Monday, March 16, 2009

Unexpected Shirley

She is probably among my top 3 (yes, can count to 3) favourite HK pop singers.
After went to the concert, and watched the DVD 1.5 times, still couldn't figure out why it's called "Unexpected".
The live concert was very enjoyable, and the first hand participation cannot be compromised by a recording. Still, no matter how much you pay for a seat in the front, a Coliseum show (or actually any venue larger than the APA Lyric Theatre :p) will spare you any close "look" at the performer. And actually sitting closer to the stage makes it painful to watch from the big screen. Anyways.
No wonder when I watched the DVD, I was, unexpectedly (oh now I got it...), moved.
Look at her face and expression especially for a bunch of songs is a heart-aching experience...

Disc 1
01. Overture + 萬物生
02. 山水
03. 這是愛
04. 忘記他
05. 帶我去跳舞
06. Cucurrucucru Paloma
07. 眾生花
08. 夜迷宮
09. 天規
Disc 2
01. 把歌談心
02. 一首獨唱的歌
03. 只得一次
04. 患難見真情
05. 人生可有知己
06. 難得有情人
07. 叛逆漢子
08. Dela
09. 午夜狂奔
10. 山水 (Retro + Chaser)
Disc 3
01. 明知故犯
02. 當世界無玫瑰
03. 再會
04. 戀一世的愛
05. 繾綣星光下
06. 明年今日
07. 難得有情人 (Encore)


Friday, March 13, 2009


自定車牌好 tricky. 要想一個有品味有創意有心思又有意義的談何容易?

最近又遇見幾個 eye-catching 的:
TAXI - 真的是的士, 好威!
DBS - 真的是送細路返學的, 似乎有點 over.
CHAIRMAN - 7人車(可不是豪華那些)
ABUND - "阿笨"? "阿賓"...?
F FUNG - 本來沒什麼問題... 但是該車的尾牌要把字分開上下兩行, layout 太難看.

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Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Back to Merry

A small step in clearing back logs... start with something festive

Mine was one of the biggest! yeah!!!

Set the table before the big feast

Leading roles of the feast - Roast ham and turkey (not in scale...)

Like this very much, showed before. Assembled real stuff.

From the other angles

Leading role for count-down

Self-made cake by Edmond. SUPER SUPER SUPER delicious and satisfying with the simplest and purest - sponge cake, fresh banana, fresh cream, almond flakes and chocolate!!! aaarrrrrrhhhhhhhh
Look at the lovely Mr Clock, telling us time flies... especially good ones...

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