Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sunday Eat

US Angus Rib Eye from ThreeSixty @ Elements. 410g @ $246.
Would have costed $287 at CitySuper.

No oven for broiling, could only do a pan-fry.

205g @ medium. Also made a all-in-one vege soup with cabbage, corn, tomato, carot, potato & roasted pork.

Very full given non-stop snacks before dinner, with home-made mocha, pretzels and yam.

Brunch before getting the beef @ 夏麵館, Elements. The restaurant always has a long queue but not that morning. 2 of us were even offered a large 'cart-table' probably designed for 6.
We ordered 招牌黃魚煨麵, 脆皮咸雞, 三鮮窩貼. Satisfactory price-performance. Will return.



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