,但以為把一大班紅歌星聚在一起搞些東西就是貢獻樂壇、振興樂壇,這種思維與時代真是嚴重脫節,而且很難不令人想起「烏合之眾」四個字,尤其是連陳奕迅李克勤古巨基張敬軒都變成「烏合之眾」之一的時候,幕後推手該當何罪?「致敬」如果沒有能力沒有誠意,那些叫做褻瀆,或者叫做自取其辱。"

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Friday, March 23, 2007


天: 無la la星期三夜馬日
時: 接了幾個該死的電話後, 手提電話無電, 垂死. 還要跟老友們裏應外合, 急死.
地: 蘇豪南蠻亭
人: 3+3+1=5. 天意讓c在地鐵站遇上ap, 一餐食一盞茶一席話從此變得不一樣.
物: 鵝肝, angus beef, 白鱔, 露筍豬肉卷, 雞翼, 雞軟骨, 牛舌, 蕃薯, 青椒仔, 茄子, 冬菇, 三文魚燒飯團, 炒野菜, 沙律條, 清茶(欠淡飯...).

食物一貫的好. 當時有點心不在焉, 不知腦子在轉什麼, 人也有點mung, 有些對話現在才想起來.
~ 中學時的搗蛋還是很有分寸的, 只是貪玩罷了, 又怕悶想拉同學仔落水一齊癲, 人人作戰狀態無人so時唯有玩界枱, 弄這弄那. 畢竟自問也有點"建樹", 起碼打個和. 跟Beautiful Mind 差遠了, 雖然n年前無無聊懶得意接觸過Mensa, 但要會費事少, 鬼話多過人話才不是那杯茶, 玩過便算. 反正能成為top 2%健康快樂滿足善良(甚至是搵到錢hehee我都不介意)才值得慶賀.
~ 何仙姑的話... 暗付我是中的5個還是不中的1個... 畢竟已經那麼久遠了
~ 話多話寡不打緊, 只要不是 talking without speaking, hearing without listening, 那麼不論是從前滔滔, 現在滔滔, 還是將來滔滔, 或是從不滔滔都是可愛自在的. 開心便算.
~ 食得瞓得當然是天大福氣. Keep up the good work. 加油.

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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Now Playing Winter

A Vivaldi: The Four Seasons - Largo
Love this 2nd movement very much. It's like a shelter with fireplace, also imagine chimney with heart-warming white steam and smoke...


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Chart-son & 表哥


Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Over the weekend 買了一隻SACD, 一隻LPCD, 打算用來試試爸的新set up, 也想聽聽跟平常的, DDD, 4D, 24K, "天碟", "發燒碟"... 等等的分別.

一隻價錢相宜, 是 Heifetz 玩 Sibelius, Prokofiev, Glazunov 的SACD. SACD (Super Audio CD) 是Sony和Philips共同開發出來的技術 (下刪 technical elaboration 5000字), 容許更廣的dynamic range 和 frequency response, 尤其有助發揮 acoustic, jazz, classical music 云云, 但需要 SACD player 及相關set up的配合.(

那天飲完茶, 爸本來想買王菲LPCD, 在Hong Kong Records 盛惠$208, 已sold out. 退而求"其次", 他便買了譚詠麟. 後來多得w的努力, 在星光行的Rendezvous買到了王菲, 而且只要$178. LPCD45其實是發燒碟HUGO Production (雨果)以direct cut super master (譯: 直刻超級母盤!) 錄音來製作的CD.

但說實話, 這個封面... 殺死人. 隻碟要人兩舊水, 張相養眼些少也不為過吧. 當然, 譚詠麟也難逃厄運.

還未細聽, 還待下回分解.

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Monday, March 19, 2007


今晚開車返閨, 在獅隧前遇上它.
入隧道, 出隧道, 過auto-toll, 出紅梅谷道, 出大埔公路...
佢呢, 全程開唔夠70km但係騎住快線, 有病.
認得佢啦, 住係我附近.
mung死我... yyyyyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!

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Tablet PC2

Portrait layout is pretty cool.
Of course, touch-screen is cool too.


Sunday, March 18, 2007

Tablet PC

Sis bean took a tablet PC (h-kee) home from office... cool indeed!
Thinner then expected. Quite heavy though.
Gotta play with it to explore more later.



昨夜c一句話讓我今早突然'扎醒' (不好意思, 這幾天比較遲鈍 ).
她說早幾天非常非常潮濕, 不應該'出水'的都'出水'了.
想起我的寶貝書. 即時彈起. 幸好未發現災情.
不能懶了, 要下點功夫加強防範.

ps 不知innovative的a有何高見?



過去幾天很累. 萎靡
回來的班機delay了一小時, 到港已是0125.
累但不睏. 上床最後看鐘已是0340.
0800要起床打波. 幸好整夜有Mutter輸送力量, 還可以.
btw, 這個Carmen-Fantasie好爽, 力量型的Mutter最得我心.
點題的Carmen不是最愛, 反而Ravel Tzigane最振奮.

1. Pablo de Sarasate - Zigeunenrweisen, Op. 20
2. H Wieniawski - Legende en sol mineur, Op. 17
3. G Tartini - Sonate g-moll Teufelstriller-sonate
4. M Ravel - Tzigane
5. J Massenet - Meditation
6-10. Pablo de Sarasate - Fantaisie De Concert Sur Des Motis De L'opera Carmen, Op. 25
11. G Faure - Berceuse En Re Majeur, Op. 16

梳洗早餐過後, 下起雨來. 無波打, 送媽去supermarket.

繼上星期六的歪斜Maserati (, 一星期後的今天有緣再來一個.
會合w途中路過加多利山道, 看見一輛寶石藍的GranTurismo停在路邊loading.
原本覺得架車幾ok, 直至瞄到它的車牌... 正是"MASERATI".
即時聯想到的不外乎是 - 陳列品, show room, dealer... 嫌'招牌'太細乎? 什麼想像空間都泡湯了. 姑且撇開車牌的意思不談(if any), 8個cap字母長長的一字排開, 觀感也不妙. 真掃興.
所以話, 自定車牌可真考功夫. 可能無限, 最怕無眼

看了Hannibal Rising. 震震地, 沒法打瞌睡.

老友得高就, 恭喜恭喜!
老友(及)honey(計劃)得高樓, 在此先恭喜為敬!

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Saturday, March 17, 2007

Perlman & Ashkenazy

1. Violin Sonata No.9 In A Major, Op. 47: I. Adagio sostenuto - Presto - Adagio
2. Violin Sonata No.9 In A Major, Op. 47: II. Andante con variazioni
3. Violin Sonata No.9 In A Major, Op. 47: III. Finale: Presto
4. Violin Sonata No.5 In F Major, op. 24: I. Allegro
5. Violin Sonata No.5 In F Major, op. 24: II. Adagio molto expressivo
6. Violin Sonata No.5 In F Major, op. 24: III. Scherzo & Trio: Allegro molto
7. Violin Sonata No.5 In F Major, op. 24: IV. Rondo: Allegro ma non troppo

One of the discs that I left behind at office for years. Now back to home-sweet-home.
Love it. Especially am in string-mood this week. Perfect timing.


Friday, March 16, 2007


很想挖出這黑眼圈 可惜雙手太短
哪個說我腦筋這樣胡亂 誰在乎我錯到永遠
(from 元神出竅)



Thursday, March 15, 2007

2 Days to Go

Have been sleeping badly.
Restless. Physically and mentally.
Sweating. Frozening.


Wednesday, March 14, 2007


b姐新居一角. 千二呎, 大方得體, 簡單舒適.

秘製雞翼 - 據聞醃料包括: 羌, 蒜, 胡椒, 酒, 鮮醬油, teriyaki sauce.

煎熬中. 耗時45min @ 250C(??)


表面風光. 反轉就係... (sorry 就係反唔轉)

所以話, 新system要'磨合'... change management很重要. 當然還有user error, 忘記搽油.

同場加映非常成功的蓮藕豬骨南北杏紅棗石合湯, 清湯掛麵, 小棠菜, 梅酒, 花茶, 木瓜雪條. 多謝.

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Monday, March 12, 2007

I'll be Back

In 12 hours...



I must be sort of losing my mind. Among the things that I wish I could remember...
First, there's the redemption letter for the marathon jacket.
Now, it is the tax payment notification.

for the first one, still no clue if I could ever find it.
for the second one, just now called IRD to resend.

But first thing first... where is it...


Changing Tables

Back to Lawry's. Good service.
At first, we were seated at the quiet corridor area, horseshoe-shaped sofa enjoying baguette and sour dough. Then there came a group of 12 people (big and small) holding their wines and cocktails. That's how the area buzzled starting with discussion of their seating plan. After they barely settled, the men were so loud that we couldn't hear our serving waitress. Thanks God for their simple menu, we managed to order without complication. Then a man-in-suit came and asked if we would like to switch to another area. Well, our faces must be very dark and agitated that they offered to re-seat us without we requesting.
Indeed, weekends may bring more families, friends' big gang dining to the restaurant. It would be wise to request for a quieter table if you desire one. Or, avoid weekends.

Sunday. Usual dim sum lunch with dad and mom.
Went to Ocean Terminal early to wax the car, so had dim sum at Harbour City 鴻星 while waiting. We were seated at a table that was big enough to seat 2 x oursevles. Yet the lighting was too dim to read and too close to the open kitchen - we were embraced by the greasy smell. This time we requested changing to another table. They did it, but sort of unwillingly - you could almost smell those grumbles. Whatever.

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Sunday, March 11, 2007



當下. 眼前人. 最重要.

噢, 剛巧dad在播約定... (張學友版)
每次聽都戚戚然... 那個年頭在agency, 坐在後面的account manager每天都狂播.

原唱: 王菲
曲: 陳小霞
詞: 林夕
編: Adrian Chan

還記得當天旅館的門牌 還留住笑著離開的神態
當天整個城市 那樣輕快 沿路一起走半哩長街
還記得街燈照出一臉黃 還燃亮那份微溫的便當
剪影的你輪廓 太好看 凝住眼淚才敢細看

忘掉天地 彷彿也想不起自己
就算會與你分離 淒絕的戲
要決心忘記 我便記不起

明日天地 只恐怕認不出自己
就算你壯闊胸膛 不敵天氣
兩鬢斑白 都可認得你

還記得當天結他的和弦 還明白每段旋律的伏線
當天街角流過你聲線 沿路旅程如歌褪變


Saturday, March 10, 2007


早. 打波.
泊車泊成咁, 虧佢開架 Maserati, 重要係head-in! 可惜無choice, 得一個位, 唯有一路泊一路鬧.

中午. 大八.
想當年第一次吃黑豚就是在大八. 經過加寧街發現它還在, 吃了個ok午餐, 今時不同往日.
這是'後餐茶' - 糖漿加冰 - 由凍檸茶多餘的食材做成.

下午. CitySuper
看完 Ghost Rider (可以skip) 在 Citysuper 碰到ak47. 她買了3支共千多個大洋的日本酒, 有sake, 有梅酒. 嘩, 我唔捨得, 唯有到'檔口'試飲算數. 其中一支六百個大洋的, 清香(似蘋果香)順口順喉到不得了... 最後都係唔捨得.

晚. Lawry's.
豆負責埋單 - 多謝晒!
California Cut for mom, bean, moi. Lawry's Cut for dad.
Perrier for dad, bean, moi.
Warm cheesecake for bean, moi.
Mango Paradiso Sorbet for dad.
Hot water for mom.

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這兩天真真 high carb high sugar.
昨天很要甜, 可能因為要準備今天的review. 從早餐開始, 有規律又相當頻密地: 朱古力奶, baci, mocha, dark almond, toffeette 吃過喝過不亦樂乎. 臨睡再來 little pops... 好朱的一天.
今天就很薯. 老麥早餐的薯餅, 老麥午餐的薯條(開完call太晏又太懶), 晚餐Outback非常美味的薯條和蕃薯...
不得了, 繼續下去, 肯定豬年應景.


Thursday, March 08, 2007

Love Autopsy in 40sec

f sent this. It seems hurt by the title. Hugh Grant sings ok though... and not as hapless as it could sound.

Love Autopsy - Hugh Grant (from Music & Lyrics)
Figuring out you and me
Is like doing a love autopsy
They could operate all day long
and never figure out what went wrong
Love autopsy
Love autopsy
What went wrong


Conversation with God

Thanks sym for sharing this in the midst of 'mystery'...

God: Hello. Did you call me?
Me: Called you? No. Who is this?

God: This is GOD! I heard your prayers. So, I thought I will chat.
Me: I do pray. Just makes me feel good. I am actually busy now. I'm in the middle of something.
God: What are you busy at? Ants are busy too...
Me: Don't know. But I can't find free time. Life has become hectic. It's rush hour all the time.
God: Sure. Activity gets you busy. But productivity gets you results. Activity consumes time. Productivity frees it.
Me: I understand. But, I still can't figure out. BTW, I was not expecting YOU to BUZZ me on instant messaging chat.
God: Well, I wanted to resolve your fight for time by giving you some clarity. In this net era, I wanted to reach you through the medium you are comfortable with.
Me: Tell me, why has life become complicated now?
God: Stop analyzing life. Just live it. Analysis is what makes it complicated.
Me: Why are we then constantly unhappy?
God: Your today is the tomorrow that you worried about yesterday. You are worrying because you are analyzing. Worrying has become your habit. That's why you are not happy.
Me: But how can we not worry when there is so much uncertainty?
God: Uncertainty is inevitable, but worrying is optional.
Me: But, then, there is so much pain due to uncertainty.
God: Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional.
Me: If suffering is optional, why do good people always suffer?
God: Diamond cannot be polished without friction. Gold cannot be purified without fire. Good people go through trials, but don't suffer. With that experience their life becomes better, not bitter.
Me: You mean to say such experience is useful?
God: Yes. In every term, experience is a hard teacher. She gives the test first and the lessons afterwards.
Me: But, still, why should we go thru such tests?! Why can't we be free from problems?
God: Problems are Purposeful Roadblocks Offering Beneficial Lessons to Enhance Mental Strength. Inner strength comes from struggle and endurance, not when you are free from problems.
Me: Frankly, in the midst of so many problems, we don't know where we are.
God: If you look outside, you'll not know where you are headed. Look inside. Looking outside, you dream. Looking inside, you awaken. Eyes provide sight, heart provides insight.
Me: Sometimes, not succeeding fast seems to hurt more than moving in the right direction. What should I do?
God: Success is a measure as decided by others. Satisfaction is a measure decided by you. Knowing the road ahead is more satisfying than knowing you rode ahead. You work with the compass. Let others work with the clock.
Me: In tough times, how do we stay motivated?
God: Always look at how far you have "come" rather than how far you have to "go". Always count your "blessings", not what you are "missing".
Me: What surprises you about people?
God: When they suffer, they ask "why me"? When they prosper, they never ask "why me". Everyone wishes to have truth on their side, but few want to be on the side of the truth.
Me: Sometimes I ask, who am I, why am I here? I don't get the answer.
God: Seek not to find who you are, but to determine who you want to be. Stop looking for a purpose as to why you are here. Create it! Life is not a process of discovery but a process of creation.
Me: How can I get the best out of life?
God: Face your past without regret. Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear.
Me: One last question. Sometimes I feel my prayers are not answered.
God: There are no unanswered prayers. At times, the answer is "NO".
Me: Thank you for this wonderful chat! I am so happy to start the day with a new sense of inspiration.
God: Well, keep the faith and drop the fear. Don't believe your doubts and doubt your beliefs. Life is a mystery to solve, not a problem to resolve. Trust me. Life is wonderful if you know how to live it! Best wishes for a good day.


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Now Playing Grace Kelly

A very ear pleasing song. Can't help smiling when listening, esp the chorus.

Grace Kelly - Mika
Composer/Writer: Mika
Producer: Greg Wells

Do I attract you?
Do I repulse you with my queasy smile?
Am I too dirty?
Am I too flirty?
Do I like what you like?

I could be wholesome
I could be loathsome
I guess I'm a little bit shy
Why don't you like me?
Why don't you like me without making me try?

I try to be like Grace Kelly
But all her looks were too sad
So I try a little Freddie
I've gone identity mad!

I could be brown
I could be blue

I could be violet sky
I could be hurtful

I could be purple
I could be anything you like
Gotta be green
Gotta be mean
Gotta be everything more
Why don't you like me?
Why don't you like me?
Why don't you walk out the door!

How can I help it
How can I help it
How can I help what you think?
Hello my baby
Hello my baby
Putting my life on the brink
Why don't you like me
Why don't you like me
Why don't you like yourself?

Should I bend over?
Should I look older just to be put on your shelf?
Say what you want to satisfy yourself
But you only want what everybody else says you should want


Now Playing Starlight

This is an easy listening pick of MUSE. Simple melody powerful arrangement straight forward enough to impress.

Starlight - MUSE
Writer/composer: Matthew Bellamy
Producer: Rich Costey

Far away
This ship has taken me far away
Far away from the memories
Of the people who care if I live or die

I will be chasing a starlight
Until the end of my life
I don't know if it's worth it anymore

Hold you in my arms
I just wanted to hold You in my arms

My life
You electrify my life
Lets conspire to ignite
All the souls that would die just to feel alive

I'll never let you go
If you promise not to fade away
Never fade away

Our hopes and expectations

Black holes and revelations
Our hopes and expectations
Black holes and revelations

Hold you in my arms
I just wanted to hold You in my arms
I just wanted to hold


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

And Then There Were None

And then there were none... Not referring to one of my favourite Agatha Christie's books, but -
It has been a month since my last business trip. Received a "0" balance corporate card statement for the month of February. For record. Yeah!

After a prolonged period of low/no battery, memories faded from the aged WorkPad. I know I know, I haven't been utilizing it for such a long time anyway. There's definitely something I don't wanna miss... Time to dig out the backup, and hope the synchronization won't smash it. Or time to move on.



As a result of the Energy Policy Act of 2006 passed by the US Congress, Daylight Saving Time in 2007 will start earlier and end later.

In the US & Canada, Daylight Saving Time will start the 2nd Sunday in March and end the 1st Sunday in November.


Monday, March 05, 2007


之一: 今日late lunch. 與ak47居然不用等, 到了"前翡翠" - 糖醋魚柳, 小籠包, 四季豆鍋貼, 上海春卷, 銀絲卷. 正! 況且客量少, 招呼更貼心.

之二: 在港上班的日子, 如在太古城午飯又不用趕開拖開會的話, 飯後必到CD Warehouse 打打碟釘, 一星期隨時有3, 4次. 今日如常到此一遊, 嘩, 居然居然有一隻梁祝下世傳奇CD! 二話不說, 先把它拿下. 遍尋這隻CD(不是舞台劇版)已有一個月吧, 大大小小街鋪連鎖加 internet 的來源都不得要領, HMV online order 亦未有消息(原應10日可寄出), 除非你想用$400+ 到yahoo bid/ ebay/ 信和/ CD trade搶. 今日無意中去揭揭下卻大大大發現, 已忘了問個staff 點解失驚無神出現番. 估計可能是失蹤倉底貨, 所以之前 check 機都 check 不到. 後來埋單時姐姐也入不到機, 終於旁邊的哥哥教她要多加一個什麼什麼code才成.

近來買了不少何韻詩的碟. 還是要多謝 s, , 烏大佬,, 虎妹, alanC, 在我買到碟前直接間接的已經或將會幫忙砌個 collection, 尤其是舊作 - 有燒碟的mp3的把 format 轉來換去的. 仲有, 原來把梁祝CD老遠從香港帶到BJ給我, 好感動噢. 可惜本週繼續留港消費消極消耗. 兄, 等你回來! 要看看version是否一樣, hehe.
話說回來, 既然已有得聽, 為何還要花錢買copy 呢? hmm... 是一個心意吧, 頗懷念從前會期望出歌逛碟格價拿在手中的日子. 其二, 正如那天跟 p 說的, 是一個天真的 resource reallocation. 譬如, 林狗已"搵夠"了, 我才不會買軟硬或mao低噴飯.

(aaarrr... 但我還是有買其他中外古今流行古典"巨星"... hahaaa 還是難圓其說... 總之就係偏心)

之三: mom頗喜歡的Panash 黑糖包, 平時午飯後剛出爐, 根本不能切片入袋, 所以即使想扮乖買回家孝敬mom, 都只能望包輕嘆. 今天晚了, 反而得一包. 又正!

所以話呢... timing.

之四: 原來老mcd有下午茶. 今日coffee break 棄星記cova去吃薯條, 才發現12蚊有一飲一食. 與千年蛋叫來薯條雞翼奶昔咖啡, 都只係一杯 grande mocha 價錢有找... hmm...

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近來不用飛. 有主觀意願, 也有客觀因素. 當然, 五斗米身不由己的時候, 主觀意願就難免要down-play.
週日晨早來電, 知道我留港就收了線 (咁現實!?). 唔知咩事呢? 自己保重啦, 東北有風雪. 好在BJ還可以, 4吋雪而已. 還有BJ新居入伙的b姐, 話煮餐我食. 煮咩呢? 菜心, 佢話. huh? 真弧陋寡閒, 從不知菜心有保暖效用... 或防風雪... 難道防滑乎? 多謝喎, 下次先.
既然可腳踏實地, 這個月見了好些人談了好些(事)情 - catch up的寒暄的搞作的輕省的浮誇的窩心的即興的處心的苦澀的... 都有. 怕且已超出去年的總和(當然, 去年又真是太太太少...). 也聽了些新pop, 有'流行'的有indie的, 大致滿意, 突出搶耳搶意的卻不多.

可惜之一是書卻沒有按比例多看. 五行欠的毒(讀)仍在屯積, 且有增無減. 昨天跟龜同學談到的幾本, 書釘是打過了, 但覺百幾蚊本不值得, 畢竟2/3是得啖笑加點造作之流, 不應因一時之快吧... 況且我講過不想再洗$在這些英國佬身上!
可惜之二是, 方向還在摸索中, 沒什麼寸進... 仲唔係 10xPreMidLifeCrisis...?

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我的pub @ LKF

2007.03.03 好曬. 面同頭髮都反哂光... 然後起雀斑... 唉.

2007.03.04 晨晨晨早起身食食食失控停不了. 半包餅仔已經好熱氣. 弊.

2007.03.04 @ LabYellow, feature The Darlings + Ghost Style.

少不了的 freebee(r). 多得sponsor.

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Saturday, March 03, 2007


hg同學: it's all about priority and urgency... 加油.
btw, we're still young.
No right or wrong for waiting/ choosing, not waiting/ choosing anyway.
Timing is less controllable ma.


Now Playing 沙

唱: 何韻詩
曲: 舒文
詞: 黃偉文
編: 舒文

過去我已在這裡 但太小未被在意吧
而他 和他 和她 包裝比我美 舉止比我誇
但我也有眼耳 望到嗎
踏上去也會痛 你知嗎
平時我靜默 不多說話 表達有點差 但也盼被慰問一下
明知眼淚沒有光 仍然很想閃一下
如果我是金剛鑽 問你更在乎嗎

即使身價像細沙 都想得你留神嗎
都想可以成為 荒土千里 被北風吹起 吹進你 眼內細沙
即使講到喉嚨沙 得不到你同情嗎

要是註定被你這麼疏忽 也盼你留下
讓你皮鞋聽我說話 好嗎 好嗎 好嗎

我話我昨夜哭了 你笑笑當我講笑
任我就算多小 我也有難題 也未算小
容許我就當騷擾 借對耳分享我寂寥
除非我並不緊要 未配有這需要

你在世上另有很多東西 更加高貴 對我好 不夠偉大嗎
(你沒有苦惱未說嗎 你沒有需要被愛嗎 你又有傾訴伴侶嗎 要人陪嗎)

即使身價像細沙 都想得你留神嗎
都想可以成為 北風吹過 獨一的一顆 吹進你 眼內細沙
即使講到喉嚨沙 得不到你同情嗎
你話我又從未踏足高處 怎會跌下 小痛放到最大嗎
就算假 就算誇 願你偶爾也問句 泥沙 今天好






年十三. 交際日. 人氣爆滿的一天.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7...


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Friday, March 02, 2007

Friday Blue?

痴咗線. 剛才聽着聽着... 透不過氣...
inhale... exhale...

像有感情 到天星 看風景
他似無還有偏卻 不承認
為了此人 算初戀 太高興

然後遇著 我至今的經典
曾緊張得似應戰 一晚渡無限風險
然後漸漸 沉重到 不願見
人會變 情會厭 從沒甚麼保險


Thursday, March 01, 2007


友kp在百忙溫習中, 抽空從九龍東的家來到香港東的敝公司地頭, 一同避年(aka親戚)歎果汁於Pret.

ps 如果加遊太古城就完美了.
