Thursday, April 06, 2006


老老友s 因Harry Potter的關係, 重拾閱讀英國文學/作品的樂趣. 也不單是閱讀了, 她把BBC的Jane Austen系列也很踏實地看了一些. 長話短說... 因Pride & Prejudice 的關係, 她就迷上了Colin Firth (smile) - 包括他的寫作及訪問. 對以下一段看法頗有同感.

"When I'm really into a novel, I'm seeing the world differently during that time - not just for the hour or so in the day when I get to read. I'm actually walking around in a bit of a haze, spellbound by the book and looking at everything through a different prism.

I'm paraphrasing terribly from a theory I came across years ago... There's a school of thought that inanimate objects can make you feel certain things and you don't know why. You pick up a green mug and you drink coffee out of it and you're not thinking about anything except whether the coffee is good or bad. About an hour later, you feel depressed and you don't know why. Perhaps the mug is exactly the same color as your grandmother's. You're aware of the emotions but you didn't know your subconscious went through a whole thing - remembered something, relived something, and fed it back to you.
So a book can pull out responses that would be dormant otherwise. I find that a very valuable thing to have as a possibility. I'm not simply responding to the author's vision. The joy I take from a book is mine. It comes from me."



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