Sunday, October 07, 2007

Pantry Home

8月某日@ Home to Pantry
先 declare 漏相之食: 冬瓜盅, mini bacon croissant.
老闆親筆真跡 menu (L); baguette @ de Joel Robuchon (R)

Potato salad (L); duck breast salad with orange dressing (top), chicken caesar with grapefruit (bottom)

Swiss grill toy, pedal 狀物體並實是用來 grill cheese 的. 把 cheese 放在 'pedal' 上, 然後放進 grill 中間那層 (L); 有菜有肉 (更多躲在廚房) (R)

Avocado mango prawn salad (L); Tiramisu, creme brulee (R)

Home (moi) made ice tea

老闆本色I: Noah's Ark (L); 老闆本色II: 非常整齊 (R)

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