Thursday, November 24, 2005

Falling watt

falling watt today... after 5 days' work (this week started with a working sunday), still have one more WHOLE DAY to go (as flight will depart at 2100)... obviously my mood is not on demand

and it's like ups and downs quite a lot. even thought I'm flying back home in 24hrs. ups 'cos you're getting home, and supposedly taking a break during the weekend. then downs 'cos going home cannot save you from any of the troubles (or some may choose to call them "challenges")...

so i have been eating much more this week. i can see the vicious cycle kicks in - depressed, eat, obsessed, depressed further, eat further, obsessed further...

obviously my EQ is totally inadequate to counter these ups & downs. and for the very first time, i found myself unbearably ignorant...



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