Saturday, September 29, 2007


Yesterday when I was filling out the form to see the doctor, there it is the typical blank - Occupation.
Ding. I found myself still writing down the old bs title. Which I have been sticking to for 'form filling' purpose.
Used to find it difficult to explain to others what exactly was my job at b department. Though '乾收銀' is perfectly accurate in some sense. So, why not?
Not until I dived into the previous role at i department and current role at m department that I found as hard, if not harder, to tell what I do.
To make life easier, I stick to 'that' occupation when filling out forms. oh well, ideally the very nature of it should apply to e~ve~ry~thing we do anyway...

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Big Joke

真真正正的遇上了. 大笑話. 人如其名
是陰差陽錯, 還是早有預謀, 還是... 有dark force?
神奇經歷, 諗諗吓都真係幾有趣, 如果你不是當事人的話.
喂老友, 咁點先?!

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Friday, September 28, 2007


From the World in Action
In the past, Burma's military rulers have massacred the demonstrators and crushed democracy. The world must stand with the Burmese people at this time, to show the military rulers that the world will not tolerate repression and violence. Right now, global leaders are gathering in New York for the annual United Nations summit. In speeches, press interviews but also in real actions, we need them to show Burma's military junta that the global community is willing to act in solidarity with the protesters.

If you want to make a petition online: The World in Action

This will be the petition being sent to the United Nations Security Council members (including China) and to media at the UN ~
To Chinese President Hu Jintao and the UN Security Council
We stand alongside the citizens of Burma in their peaceful protests. We urge you to oppose a violent crackdown on the demonstrators, and to support genuine reconciliation and democracy in Burma. We pledge to hold you accountable for any further bloodshed.

And if care, this is the long-living (which is sad) campaign to advocate freeing of Aung San Suu Kyi

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19 Years of Protest

This morning, w asked if I read the news on Myanmar (Burma).

"19 Years of Protest" ~ Photo Essay, TIME, CNN

The Opposition Leader
Aung San Suu Kyi has lived under house arrest for 12 of the last 18 years. She is the leader of the National League for Democracy, which achieved a decisive victory in the last national election, held in 1990. The junta has refused to acknowledge the legitimacy of that vote.

The 8888 Uprising
The current democracy movement in Burma draws inspiration from a series of mass demonstrations culminated on August 8, 1988 (8/8/88 - a day deemed auspicious). The 8888 Uprisings drew fuel, in part, from anger over the killing of a student activist who had protested the demonetization of Burma's currency, which wiped out the savings of most Burmese.

Martial Law
The protests were violently suppressed. It is estimated that thousands were killed.

Battle for Democratic Freedoms
In December 1996, students staged a series of demonstrations and sit-ins, calling for self-rule and protesting alleged police brutality.

People's Choice
Aung San Suu Kyi's struggle to bring democracy to Burma earned her the Nobel Peace Prize and the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought. The government has repeatedly punished the opposition leader. When her husband, a British citizen, fell ill with cancer, he was denied a visa to visit her. He died before she could see him again.

Peaceful Protest
Leadership of the recent protest movement has been taken over by the monks, who hold a venerated place in Burmese society. Despite warnings from the junta, the monks continue to march. Their numbers, and the numbers of civilians accompanying them have increased daily.

Left Behind
Sandals and blood lie in the street after armed troops dispersed a crowd in Yangon, September 27, 2007.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Never Say Never

今日做了一件10年前尚且不屑做, 10個月前想也未想過, 10日前還在猶豫的事.

1115 出門口. 路面相當順暢. 爽手泊好車.

持住是由細去到大的環頭. 視察環境, 行行企企眼望望. 未見有異.
(其實高估了自己. 根本沒有經驗判斷什麼是'常'什麼是'異'...)
回到現場, 再逛一會. 突驚見人潮在某一角落湧入.
嘩. 太大安旨意. 幸好(?)仍不是太遲.

拿出卡片, 寫上...
望望, 又寫寫寫.
我心諗, 對眼好閃喎.
"thank you..."
這麼冷靜的encounter, 當事人好像不太習慣, 眼中不無問號(that's it?).

不知不覺前後已經3小時, 趕緊買買買so that free parking.
回到現場, 當事人還在. 又逛了一會.
差不多夠鐘要攞車, 踏上escalator之際, 當事人一干人等就在我5m後面.
交parking fee 之時, 一干人等(連帶更多其他人等及尖叫等)就在身邊略過...

What an experience... =) 此記.

ps 開車離開停車場時, '碰上'了當事人的爸媽也開車離開.
我嘗試先讓他們倒車出車, 卻仍不太順利. 我唯有先走為敬, 以免阻塞交通.

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原本打算在九龍城吃泰菜, 但因在馬鞍山打tennis, 晚上就到了那裡.

n年前有段時間常跟爸或老死們在晚飯後和週未到白石或Garden Farm 的driving range, 馬鞍山那段是必經之路.
當時... 仍未有馬鐵.
當時... 仍... blahblahblah...
今晚, 走在架空的馬鐵橋下, 感覺是陌生又詭異.

直至, 走出市中心, 開上高速公路.
加上, 碰巧開始播 Eason 的 Easy Ride.
一隻自己十分十分十分喜歡的CD. 沒有一首歌是不喜歡的.
and it's all coming back to me now...

01. 阿士匹靈
02. 陽性反應
03. 衝口而出
04. 大開眼戒
05. 我不好愛
06. 熱帶雨林
07. 人工智能
08. 結束開始
09. 活著多好
10. 他一個人
11. 不知所謂

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Sunday, September 23, 2007


壹週刊第915期, 吳雨霏(Kary)訪問 -
"經理人Paco同我講:『咁你要不要做mass要不要紅?』係就要美白, 唔可以再曬黑, 長頭髮剪不得, 而且唔紮起, 因為塊面脹脹要遮住, 唱多些《愛你變成恨你》, 《逼得太緊》那類人靚歌甜的."

咁, 同做貓糧狗糧冇mud分別.


係嘅, give & take. 個遊戲規則就係咁.

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... 不能盡錄.

... 更不能盡錄.

唉. 努力.


Saturday, September 22, 2007


No excuse. 孤陋寡聞.
生活在這裏, 工作面又不算狹窄, 以為, 理應明白.
原來很不足. 可能自己又貪心.

又, 孤陋寡聞.
買了它5週年版. 並不是因為林海峰是封面("五年是但回憶錄").
其實都不是. 是因為5週年.
以為本地雜誌, 除x週刊y週ark細路潮流刊物公仔書外, 生存不易.
所以, 5年, 買來讀讀是什麼料子.
25個大洋, 242頁, 印刷不俗, 好'墜手'. 抵.
看得輕輕鬆鬆, 卻不是冇腦八卦之作.

當然, 還有, 號外. 已經30年.
35個大洋, 更大本更'墜手'.
哈, "斷稱"都抵.

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

oh Really

From Business Week "Best Place to Launch a Career", 13 September 2007

oh indeed...
aarrrr... I got it.
To LAUNCH is to start, set going.
Not that you stay... and stuck, and through the finish-line.
So, move on.

ps. strictly speaking, I didn't 'start' here - if i've ever started one.
ps2. still, would agree it was memorable with the great bosses and team... at the very beginning.
ps3. good start is not enough. so what is sustainable? and, progressive??
ps4. "小時了了大未必佳"
ps5. who's getting that money?

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Jup 番個吉

What a show. Beijing residents who were forced to move away to make way for the National Grand Theatre and workers who helped build it will be among the first audiences invited to watch trial runs of performances staged at the egg-shaped theatre, Xinhua quoted a spokesman for the theatre, Deng Yijiang as saying yesterday.
~ South China Morning Post, 18 September

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Together we're invincible...
btw cute DiDiney-ride- style MV with the cute (& weird) props


Sunday, September 16, 2007

aka 赤子之心

When people diverge...

Rowan Atkinson was asked why does his humor as with Mr Bean translate so well across cultures, he said it is on the level of a child really.
"Mr Bean is essentially a child trapped in the body of a man. All cultures identify with children in a similar way, so he has the bizarre global outreach. And 10-year-old boys from different cultures have more in common than 30-year-olds. As we grow up, we acquire this sensibility that divides us."
~ TIME Magazine, 3 September



To f 同學, 嗱你話要睇我個頭...



話說上星期到台北是幫襯KA. 還記得n年前爸常笑說它天上有地下無. 皆因KA當時只有一架飛機, 飛咗上天, 地下就冇囉. 今時今日, 假假地都俾大阿哥CX買埋(雖然CX都3番4次惹火了我), 連個馬哥菠蘿會都"共享"咗, 點都有啲期望.
一個小問題是online check-in. Checked-in後不能再改座位. 慣了CX check-in後仍可改3次, heheee.
Anyway, 戲肉首先發生在地勤服務, 話說...

去程 HKG/TPE @ 香港國際機場 菠蘿會 Counter
0705 和我先到, 雖然已 online check-in, 還是要出 boarding pass 寄行李. 見trainee姐姐十指纖纖水晶甲長長, 打 alt/ctrl something 都要兩隻手, 望一下字先敢篤一下咁, 心知不妙.
0708 a到達, 加入.
0710 無甚起色, 問姐姐 "我有冇嘢可以幫到你...?!" 佢話有行字仔指示要打去唔知邊度邊度confirm 先可以出 boarding pass 俾我地. OK, 咁打啦. 原來我有 upgrade, 第一個反應當然問能否3個都up, 不過唔得. 原本諗住唔up都冇所謂, 畢竟只係個半鐘, 不過如果俾a坐我個位同一齊就ok.
0715 那邊廂p千年蛋已經搞掂, 我地啲 boarding pass 仲係影都冇, 我再問佢有冇問題, 明唔明白. 姐姐開始撈亂我地3個(!), 一時話阿胡(!)小姐, 一時又話係阿趙先生點點點.
0720 姐姐繼續翻來覆去我們的証件, 篤嚟篤去個keyboard, 臉色不無猶豫及間有空白虛脫之情. 有個 senior 一些企係佢旁邊, supposedly coach佢, 但係全程只係好唔耐煩咁質問姐姐 "咁點呀?! 要點做呀?! 頭先你點做架?! 一樣照做... 呢啲我地做唔到嘅話, 要點呀?!" 之類之類.
0725 已經20min, 真係火到嚟埋, 尤其之前嗰晚搞到鬼咁夜, 晨咁早又未食早餐血糖低. 終於忍唔住質個 senior, 不情不願袋錢落佢袋 " 阿Alan (望咗佢個badge好耐. btw, trainee姐姐係冇名嘅), 麻煩你幫幫佢. 明白你地要 on-the-job-training, 但係已經20分鐘, at the expense of 個客, 我認為好唔合理, 唔該你幫幫佢...!" 嗰位人兄面都黑埋, 我又何嘗唔係呢, 哼!
0730 終於搞掂. 當然漏咗冇出 lounge invitation. 不過出都冇用, 根本趕唔切.

我無勞氣個trainee, 見佢係咁sorry, 手(指)都震晒咁. 無稽嘅係 management. 第一, keyboard 都未打得掂, credit card 又唔識對, 都俾佢出嚟, 呢啲唔係叫 training, 係叫 stress test, 仲係俾個客嗰隻. 第二, 咁生手放出嚟都算, 都唔應該放喺菠蘿會, 比較多機會有complications. 第三, 好喇, 放係邊樹都算喇, 大大個 senior 喺度唔知做mud. 教又教唔到, 做又唔係佢, 淨係問點呀點呀, 不如我幫佢問啦. 話時話嗰位人兄 Alan Lxx 先生態度好有問題, 一直冇回應我嘅 "建議", 雖然佢之後對trainee 啲語氣好得多, 又真係(迫住要)出手. 如果我要complain, 佢實有份.

回程 TPE/HKG @ 台北桃園國際機場 菠蘿會 Counter
又係我地3個一齊 check-in, 今趟出 boarding pass 寄行李正常過正常, 唔洗2分鐘. 同我都有upgrade.

時間十分充裕, 當然要飲啖啡食個包買下書買下碟先入閘. 飲飲下星巴巴, 烏突然心血來潮, 問我地係咪一齊坐. Huh?? 哥哥冇話唔係喎, 如果架機爆棚要分位都(應該)要講聲 ga ma. 即管攞個 boarding pass 出嚟睇睇... 嘩嘩嘩嘩嘩真係咁 creative, 我地係~分~開~坐~嘅!!! 當然上到機先同人換位應該無難度, 不過既然有時間, 就走番去 counter 問問. 事實係仍然有孖位 available, 連幫忙改正嗰位姐姐都好愕然, 問係邊個搞嘅. 真係唔知好嬲定好笑.
題外話, 不愧為金牌經理人, 又俾佢睇中.

上到機, serve 起飛前飲品, 見其中一杯有點異樣, 問姐姐係咩嚟, 佢話 "Cocktail". 喂, 我唔該你喎.

今時今日, 咁嘅服務態度, 咁嘅服務水準... 都不過是冰山一角.

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Saturday, September 15, 2007


$41.67 - Cost of a cup of Kopi Luwak coffee at Australia's Heritage Tea Rooms. Brewed from beans handpicked from civet-cat droppings, it is reputedly the world's rarest and most expensive coffee.
300 - Weight, in kilograms, of the estimated global production of Kopi Luwak each year.
~ TIME Magazine, 3 September.

This stuff is being asked at as much as US$600 a pound.
Could be found in HK at Intercontinental. It's like HK$350 a cup if I remember correctly, and probably have to call to check availability. Anyone wanna treat me one?


Schulz and Peanuts

Won't insist on paperback for this one, if any. (672 pages wor...)
From Publishers Weekly Starred Review
For all the joy Charlie Brown and the gang gave readers over half a century, their creator, Charles Schulz, was a profoundly unhappy man. It's widely known that he hated the name Peanuts, which was foisted on the strip by his syndicate. But Michaelis, given access to family, friends and personal papers, reveals the full extent of Schulz's depression, tracing its origins in his Minnesota childhood, with parents reluctant to encourage his artistic dreams and yearbook editors who scrapped his illustrations without explanation. Nearly 250 Peanuts strips are woven into the biography, demonstrating just how much of his life story Schulz poured into the cartoon. In one sequence, Snoopy's crush on a girl dog is revealed as a barely disguised retelling of the artist's extramarital affair. Michaelis is especially strong in recounting Schulz's artistic development, teasing out the influences on his unique characterization of children. And Michaelis makes plain the full impact of Peanuts' first decades and how much it puzzled and unnerved other cartoonists. This is a fascinating account of an artist who devoted his life to his work in the painful belief that it was all he had. 16 pages of b&w photos; 240 b&w comic strips throughout.
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


胃有點痛, 攤tou了好一會, 便再睡不了.
清理一下mailbox吧. 更睡不了. 蠢咗.
那些哭笑不得的, 九唔搭十的, 去死吧.
狠狠的丟掉. 不帶走一片雲彩.


Thursday, September 13, 2007


近來每天趕工都是聽hocc What Really Matters (
喜歡的不少, 但個人來說, 最搶是這首大紅袍. 題材及假音人的詞是典型'腰骨勵志'類, 沒什麼特出.
最愛的是那個編曲, 簡直...
誰說戲曲(老老實實其實最最最鬼怕台灣幫mud鬼'中國風')一定要大鑼大鼓二胡琵琶dukduk? 李端嫻那些電音勁勁勁得. 不是說電子simulate那些樂器, 而是那種味道氣氛架勢到呢呢呢...!
還有何韻詩那句京腔 "沒有腰骨.怎麼披靠上陣.我憑甚麼叫做人" yo!!
同步有一段30min短片(, 據聞何韻詩一直禁止李端嫻完成編曲前接觸這段片的任何人任何idea, 以免太相似. 有guts, 這個做法其實都幾risky, 但現在效果證明是個good take.

大紅袍MV (
全碟歌詞, from小奧堅詞(留意小奧把歌詞置在comments)

曲: Benson Fan @ goomusic
詞: 陳浩峰@人山人海
編: 李端嫻@人山人海
監製: hocc @ goomusic, 青山大樂隊

大路留在原路 我不會甘於行大直路
大步從未停步 我喜愛獨自行大大步
大霧攔著前路 還未從末路原地踏步
天高我心更高 我身再小亦上路

無盡世界 任我攀登
不擔心 小小委屈 小小阻折 不見得嚇人

經得起高高低低起起跌跌 不要緊

沒有腰骨 怎麼披靠上陣 我憑甚麼叫做人

自重還是無用 還是從未被提拔重用
只想過一秒鐘 每一秒鐘盡情地利用
天天進攻進攻 如未曾共用留待備用
自問我身我心 最終榮辱亦與共

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007


... 都是和血吞.


Monday, September 10, 2007

In Peace

Barely know him by name, as one of the top guys.
May he rest in peace. Love matters. Salute and deepest sympathy to the family.


Thursday, September 06, 2007


某天在巴士上無意中聽到某節目(大意): 不要常常開關慳電膽, 否則個慳電膽可能會得番60%壽命.

huhhh? 是什麼邏輯?

即是, 舉個例: 雖然閣下只是洗澡半句鐘, 但係為咗個慳電膽長(正常)壽啲, 沖完涼都唔好熄燈, 由佢開住stand-by.
Well, 個'膽'stand-by成晚, 唔使多, 3個鐘好未, 就係為咗服侍梳梳洗洗大大小小加加埋埋嗰1個鐘 - 即係用2/3 嘅 idled life 買40%膽命(in which 2/3 is probably idled too)...



Monday, September 03, 2007


星期五極晚交咗功課, 以為...
星期六天下太平 (除咗<1>晨早流流要撲幾K嘢, 仲要逢燈皆紅遲晒到; <2>俾舊黑雲跟住, 千辛萬苦去到個場都冇波打; <3>喺SOHO嗰間星巴巴夜mama撞到... 小強).
今日下晝終於嚟料, 阿控制人打到嚟.
當時正在挑戰比我高300幾分嘅tennis pro.
第一局, 電話響起.
Miss了第一個call, 不出8秒, 第2個call話咁快就到.
眼見LongD心知不妙, 邊手舞足蹈揮拍(因為唔識pause...)邊講... 又係好大聲咁, 真係唔好意思.
anyway, 嗰局不明不白咁就輸咗.
以為他的問題不難解決, 估計10點左右再交功課.
誰不知一check email, 電話內容以外, 連連幾個問題, 在在都要花點腦汁眼力.
趕工中, 阿策略師teammate又因為另一壇睇唔明嘅嘢IM來來往往. 都冇法子解決住, 明天請早.

今個禮拜五六日決戰台北, 要心無旁騖!!!


Sunday, September 02, 2007

Small Matters

hocc 這個 "What Really Matters" project 的第三波 Small Matters by HOCC x Makyanyan 2007
(第一波是大碟: What Really Matters
第二波是 live showcase: Music Matters
第三波是 影像DVD: Small Matters)

不是只是堆砌的shots MVs, 全長超過150min, 長過睇戲.
01. 幽默感 (MV)
02. 何是一家 (Documentary)
03. 睡公主 (Short film)
04. 1+3G (Home video)
05. 睡王子 (Short film)
06. 午餐肉 (Improvisation)
07. 尋找加鄉的故事 (Documentary)
08. 行行行 (Documentary)
09. 大紅袍 (Short film)
10. 木紋 (Full verion MV)
11. 小事情
(12. Making Of)

終於靜靜的看了"木紋" full version (btw, 條片原來係 stanley-san 剪嘅),

最初在沒有畫面的情況下讀它, 頗是感慨; 但原來跟MV看是相當浪漫的. 哈, 自己不是容易跟浪漫click的人, 突然有這感覺都幾surprise.

重頭戲'大紅袍', 真係戲. 固然是講故事, 也是tribute to粵劇, 誠意可加. 謝雪心好戲, hocc文武生造型好靚仔, hahaaa.

另外睡公主睡王子是改編陳慧的故事. btw, sym同學, 睡公主睡王子et al總會找到對方. 況且只要過得好...

Making Of 又係一群人的感動... 有空要把所有故事看完.

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Saturday, September 01, 2007


立秋後, 又到秋季大旅行的旺季, 下星期就有多輪大姐大爺大軍壓境. 風高物燥, 真的很容易辣着.
火頭四起 - 有的要埋身撲火, 有的要近水救遠火, 有的冇水冇計只能徒響警報, 還有數不清的死灰復燃...
2200起火, 要by (?!?!)翌日早上搞掂... (即係 by 0000?)
0900起火, 要by 1200搞掂... 有3單.
隨時起火, 要即刻搞掂... 有n單.
落了order但to-be燙手的... 有n-1單.
無嘢uurrrhhhhhh?!?! 最憎廢話asap.

噚晚最lei hea.
拿着超重西瓜一大邊 超熟方包一大磅 超好味scone一大個 外套一大件
在地鐵超迫車廂(投訴, 現在的地鐵是無時無刻都很多人)
仲要, 在地鐵的dodododododododooo當中, 大街大巷當中, 同阿GCG控制人撐過, 仲要係慶慶地個種, 不贅.
由北角撐到大圍. 中途自動導航轉了1次地鐵1次交通工具, 居然仍然intact. yeah.
之後想打給BJ老闆報案, 由大圍打到返抵家門都無人接. 算, 接埋.
終於一邊晚飯一邊趕功課, 幸好不是重大事故, 把中港台都自把自為的做了手腳. 完.

今週總算暫告一段落(真的很暫), 12點前發出這一段落最後一個note, 再打一通電話給阿控制人隻馬.
長長的*sigh了一記... not bad lah... can be better though.
尤其係星期五. 應該係TGI's ga ma...


Give Me One Reason

Unrelated but reminded me this song of Tracy Chapman... give me one reason to stay here...
