Saturday, October 13, 2007


理論上, 週末前要寫一寫當奴曾"新方向"施政報告個 brief, 吹吹implication, 俾啲'靈感'... 諸如此類.
飛罷整份報告(download version 54頁鬼咁大隻字似 font size 18. 最怕), 留白的地方多, 腦袋也跟着一片空白. 一如以往, 彈都無謂, 基本上… 沒什麼, 畢竟都預了虛中無實.
大題目應有盡有 (連"新香港人"都講得出), 冇的只是內涵. 服侍一個地方當然不容易, 問心俾我都冇本事做. 但在有捨有得當中有幾多腰骨, 有幾許誠意, 有沒有公義, 還是可以耳聞目睹一個大概的.
與其叫報告, 不如, 叫晚報.
茶餘飯後, 可有可無. 若然晚報, 時辰未到.
話時話, 新香港人, 今日你炒咗未?

ps 在"沒什麼"當中, 有印象的居然是這段落, 它的起首應記一功 ~
[71] The widening wealth gap is a global trend ("人地阿邊個邊個邊度邊度都係咁啦") ... I believe that to prevent the widening wealth gap from becoming a serious social conflict, it is important for the well-off to care for the disadvantaged. Enterprises should fulfill their social responsibilities (回饋社會是應該的, 但施政報告啊, 我期望你除了出口術鼓勵之外, 實際會做什麼?)... To translate this into action, the business community and professionals should actively volunteer to participate in charity work including promoting the development of social enterprises... (下刪xxx字) (同意 social enterprises 這個理念, 但執行上恐怕事必效益低而吃力不討好, 否則, 已成為聰明人的 enterprises了, 還留得了social嗎?)

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