Saturday, April 22, 2006


Looking at Queen Elizabeth II and her "Monarchy Inc." can be interesting (extract from A Woman's Work is Never Done, TIME Magazine, 17 April 2006):
~ Her Majesty (even) carries a cell phone inside that handbag
~ The assistant private secretary on duty pointed out the Queen's professional skill: at just the right moment she turned to give the cameras a perfect backdrop of happy, flag-waving children.
~ She deadpanned to the chauffeur who tested it at the factory that its most important quality was how it handled at 5km/h.
~ The certificates people receive when they obtain honors are now generated by computer rather than calligrapher, saving US$27 approximately 5,000 times a year)
~ The goal is "not a cheap monarchy, but a value-for-money monarchy"
~ Footmen are told to avoid the center of the hallways to preserve the carpets, and (she) reminds people to turn off lights
~ "No gimmicks" the Queen has told aides. "I am not an actress" "Ceremony is meaningful only if it is relevant. It must make sense."
~ In the country, she rides helmetless or walks the hills every day.
~ The Queen's intelligence network is a lot better than anyone's in the palace. She will spot tiny erros in memos, and approves details as small as bedroom assignments and whether a photographer may stand in a corner at a state banquet.
~ One thing she definitely dislikes: People who come to see her when they have colds. She does not want the people depending on her, in a program arranged six months in advance, to get messed around by her having to stay in bed.
~ On a walkabout in Scotland, one person told her, "You look just like the Queen!" "How reassuring," she replied.
~ When a visiting head of state managed to slip out of Buckingham Palace overnight, she quipped: "Has he taken his wife?"



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