Monday, November 26, 2007

Ear Buds

烏(又)想買隻新 ear-buds (不是 headphone), 想bass重一些, 亦要容易wear.
Over the weekend 到亦軒研究試聽一番, 試了起碼8隻仍是心大心細, 又要'格價'. 畢竟如果只是 on the road用來聽mp3/ipod, 受聲源(source)本身所限, 太高級的buds反而overkill, 所以只考慮不貴於2,000鬆個大洋的選擇 (自己在office就梗係聽CD).
Anyway, 那天就隨意用了幾隻歌仔試試好唔好聲, 夾唔夾:
~ 鬥牛 by 周杰倫 - 聽半吟半唱鬼食泥, 拍籃球, 鞋底磨擦地板, 場邊人語, 有小小bass
~ 化蝶 (piano version) by 何韻詩 - 聽琴, 呌氣聲(!), 起伏
~ 我們的 (interlude) by Lauren Perrin - 聽 cello
~ Over My Shoulder by Mika - 聽琴, 佢把聲, "男~高~音"!
~ Private Investigation by Dire Straits - 聽 guitar, 鼓, 靜音

好的 ear-buds 就像照妖鏡("好" to be defined, 長篇了). 可把音樂作品本身, 表演者, 錄音製作, 播放器... 各環節的質素特點肆意放大或遮掩, 當中學問不比大型 Hi-fi 少. 試想想, 這麼細少的一個bud, 卻發揮着 speaker 的角色, 要做得好殊不簡單. 況且不同品牌不同型號各有特色長短, 很費神, 但好玩, hehe.

回到家裏, 又拿着隻 Shure e4, UE SF5pro ATH CK-9 反反覆覆試了又試, 固然是性格迥異... 突然一個念頭湧上心頭 - 以後要把它們都帶在身上了, 用來聽不同的東西ma...
影相都帶幾部相機, 幾個鏡頭, 呢樣嗰樣啦... 吓話?

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Sunday, November 25, 2007

3-4-3 小時賽


第1站先到永安買家居用品, 時間尚早進得了它的停車場, 不用左等右等 []. 原來保安哥哥們好仔細: 先在入口處登記, 發一張車輛出入證; 駛下一層再發一張記時卡及一張要放在擋風玻璃的臨時泊車證; 再駛下一層又有專人指示泊位. 喂, 唔該晒.
購物有3小時 free parking (按amount, 其後$50粒鐘), 我們也就施施然, 更在附近一家著名的生滾粥 - 和味- 吃午餐, 點了鯪魚球粥, 豬膶粥, 炒麵豆漿. 好好味!

第2站 Elements. 之前有太多朋友說那裡太多人了, shopping mail一個沒必要去, 所以今天是第一趟. 冇蕩失路但被parking牌點咗兜個大大大圈, 下次冇咁笨. 主要去Three-Sixty及買skin-care. 在Three-Sixty喝了健康工房的湯解渴, 好得! 我們選了紅柿木瓜羅漢果湯和核桃蘋果紅柿南瓜湯, hehe, 基本上似 juice多啲... 咁口渴ma. 飲湯時, 還碰到CT同hubby行街街, 寒暄了幾句, 她看起來很好啊.
再買再逛再逛再買, 又渴了累了, 便到Habitu叉叉電, 只點了cioccolato con espresso 和 s.pellegrino.

購物有4小時 free parking(按amount, 其後$8粒鐘! 超抵!!!), 有點不可思議...
同場加映(lau)賣車實錄. 取車時發現這個sip在門鏡, 佢話:
We are interested in your car No. blahblahblah.
We pay cash immediately.

哈, 多謝俾面.

第3站晚餐站, 還是駛過"隔壁"回到了海運. 會合豆到和花亭吃壽司, 今晚以珍珠蠔剌身最突出.
又3粒鐘泊車. 同場加映 mini car show, 主要feature 隻 clubman. 老實說對mini沒大興趣, 但見現場人頭踴踴, 似乎好生意.

well... 滿載而歸. 除了錢包.

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Hong Kong Treasures

Checked these out with sifu the other day when we had the Cova break.
We bumped into a cousin of one of the creators. Her piece of work (not shown here) is 銀龍茶餐廳, which was owned by the creator's grandpa in Wanchai. I immediately associated it with 金鳳. You can see the wooden stools, cashier near entrance, the egg tarts, cup cakes and the classic paper box carrying the egg tarts... Lovely!

Hong Kong Treasures Miniatures Exhibition
Date: 20 - 30 November
Time: 0900-2100
Venue: 1/F Devon House, Taikoo Place (actually right in front of Cova)


Friday, November 23, 2007

Steinway Lyngdorf

Steinway &... SOUND

wow... itchy... not until I have a chance to experience it, if.

Steinway strikes upmarket chord in home entertainment
23 November 2007 SCMP
(c) 2007 South China Morning Post Publishers Limited, Hong Kong. All rights reserved.

Unlimited Krug champagne and caviar were among the pricey treats at an audio system preview at Azure. The high-performance equipment was designed by renowned audio engineer Peter Lyngdorf, who arrived - as part of a promo tour in major cities that started in New York in May - to demonstrate his latest creation: high-end speakers etched with the name Steinway & Sons. Yes, the legendary piano maker has now given its name to a home entertainment set called the Model D Music System.
"They've been looking to expand their name to audio equipment and I knew someone who was in charge at Steinway. We met and talked, and then it all happened very fast," Lyngdorf recalled. "Originally, it was just going to be named Steinway but after they heard the sound, they decided it was good enough to be stamped with the full name of Steinway & Sons."
The posh ceremony's prelude included a recital by a chamber quartet - we're not sure if the audience really cared to sit for a few classical etudes, but they were polite enough despite the occasional ring tones. The gangly audio expert then unveiled the 2-metre-high speakers with Steinway & Sons's traditional colours of black and gold. However, Lyngdorf later admitted that is about the extent of the piano maker's collaboration, technically.
"Their instrument is designed to resonate. Ours are not supposed to make any sound at all."
Before you dump your boombox for an upgrade, the Steinway & Sons system is US$150,000.


Thursday, November 22, 2007

The Office


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Visitor from B612

Also starting 8 Jaunary 2008... hmm...


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Lang Lang Collides

@ Hong Kong Coliseum, 8 January 2008.
Won't be going: (1) dropping dead expected after long haul; (2) the infamous Coliseum sound effect.


Monday, November 19, 2007


近來萎靡依然, 又有順風車, 決定跟師傅去拜會久仰大名的醫師.
阿洋名中醫師出名嚴厲寸咀又cool cool 地, 今日終於聞名不如見面.
"冇嘢嘅, 你仲後生..."
"冇嘢嘅, 感冒咪由佢 'au' 囉..."
"冇嘢嘅, 無無謂謂又唔瞓咁..."
"冇嘢嘅, 以你嘅年紀, 身體係渣啲啫..."
句句"冇嘢嘅", 但係佢個表情好'有啲嘢', 令人不懂招架, 只好唯唯諾諾.
醫師吩咐下班後要再回去飲藥把脈, 都咪話... 有啲怯.

回office途中, 分析員臨時約見. 趕去見面寒暄過招一番, 又灌下大啡一杯, 一邊飲一邊心想唔知會唔會俾醫師鬧鬼...

回到醫師處, 藥已準備好, 便乖乖喝下等候發落.
不敢多咀, 問一句我最多答半句.
"點呀, 飲唔飲到? 我啲藥唔難飲, 你睇出面啲細路都飲到..."
"啲藥好快... 果然係後生..."
"睇你當唔當(健康) 係 asset..."
"你有好多嘢想做, 都要有好身體至得..."
"你個名都幾xx..." (hehe, 多謝爺爺)
哦... yes ma'am!

噓, 原來都係醫者父母心.



討厭. 鼻. 塞.
塞到頭痛. 呼不得也吸不得.
鼻水鼻涕窮途末路, 只得向低流到喉頭, 耳仔也難免沾上惡菌.
用口呼吸, 自然喉乾舌燥. 氣管癢得要命, 如何落力乾咳幾聲也搔不着癢處.
飲飲食食有難度. 一張嘴要咬要吸要嚼要呼要吞要咬要吸要嚼要呼要吞, 真忙不過來...
同時說話更是 stretch了, 協調不好的話, 嗆哽起來便有得自己辛苦.
下咽甚至吞口水也要張開嘴, 不然的話一道氣前無去路後有追兵, 我可不想耳鼓不停的被衝擊.
耳鼻喉造反, 聲音也性感起來.
是時候講句 - 朋友, 你寂寞嗎...
聽着歌仔引吭高歌, 那陣鼻樑的共鳴... 同個種難聽法... 勁! 哈.


Sunday, November 18, 2007


唱/曲: 陶吉吉
詞: 陶吉吉/娃娃

春天是他最愛的季節 當微風隨意吹亂他的頭髮
他並不在一身邊世界的吵雜 只想著自己生命中的變化
還有十五分鐘才午休 從早到晚沒有想像中那麼好過
安定的日子不一定就是幸福 忘不掉他在心裡做過的夢

他今年農曆三月六號剛滿二十二 剛甩開課本要離開家看看這世界
卻發現許多煩惱要面對 oh yeah
他常會想望能回到那年他一十二 只需要好好上學生活單純沒憂愁
他就像一朵蓓蕾滿懷希望 (他一直滿懷希望)

秋天是忽然間就來臨 青春雖然有本錢可以灑脫
一場戀愛二十二個月就結束 才知道有些感情不值得賭
九月天氣還是有點熱 他想公車再不來就走一走路
他開始明白等待未必有結果 一個人也能走上夢的旅途

人生偶爾會走上一條陌路 就像是沒有指標的地圖
別讓它們說你該知足 只有你知道什麼是你的幸福

他常會想望能回到那年他一十二 只需要好好上學生活單純沒憂愁
他笑著想過未來 oh 他應該得到幸福
如此的簡單的夢 有沒有實現

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Thursday, November 15, 2007


唔知幾時開始學咗 a 的當年今日...
翻了翻舊年啲 postings...

2006.11 - 2006.12 的生活



晚餐途上, 碰到舊同事阿狀師'大力扭'.
老老土土的寒暄一番時, 旁邊的嬸嬸對我們的對話好像很有興趣 (自問聲浪絕不擾民, 識得我同大力扭嘅應該知道). 企得愈來愈近, 不住的上下打量我們, 還蠢蠢欲動的似要加入討論, 使人渾身不自在. 我就已經'戚晒眉', 阿大力就一貫的'笑mimi' 咁, 冇晒符.
到交換卡片時(方便ma...), 嬸嬸終於老實不客氣的伸個頭過來睇埋一份, 嚇得我唯有移開半步, 快手收好卡片.
都唔知好嬲定好笑定... 好怪. 真係mud都有人八卦得一餐.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007


爸至愛之一, 原來已經100歲... 隻 crepe.

以下特別送俾仲有6個星期才回來的 p : 見你啲大魚大肉大包大飲... 真係睇到都有啲滯.
(btw, 你話'尋仇'大會... 都不無可能 []. hehe 只不過到時你又未返, 輪到我又飛咗... 唯有靠a兄虎兄太子道雷太等本地薑拱照陳老闆王老闆出迎班老外和 H...)

媽私房鮑魚仔拉麵 (L); 飯堂蒸斑仔, 野菌炒露荀, 鮮蝦蟹肉蒸水蛋 (R)

冇mud嘢, 同佢地打邊爐啫. 隻'飲勝手'係阿嘅.

Coke zero 細樽裝. 新coke舊feel, 都幾怪.

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Monday, November 12, 2007

A Typical Saturday

Gotta work harder... at least catching up with hh's sax (in terms of practising effort...)

Busy lor, always a little jam on the way to tennis.

There's always somebody who doesn't drive 'proper' if not 'well'. This little thing faked a bus and used the bus-lane. I chased it up and took its picture.

Targetting well-managed - ball got hit straight into the zipped bag.

Gut-breaking - 3 times already throughout my amateur play. First time for this one, twice for the Head raq.

Going home. The darker the fancier.


Sunday, November 11, 2007


今日買咗蔡琴孝敬 Daddy (當然我都想聽hehe). 跟住應該係 Eagles' LONG ROAD OUT OF EDEN and Santana's ULTIMATE SANTANA. 神奇地, 這些碟在 HMV 都只是賣99個大洋.

蔡琴 金聲演奏廳
1. 天天天藍 (Intro)
2. 祝我幸福
3. 用心良苦
4. 其實你不懂我的心
5. 為了愛夢一生
6. 只有分離
7. 吻別
8. 一場遊戲一場夢
9. 假如我是真的
10. 點亮霓虹燈
11. 海上花
Chin Tsai's latest Mandarin album, 'Concert Hall: Golden Voice 2007', is produced by Peter Kam Pui Tat (winner of Silver Bear (Best Film Music) at 56th Berlin International Film Festival) and Chiu Tsang Hei, and each track was recorded live on set. Initial CD/DVD edition was mastered in Germany and filmed in high definition to provide the best quality in audio and visual. The album comes with 10 music videos and a 30-minute making-of special.
'Concert Hall: Golden Voice 2007' is a mix of old and new. The album was recorded using an antique Tube Microphone, which is made in 1946 and there is only one left in Hong Kong. The album is sampled at 96kHz/24bit and filmed in high definition to provide a high-end enjoyment on both audio and visual. This is also the first time that Chin Tsai was recorded and filmed in one take. She said, "In the past, you did not need to put your make-ups on while recording. So you could focus on the singing part and you did not need to care about the face. But now it is like performing in a musical, which to mean is a new thing."


Running Run-In

Started running-in the UE 5 pro
Muse to start with.

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Friday, November 09, 2007


收到通知, 大客戶H在籌備一個 project teams 的 reunion.
陣容龐大, 畢竟幾個 project 合起來, 全盛時期乾收銀隊伍過百人. 當中大部份(估計70%)非中港台人士, 非常的聯合國.
n年前有幸參與其中一個 project. 自己留了23個月, 工作以外最有印象的, 怕且都係...
~ 最初住Mission Hills, golf courses 雖然好正, 但有得睇冇得玩, 而且蚊多. 吃早餐時, 看看大隻佬MS就知他晚上的睡姿如何 - 左邊臉頰都滿是蚊吻, 他肯定是靠右側身睡了.
~ 第一次坐"紅旗"轎車. 雖然車上裝的是 Sony 電視.
~ 每個星期日準備星期一偷運的糧餉: 超熟包, 芝士包, parma ham, cold cut, luncheon meat, snacks, 靚杯麵, 咖啡豆, 咖啡糖, 咖啡奶.
~ 話說某酒店的泳池很細, 有隊友話在那裡游水會頭暈, 因為要常常"轉塘"
~ 某酒店乾洗我的 jacket 後, 把拉鍊不知怎的弄斷了再'燒hon'回去時反轉了, 卻被我發現了. 終於拿到對面 Seibu 的專門店又搞了一輪. yet, damage was done.
~ 話說某外籍女同事有類似遭遇. 西裝褸洗回來後, 鈕扣都不見了. 原來都釘在裏面了...
~ 習慣mud總mud總等稱呼
~ 客戶的員工都是"知書"份子 (80%大學畢業以上), 但有些'國情', 譬如放飛劍, 冇隊形恐後爭先, 高談闊論, 熄燈午睡... 還是避不了.
~ 開會有 simultaneous interpreter
~ 多長出來的20+磅
~ 晚飯後與 a, p, 烏, 虎, 女, 少俠的 Bridge 局. 然後, 那年那夜目擊了 [], 與世界同仇敵愾.
~ 某個早上一覺醒來, CNN話敝公司買了"星期一乾收銀"公司, '收歸'敝部門一齊收銀. 江湖從此多事.
~ ... (待續)

ps 可惜當時還未開始 blogging (or equivalent), 否則該會是一段有趣的時空記錄.
PS2 都是SARS前的事了


Thursday, November 08, 2007


End of meeting. Someone raised the fossil chitchat on "Work-Life Balance".
Then, kidding or not, one said now we don't talk about Work-Life Balance anymore.
We talk about Work-Life INTEGRATION.

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Wednesday, November 07, 2007



曲: 王菀之
詞: 林夕
編: The Invisible Men
監: The Invisible Men

被人嫌怪 被人辭退 被情人騙去絕望的感情
傻到留下耳朵 給情人做裝飾的怪客
誰受過怕感動 還是覺得驚嚇 苦戀之痛全被抹殺
百病貧困 仍然無悔 未曾賣過仍舊畫畫
只是為了呈現世間光明 來叫開心可散發
無視血色蒼白 忘掉過得蕭煞 色彩鮮暖全是自發

你 聽過梵高吧 值幾多百
他那人格 難剖白 求存人人明白
(只有人格 難表白 求存人人明白) 
看 他有權亂去畫 也許口袋 也不致一片空白

畫完無數麥田和向日葵 贏到了後代的收藏研究
無奈有生之年 才售得出一個客
無奈那種鉤勒 無奈那種筆法 一幅心血才值二百

萬人做上萬年 難買藝術傑作 從未獲得當時留意
難道人死 商業才計得到他價格
難道妥協一劃 難道放棄風格 跟風一下然後暴發

賣完又買 賣完又買 憑誰訂價
憑賣藝討生活 誰會淪落 似這精神病院關起的過客
難活到了不惑 留下了他風格 很想清醒無奈病發

看 一個人的命 或者悲慘
他到臨終 仍肯畫 仍然貢獻世間
看 他看長夜星空 那種燦爛 顯得世間太蒼白


Monday, November 05, 2007

Moon is No Hell

"If we have the ability to send a satellite to the moon, why is it so difficult to send all corrupt officials to prison?" Wu Mingfa, a farmer from Xichang, China. The country launched its first lunar probe on Oct 24.
~ Verbatim, TIME Magazine, 5 November


Thursday, November 01, 2007

Need Some Shopping



一向脾氣壞, 耐性零. 近來更似有破底之慮, 一係發老脾寸寸貢, 一係冇咁好氣講你都唔明ga la.
老爸老媽老友老頂師傅徒弟係人係鬼無一幸免. 按捺不住發作的話, 人家(可能)難受(咁自問都好有家教, 唔會太過份唔會刻薄), 然後自己都會後悔難受. 抑壓住不發作的話, 又忿忿鼓埋泡腮, 都係自己難受, 人家睇見又眼冤.
那天路上繁忙, 真係好唔好老脾咁左穿右插, 有時難免貪快得慢俾人阻住就更嬲. w終於忍不住'勒令'我不准再轉線, 話我不能一絲耐性都沒有(今日跟提起, 佢仲話"that's you")... hehe 唯有以笑遮醜囉.
連那天在"臉書"被撩做的IQ test, 原來個結果已經鬼鬼馬馬貼了在某角落, 比印象中n年前做的低了些.
學阿鄰居話齋, 真係mud Q都低晒.
話時話, 咁EQ是否天生的呢? 媽啊...

ps 有冇江湖秘方提升mud Q?

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