Saturday, February 23, 2008

Colors Without Colors

Colors #72 Without Colors. A black-and-white only issue dedicated to the blind and visually impaired.

From the Colors#72 Press Release []
This issue brings up the sightless side of the world and found out how it is to be part of a minority in a world order designed for the majority. A world without colour but rich in nuances, just as losing your sight doesn’t mean losing the meaning of things. For example, we discover that to Cecilia, a young world swimming champion, the water changes according to her mood and the rituals she performs before the race. And Michael, a corporate executive, describes how he and his co-workers survived the 911 attach by walking down the stairs from the 78th floor.

This issue includes a 4-language CD with gypsy music by the blind violinist Tcha Limberger. There is also a special audio version on a USB drive to be shipped to institutes and foundations for the blind.

Was quite surprised when I found the Editor-in-Chief and the Creative Director for this issue were 2 Chinese names (locate in Beijing and Changsha). Then I found it saying that in addition to the original 3 bilingual editions in English with Italian, French or Spanish, this was the first issue to have a Chinese edition on sale in China. May be that's why. Didn't notice that or would have looked for the version with Chinese.

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