Friday, November 25, 2005

18:40 Fighting pre-flight hunger


tic... tac... tic... tac... tic... tac...

waiting for boss

tic... tac... tic... tac... tic... tac...

puzzling what to eat and have to finish in 40min

tic... tac... tic... tac... tic... tac...

then flight at 21:00


Thursday, November 24, 2005

Falling watt

falling watt today... after 5 days' work (this week started with a working sunday), still have one more WHOLE DAY to go (as flight will depart at 2100)... obviously my mood is not on demand

and it's like ups and downs quite a lot. even thought I'm flying back home in 24hrs. ups 'cos you're getting home, and supposedly taking a break during the weekend. then downs 'cos going home cannot save you from any of the troubles (or some may choose to call them "challenges")...

so i have been eating much more this week. i can see the vicious cycle kicks in - depressed, eat, obsessed, depressed further, eat further, obsessed further...

obviously my EQ is totally inadequate to counter these ups & downs. and for the very first time, i found myself unbearably ignorant...


Wednesday, November 23, 2005


在BJ公司附近吃據聞著名的烤鴨 - 大董

菜蠻不錯, 但因座位太擠, 所以沒有照相. 也難怪, 瘦虎說上回他跟 ashes 二人也是坐在我們五人坐的桌子...

隨烤鴨夾薄餅的配料除了慣常的大蔥, 青瓜, 甜醬外, 還有蒜茸(!), 砂糖(!!), purple raddish 和兩款像極日本定食附物的咸菜.

服務員姐姐煞有介事的示範了三種 "特色吃法":
1) 鴨皮點砂糖 - 就像吃嗦嗦聲的肥膏

2) 包蒜茸, 大蔥, 青瓜, 甜醬 - 還可以, 但心理上不覺得是片皮鴨的味道
3) 包那些咸菜 - 抱歉, 沒有意欲去嚐試... 有機會的話下回分解

其他菜也不賴, 有一味"香酥牛尾條"的前菜就出乎意料的精緻, 完全看不出什麼牛尾不牛尾的, 吃的是鬆化幼細的"肉鬆".

吃到一半, 突然發現我們的菊花茶由微黃變綠, 就像香蘭葉(pandan)的顏色...



Thursday, November 17, 2005


半唐番買早餐 -

半 (柔聲緩緩地): 蒸蛋火腿麥飽三文治

店 (高聲唱戲地): 煎蛋腿麥

半 (醒水加強力度): aarrr... 係蒸蛋火腿

店 (不無猶疑地): 蒸蛋...?! (英明果斷地): 烚蛋腿麥!!!

世事真巧妙 - 理直氣壯以為精... 實情不知幾回烚...


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Global warming

tiger checked that no more winter clothing allowance (for our trip to the sub-zero place)...

a classic example of the evilness of global warming


Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Sweet tooth

return of my sweet tooth after 2yrs & 8mths...

my dessert tonite... one of my favorites...

dengdengdengdeng - DARK ALMOND


Big Bang

"We do not believe in the Big Bang. We believe in incremental stages to find solution."
- Donald Tsang explained during his North America visit last week that HK would need time to develop democratic institutions, despite calls for universal suffrage. ~TIME magazine November 7, 2005

oh well... this is not apple to apple.

"Big Bang" is the solution itself. "Incremental stages" is the process of defining a solution. There is no conflict between them. There is no correlation neither.

and btw, who are "WE" ?


Monday, November 14, 2005



有趣... 用中文時:
標題部份預設的字體大小是 "Small"
內容部份預設的字體大小是 "Normal"
沒錯, "Normal" 大於 "Small"

或許只是我的想當然... 畢竟標題字體不一定要大於內容...

或許是"層次思考"的毛病... 上層要包含(因而 literally "大於")下層...


Broken communication at the cost of cheesecake

went buy take-out from a "Sandwich Salad Place"... i was told. got a patong (yes, SE asia's patong beef's patong) beef ribs with brown rice, and a totally american smoked turkey with cranberry jam and avocado sandwich in 5-grain bread. and a totally HK-ese coffee mocha. i always say we are so lucky living in this international tiny spot on the globe.

called sifu while waiting for the food to see if she needed sth. "at a Sandwich Salad Place..." I said. "no... i need rice...". no problem, this is exactly the beauty of getting take-out - flexibly lunching together.

"Sandwich Salad Place" suggested me ordering $35 more to make it a $100 purchase to get 2 pcs of cheesecake (which priced total at $50) free!! oh well, could not figure out how could I boost up my original $65 order by more than 50% to make it a deal. gave up.

met buddies back at office and everybody acknowledged my lunch from the "Healthy Place". ic. sifu wanted brown rice from there too if she would have known i was at the "Healthy Place". oh well... it's the "Sandwich Salad Place" so where's the rice??

yeah... would have got the $50 cheesecake too if I would have known... about getting rice from the "Sandwich Salad Place"

btw, the cheesecake offer available only on 7, 14, 21 and 28 November


Why am i doing this...?!?!

i was drowsy next to death 20min ago... what the h--- i'm doing here...

indeed, what the h--- i STARTED doing this...

just now found that i couldn't change the format of the posting time and date below... i used to LOVE 24hr clock... gee...

before i shall dive in further, better stop here for mysterious "why"...

god knows if i'll come back blogging further
