Thursday, April 27, 2006

Anti-Golfer in Red

吃早餐時, t提到昨晚在電視看到CE又有新訓示, 但他只能從字幕中猜想一二. 剛才在機上看SCMP, 讓我把"真相"看清了, 公諸同好如下...

Extract from "Cheesed-off Chief Chastens Bankers for Putting Putting before Profits" by Ben Kwok (South China Morning Post, 27 April 2006) -
Chief Executive Donald Tsang yesterday gave members of the Hong Kong Association of Banks a gentle rebuke, opining on the importance of being good bankers, not great golfers. He said his government had been negotiating with BJ to satisfy bankers' needs but the city's money men seemed interested more in green fees than banking fees.
"Where were you during the last Easter weekend? Suppose some were playing golf out in the Pearl River Delta, some were having a massage or spa in Thailand. But on Easter Friday, the [People's Bank of China] made the announcement No.5 on the internet. Have your read it?" he asked.
"Where were you guys? You should have been working on the Easter weekend. You should have been knocking on the door of [PBOC governor] Zhou Xiaochun and knocking on the door of [China Banking Regulatory Commission chairman] Liu Mingkang. And you guys were playing golf. You missed a trick..."
HSBC economist George Leung admitted he was in Bangkok, but he did study the PBOC announcement after his staff informed him about it. In a jab at the government's wheezy anti-pollution efforts, he said he had to get out of HK on Easter for a breath of fresh air. In response, Mr Tsang said HSBC should raise Mr Leung's salary for working on his holiday.

Indeed, Mr Tsang seems to like brokers more than bankers. Two hours before scolding the HKAB, he officiated at the opening of the renovated Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing hall with a speech that earned brokers' cheers. Mr Tsang also made it to the HKEx Hall of Fame list after receiving a broker's red jacket, which was numbered a lucky 3828... He joins that red-jacketed pantheon alongside President Hu (No 8383), Premier Wen (No 1638) and Tung Chee-hwa (No 9728) – all of whom served more than seven years in their official positions. Will Mr Tsang be so lucky?


Wednesday, April 26, 2006


(a, 溫馨提示)
受瘦虎所托(指使), 特此公告:
人肉打字機重出江湖!!! (就在瘦虎收到 'URGENT call' 之後...)

肯定是萬眾期待... 還是升級版!



Agent i just sent over a second itinerary for the week of 8 May, which I didn't realize that I was waitlisted before...
This is pretty unusual to this CX flight - probably a post-golden-week effect.
So you buddies going to the nevereverland at that week gotta act fast - unless you intend to excuse it...


Beauty in the Eyes of...

19:55 Meeting done. Not feeling hungry probably 'cos of over-starved.

Was wondering if should wait for t, as he is stuck in a dunno-what-ad-hoc-discussion after being 'urgently' called. You know this sort of encounters are very horrific if not terrific.

Anyway, AhGei asked to dine together... so I asked if she's willing to wait for t - and she ST:
"We are nice people and we like t :-)"

以上純屬參與嘉賓的個人意見, 與本人的立場沒有直接或間接或有或無或是或非或者全部或者部份關係.


Tuesday, April 25, 2006



Monday, April 24, 2006

My Usual Flight Back

I sat very still that night.
(Apple Daily, 24 April 2006. 記者: 譚暉)
受 訓 副 機 長 滑 行 速 度 過 快 國 泰 機 急 煞 嚇 驚 乘 客
國 泰 航 空 一 架 載 有 一 百 四 十 名 乘 客 的 客 機 , 上 周 五 晚 上 在 北 京 首 都 國 際 機 場 準 備 起 飛 返 港 時 , 疑 因 為 正 接 受 訓 練 的 副 機 長 控 制 飛 機 的 滑 行 速 度 太 快 , 結 果 飛 機 需 在 跑 道 旁 緊 急 煞 停 。 客 機 急 停 後 不 久 , 有 另 一 架 飛 機 使 用 同 一 條 跑 道 陸 , 事 件 嚇 煞 機 上 乘 客 。 民 航 處 形 容 當 時 客 機 的 滑 行 速 度 「 不 正 常 」 , 國 泰 已 就 此 展 開 調 查 。  
該 架 編 號 CX313 的 空 中 巴 士 A330 型 客 機 , 原 定 上 周 五 晚 八 時 五 十 二 分 在 北 京 機 場 起 飛 , 凌 晨 十 二 時 零 三 分 抵 港 , 由 兩 名 機 師 負 責 駕 駛 。 據 《 南 華 早 報 》 昨 引 述 乘 客 投 訴 , 指 客 機 突 然 急 速 煞 停 , 乘 客 幸 好 都 扣 上 安 全 帶 ; 一 名 空 中 服 務 員 疑 因 為 未 坐 穩 , 衝 力 將 她 拉 離 坐 椅 。
90 秒 後 另 一 機 降 落飛 機 急 停 後 不 足 九 十 秒 , 即 有 另 一 航 機 使 用 同 一 跑 道 陸 。 該 乘 客 質 疑 若 客 機 未 能 及 時 煞 停 , 有 可 能 與 陸 的 航 機 相 撞 。 本 港 民 航 處 副 處 長 梁 汝 強 向 本 報 表 示 , 該 國 泰 航 機 屬 「 訓 練 航 機 」 ( Training Flight ) , 副 機 長 在 機 長 的 監 督 下 正 接 受 訓 練 。 他 說 , 當 時 副 機 長 操 控 飛 機 時 , 在 滑 行 道 上 的 滑 行 速 度 不 正 常 地 快 , 因 此 需 煞 停 飛 機 以 等 候 北 京 機 場 航 空 交 通 管 制 員 發 出 「 准 許 起 飛 」 的 指 令 , 出 現 「 急 停 」 情 況 。 梁 汝 強 解 釋 , 所 有 準 備 進 入 跑 道 起 飛 的 飛 機 都 需 在 跑 道 旁 的 等 候 區 ( holding position ) 前 停 下 , 等 候 空 管 人 員 發 出 指 示 准 許 起 飛 後 , 機 師 才 會 將 飛 機 駛 入 跑 道 , 然 後 起 飛 , 事 件 中 的 國 泰 客 機 在 急 停 後 , 並 無 超 越 等 候 區 界 線 , 因 此 絕 不 會 與 稍 後 陸 的 客 機 發 生 碰 撞 。 事 件 與 北 京 首 都 國 際 機 場 的 空 管 人 員 無 關 , 即 並 非 空 管 人 員 太 遲 或 發 出 錯 誤 指 令 , 但 與 國 泰 機 師 的 操 作 有 關 , 梁 汝 強 指 事 件 中 並 無 接 獲 有 人 受 傷 的 報 告 。 國 泰 已 向 民 航 處 報 事 件 , 並 於 今 日 召 見 兩 名 機 師 , 民 航 處 也 會 作 出 跟 進 。

國 泰 稱 正 調 查 事 件國 泰 發 言 人 昨 強 調 , 該 客 機 停 下 來 之 後 , 與 跑 道 仍 有 一 段 距 離 , 因 此 並 無 與 其 他 飛 機 發 生 碰 撞 的 危 險 。 國 泰 正 調 查 事 件 , 稍 後 會 向 該 名 作 出 投 訴 的 乘 客 解 釋 。 據 悉 , 由 於 航 機 機 師 需 要 定 期 接 受 各 種 訓 練 , 因 此 不 時 會 出 現 載 有 乘 客 的 客 機 由 受 訓 中 的 機 師 負 責 駕 駛 的 情 況 。

飛 機 沒 顯 示 滑 行 速 度
汽 車 在 馬 路 上 行 駛 的 時 速 , 車 主 可 透 過 車 內 的 錶 板 看 到 , 但 飛 機 在 滑 行 道 上 的 滑 行 速 度 , 卻 沒 有 儀 器 顯 示 出 來 。 民 航 處 副 處 長 梁 汝 強 解 釋 , 飛 機 駕 駛 艙 上 的 空 速 錶 ( airspeed indicator ) , 主 要 是 用 來 反 映 飛 機 在 空 中 的 飛 行 速 度 , 以 及 在 跑 道 加 速 起 飛 時 , 機 師 用 來 判 斷 何 時 拉 起 機 頭 一 飛 沖 天 。 至 於 在 滑 行 道 上 的 飛 機 速 度 控 制 , 他 指 出 由 於 沒 有 儀 器 顯 示 , 所 以 都 是 靠 機 師 憑 經 驗 去 掌 握 ; 一 般 來 說 , 機 師 都 會 將 飛 機 緩 緩 滑 行 , 極 少 「 超 速 」 。



0530 勁悶熱
0623 勁大雨

上午6時天文台錄得氣溫24度, 相對濕度百分之98。
預料未來一兩小時可能有大雨影響香港, 市民應提高警覺。
請注意: 黃色暴雨警告信號現正生效。雷暴警告現正生效, 有效時間至4月24日上午7時正。
上午4時45分至5時45分, 港島及九龍有閃電記錄。


South China Mourning Post...

I'm never a soccer fan nor have much knowledge about the sport... even less for local HK soccer. Yet, I still 'know' the South China (南華) team, which has been a local favorite and champion-band in my perception. and the fact that they wear (wore?) Coca-Cola sponsorship demonstrates the team being the top dogs, I believe.

Having said that, just heard from the news that South China is going to 降班 in the next season. It has secured only 13 points in 12 matches (I believe it is 3/1/0 points for winning/tie/losing).


Sunday, April 23, 2006


雖然添置了新行李箱, 對舊的那個還是有感情的. 況且它的狀態仍然不俗, 只是輪子需要更新一下, 於是托爸爸帶它到指定維修中心美容一番. 據說維修中心哥哥了解情況後, 把行李箱收下, 開出維修單據, 說需時約2週.

早幾天獲通知行李箱已修好了, 決定今天驅車前往接它凱旋歸來. 出發前拿出維修單一望... 嘩, 不得了! 且看如是說:
輪 - 後左輪
輪 - 後右輪
(... 後輪?! 原來有前輪...?!)
配件不全 (!)
表面 - 骯髒 (!!)
表面 - 刮花 (!!!)

(我的箱子的"特徵"是骯髒!?!? 是刮花!?!? 是配件不全!?!?)

他們想必沒想到這些描述是多麼的傷害物主的感情... 更是妄顧了這傷痕累累的行李箱的貢獻... 我對此深表遺憾!


向左走, 向右走

攝於長沙環 -
問題一: 如要朗讀, 究竟應是向左走, 還是向右走?
問題二: 究竟是什麼玩意?


Team Fun

Bean was showing me her company photos this morning... made me miss our team fun so much...[OID[BA227FF7CC110A4C8EDA36DB0CBB7489]]

If wish to take a clearer look at Bean, can go to -
Treasure Island (where she led a team called Snakes!)
2nd Bowling Tournament (where terrifying highlighter-red wigs were worn)


Saturday, April 22, 2006


Looking at Queen Elizabeth II and her "Monarchy Inc." can be interesting (extract from A Woman's Work is Never Done, TIME Magazine, 17 April 2006):
~ Her Majesty (even) carries a cell phone inside that handbag
~ The assistant private secretary on duty pointed out the Queen's professional skill: at just the right moment she turned to give the cameras a perfect backdrop of happy, flag-waving children.
~ She deadpanned to the chauffeur who tested it at the factory that its most important quality was how it handled at 5km/h.
~ The certificates people receive when they obtain honors are now generated by computer rather than calligrapher, saving US$27 approximately 5,000 times a year)
~ The goal is "not a cheap monarchy, but a value-for-money monarchy"
~ Footmen are told to avoid the center of the hallways to preserve the carpets, and (she) reminds people to turn off lights
~ "No gimmicks" the Queen has told aides. "I am not an actress" "Ceremony is meaningful only if it is relevant. It must make sense."
~ In the country, she rides helmetless or walks the hills every day.
~ The Queen's intelligence network is a lot better than anyone's in the palace. She will spot tiny erros in memos, and approves details as small as bedroom assignments and whether a photographer may stand in a corner at a state banquet.
~ One thing she definitely dislikes: People who come to see her when they have colds. She does not want the people depending on her, in a program arranged six months in advance, to get messed around by her having to stay in bed.
~ On a walkabout in Scotland, one person told her, "You look just like the Queen!" "How reassuring," she replied.
~ When a visiting head of state managed to slip out of Buckingham Palace overnight, she quipped: "Has he taken his wife?"


Change is the Only Constant

Our dear organization is changing, again... which is not unusual, though annoying.

My key stakeholder, exhausted, is going to take LOA... not a shocking news, sooner than I have expected though...




昨晚回港(其實是凌晨), 今早特別累, 打球時提不起勁, 中午外出時又發現遺留了很多該帶的東西在家...
京港之間聽似很近. 但屈指一算, 每次從BJ回港, 全程大大話話坐6個小時(從1915 - 1315) -
1915 - 1945 往機場
1945 - 2100 等飛機
2100 - 0030 三萬五千呎
0045 - 0115 返閨路上



Friday, April 21, 2006


今晚回港, 心情原是輕快的, 直至 -
~ 隣座男士不停搖腳, 非常騷擾, 眼花都有份... 還是有聲的. 還有外衣隨桌放, 把我們很不幸要share的電話都蓋住了. 他離開前穿外衣時很"大俠"的一揮, 袖子就"啪"一聲擊中我的頭, 但當時人茫然不知, 更不可能say sorry. 真混帳!
~ 後座男士椅子間歇性觸碰我的椅子... 重要的是我掛在上面的白色外衣. 他的東西(其實不多)也是放到"過哂界", 又常拍打桌面, 真的很討厭!
~ 他們說話的嘈吵更不用多提...



Thursday, April 20, 2006

America's Next Top Blogger

Some of you may remember her. Her writing quite funny... yet frankly, I have diffculty understanding what she says sometimes. She probably lives in HK now. (Do you recognize where is it the picture was taken?)


Great Minds Think Alike


Wednesday, April 19, 2006


繼星期日在Palace跟大佬四個月來第一次"短聚"後(原非本意, 但有人遲到早退...), 星期一又在太子道瞥見當時人與至愛飛馳而過(真不好意思, 我實在太好記性記住了你至愛的車牌, 加上車子實在藍得不尋常...), 聞說今天早上又有人在地鐵碰上了... 實在擇日不如撞日.


Management & Bull

Old buddy is 'complaining' that her honey is attending a management meeting, which will take up, as usual, the whole afternoon, if would end at all...

Understandable. You know there's a lot of "bulls' thingy" in such meeting... and we all know that bulls have 4 stomaches... the more they're able to eat, to digest, the more thingy they produce...

What say you?



經過差不多三個月的亙相閃避, 下星期將無可避免地會在BJ跟t冤家碰頭… 烏呼



上京前看過老友轉來的新聞說BJ大風沙, 以為會一睹黃沙萬里的景象... 誰不知今早落地後, 可能因為我觀察力衰退, 只覺一如以往 - 這地方總是到處有點灰塵吧...

老友認為還是風沙作祟... 只是風向改變了, 一夜間把黃沙都吹回去了吧...


Monday, April 17, 2006


臨別秋波1 -
有人問為何我今天blog得這麼狠... 可能因為是上京前夕, 知道未來數天都很難有機會blog, 所以儲定彈藥...

臨別秋波2 -
雖然明天要上京, 安慰的是買了新的行李箱. b的老同學在離開CX前幫我以特價買了這個Richard Branson踏着的Samsonite Pro-DLX01, 設計及質料蠻有勁的! 明天就用它 :)


上文: 文明娛樂

...下理: 嚴禁生事

是國內某娛樂場所外的"告示". 沒有拍下來的原因很明顯吧...

還有, 第一次親眼見識隣房二三十人一字排開燕瘦環肥任人指指點點, 有人坐低有人無得留低...




上週末到爸爸廠房一遊, 拍了很多廠照及video, 但因機械的東西不見得很逗趣, 加上屬"商業機密"(!), 無謂放在此有礙觀瞻. 略略選這兩張作個記錄吧.


兩部GM Buick勾起B部門時H項目的一些回憶, Buick在香港畢竟是少見的(或是完全不見?). 大家都還記得"調度"對我們是如何切身的重要... 話說回來, 爸說國產車(GM在國內生產)的水準仍需很大很大很大的努力趕上, 然後不忘強調車齡已10年的Toyota Previa(當年進口)儘管不停跑大陸, 狀態仍是如何的好... 不期然令我想起上上星期k的一個故事: 當年她在美國買車(...下刪300字), Honda的sales拋下一句"Toyota好呀, 大廠嚟ga..." (!)

全廠禁煙(我想宿舍除外吧), 所以設有這鳥語花香, 清風送爽的吸煙區. 據說曾發現廠房內有煙頭, 但又無人自首, 終於要勞師動眾抽出所有抽同一牌子香煙的員工, 全部處罰... 以後(well, so far...)都沒有發現有人在廠房內吸煙... 情節似曾相識? 順帶一提, 爸曾是香港皇家警察...





媽媽道: 先不要來, 媽媽只有1個...

c卻說: 大脾有兩個啊...


Pooh's English Origin

~ Winnie the Pooh is also called Pooh, or Pooh Bear, but never, ever, just Winnie.
~ A. A. Milne (1882-1956), one of England's most successful playwrights, was inspired by his son's (Christopher) friendship with a black bear named Winnie (short for the bear's hometown of Winnipeg) in the London Zoo and invented a series of stories.
~ Milne wrote the original Pooh stories primarily to amuse himself (!!)
~ The first Pooh story was published in the London Evening News on December 24, 1925. It was broadcasted by BBC radio on the following Christmas Day.
~ According to leading Pooh authority Peter Dennis, Milne didn't base the character of Tigger on a tiger but rather on a spirited black spaniel dog named Chum. Chum was always bouncing or jumping into things and causing a great deal of trouble.


Walk of Fame the Pooh

Source: Reuters Tue Apr 11, 2006 06:33 PM ET
Winnie the Pooh gets star on Hollywood Walk of Fame - By Gina Keating

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Squealing fans lined up ten deep on Hollywood's Walk of Fame on Tuesday, a few hurling themselves through a phalanx of minders to get close to their idol -- who wore only a red T-shirt over his yellow fur.
"Nobody went this crazy over Britney Spears," a photographer marveled, as he and others snapped off shot after shot of the star. "Winnie -- to your right!" another yelled.
The scene was the unveiling of the Hollywood Walk of Fame star for Winnie the Pooh, who is marking the 80th anniversary of the publication of his story in the London Evening News with an 18-month-long celebration hosted by the Walt Disney Co.
Pooh is among about a dozen animated stars, including Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Snow White, to merit a star on the famous sidewalk, where it joins nearby markers for Tim Allen, Rod Serling and Jane Russell.
"They're an important part of the industry now," Hollywood's Honorary Mayor Johnny Grant said of cartoon characters like Pooh. "Some of the movies (the studios) are putting out don't do so well, but animated characters are doing great business."
As a brass band played the "Winnie the Pooh" theme song and confetti fluttered down around Pooh and his pint-sized fans, Disney Chief Executive Bob Iger assured the shy pot-bellied star that "you really are worth all the bother."
Pooh generated $6 billion in retail sales for Disney in 2005 -- topped only by Mickey Mouse.
Longtime pals and castmates Rabbit, Eeyore and Tigger flew in from the Hundred Acre Wood to attend the star ceremony and a screening of the 1997 video "Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin," was held at the nearby El Capitan Theater. A digitally remastered DVD of that video was also released on Tuesday.
But there were a couple of no-shows -- Piglet and Christopher Robin. Presumably they had "other commitments."


Friday, April 14, 2006

hi from BJ

Just now received a call from BJ from the AP person... gee...

not blaming them though... they must be disappointed not having Easter holiday while travelling in China.

gotta run


Cool Easter

Will be out of town in 5min... you guys know how to track me down...

it's kinda chill this weekend, wish no rain spoiling it


Wednesday, April 12, 2006


很久很久很久沒有跟老朋友談過話... 至少有三年吧... 為着一些說不清的"道理", 還有那道"氣"... 而且罪魁禍首還是第n者的事... 真無謂.

因一下messenger 的誤click, 話匣子重新打開了... 真妙, 表情(emoticon?)語氣跟昨天沒有兩樣.


仍記得那年遠走英倫散心, 多得你跟摯愛(實是更老的朋友...) 來送機打氣, 還送上Tuesdays with Morrie 伴隨左右... 我是很感激的.




I share p's pain about being unable to blog as gracefully as I wish with an absent state of mind (

So many times I smile (swear?) to myself and decide something 'must blog'... yet in a blink's time, the 'must blog' spares no mercy, never leave a trace and just gone like that...

aarrr... what am I supposed to blog tonite...? there MUST BE something...


Welcome to the Team


"Easter Eggstreme"

Dear drivers to Harbour City...
~ April 14-17
~ 1st hour free parking, no spending required
~ For spending of $200 or above, additional 2-hr free parking PLUS two 1-hr parking coupon for use in May & in Jun...


Tuesday, April 11, 2006


這星期的感覺是平靜的, 也有點off-beat -
~ Mom生日晚飯: 先到三聖(黃金海岸旁)選海鮮, 自携到容龍別墅(黃金海岸對面)讓餐館烹調. 露天座開揚舒暢, 食物也非常有水準, 可推介.
~ 客觀的巧合加上主觀的理由, 推遲到復活節過後才上京, 也就暫免了出差的慣性焦慮
~ EMEA及AP高層連key stakeholer 到訪客戶, 會有好幾天分身不暇, 我反而因此省了不少跟他們"對峙", "交待"的時間. 可以為他們準備的, 我都在剛過去的週末完成了, 現在就要看他們的"造化".
~ 跟隊友吃吃飯, 聊聊天, 歎歎啡, 互相challenge一下, 也互相支持一下.
~ 參加了boss's mom 的追思會, 過程平安寧靜, 感覺十分溫柔. Auntie已rest in peace 是無容置疑了. Uncle跟boss可放心.

~ 星期五, 六假期, 會到爸的廠逛逛
~ 星期日會探望契仔契女, 賞心樂事也




Saturday, April 08, 2006


在回家的小巴上, 隱約聽見新聞報導什麼"賭馬萬元以上若不勝出, 可獲10%回贈"...

唔係啩... 必須查明真相, 待續...


Parental Guidance?

Because of a teen drama "The O.C.", get to 'know' this young actress Olivia Wilde. Looking at her bio (picked a few below), I was wondering what would have bred a person with such diversified profile and exposure (if not character). Is it more 'cos of the bring-up? or 'cos of the individual's will? or 'cos of the value and system fostered by a culture/society? or all-of-the-above?
~ Graduated from Phillips Academy Andover (a boarding school with alumni such as Kennedies and Bushes)
~ Parents are journalist, screenwriter, 60mins-Plus producer
~ Travelled with a group of musicians who 'toured' around England and Ireland, and slept on the streets
~ Married an Italian Prince, Ruspoli (in picture), a documentary filmmaker, photographer(, and whose father is Dado Ruspoli
~ Project Manager for the L.A. Filmmakers' Cooperative's Lysistrata Project - a worldwide theatrical event for peace which will be held in >100 cities
~ Owns a classic Pontiac Thunderbird, with licence plate "MRWILDE"

... and she's only 22.


Thursday, April 06, 2006


老老友s 因Harry Potter的關係, 重拾閱讀英國文學/作品的樂趣. 也不單是閱讀了, 她把BBC的Jane Austen系列也很踏實地看了一些. 長話短說... 因Pride & Prejudice 的關係, 她就迷上了Colin Firth (smile) - 包括他的寫作及訪問. 對以下一段看法頗有同感.

"When I'm really into a novel, I'm seeing the world differently during that time - not just for the hour or so in the day when I get to read. I'm actually walking around in a bit of a haze, spellbound by the book and looking at everything through a different prism.

I'm paraphrasing terribly from a theory I came across years ago... There's a school of thought that inanimate objects can make you feel certain things and you don't know why. You pick up a green mug and you drink coffee out of it and you're not thinking about anything except whether the coffee is good or bad. About an hour later, you feel depressed and you don't know why. Perhaps the mug is exactly the same color as your grandmother's. You're aware of the emotions but you didn't know your subconscious went through a whole thing - remembered something, relived something, and fed it back to you.
So a book can pull out responses that would be dormant otherwise. I find that a very valuable thing to have as a possibility. I'm not simply responding to the author's vision. The joy I take from a book is mine. It comes from me."


Sunday, April 02, 2006

Happy Birthday to Dad

Taken with bean's new toy - Nokia 7370

one more...


To Boss

May it help to know we all share your sorrow...

May peace replace heartache.


江湖 in Redder Ink

may p consider this 江湖?

$10.6 billion - the "preliminary updated" loss for 2005 that GM reported on March 16. Partly because of accounting errors, that's $2 billion more than was announced in January. Say's GM's online home page: "We have immediate opportunities for auditors... apply now."
~ FORTUNE magazine, March 28-April 10, No. 6


Shrinking Wallet

It is said that many leather goods manufacturers are introducing wallets that are shorter in width and height than their traditional fare (usually a no more than a centimetre's adjustment) - in hopes of appealing to men who have shifted to slimmer fit clothing, and be carried in a front pocket.

oh well, good news for minimalists.


Trip Hazards

Clarifications about some vacation hazards from Wall Street Journal (Weekend Journal for March 31 - April 2)

The air on a plane is full of germs
"... but is a plane really any more dangerous than an office, say, or an elevator? Half the air on a plane is outside air, and half is filtered and recirculated. So it would seem as though 50% of your onboard oxygen intake consists of other people's germy exhalations. But the recirculated half passes through high-efficiency particulate air filters, which typically catch almost all dangerous microbes... A well-maintained aircraft has about 20 air changes per hour; that airflow is roughly the same as that in a hospital operating theatre... a typical office building only has about five air changes per hour. It isn't the air on a plane that is the problem... The risk is other passengers who might be close to you for long periods of time..."

Conclusion: stay away from office - it is 4 times germier than a plane

Your room key has your credit card information on it
"... director of corporate security for Shangri-la Hotels & Resorts says it's only a card for access to a hotel room, with just the room number and dates of stay encoded on it... the process of coding a key card - when check-in staff code a key card for a guest, the hotel's key software system allows them to input a room number, check-in and check-out dates and times, and possibly a guest's name... its key coding software doesn't allow hotel employees to put credit card information on a card... hotels have their own individual software for encoding cards. You can't insert a card from Hotel A into a reader from Hotel B and get any readable information from it."

Conclusion: no matter what, nobody should take care of your personal information more than yourself should.
