Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Saving Face

看罷Saving Face (譯:<面子>或<愛.面子>), 有說不出的好感.

Extract from Director's Note (by Alice Wu) from the movie's website -
I wrote SAVING FACE as a love-letter to my mother. The character of Ma begins the movie as a woman with all major decisions in life seemingly made; at 48, she has lived a proper life and is now essentially just living to die. That she ultimately breaks with tradition and lives on her own terms is a triumph I wanted my mother -- and the world -- to see. I suppose if there is one thing I am trying to say with the film, it is that no matter who you are -- Asian or black, gay or straight, young or old -- that everyone basically wants to love -- and that love can start at any point in your life that you want it to. I made SAVING FACE because I wanted my mother to know that it was never too late to fall in love for the first time. And that is not by doing things right, but by sometimes getting them wrong, that we launch the journey that allows us to come into our own.

Extract from Synopsis from the movie's website -
For 28-year old New Yorker Wil Pang (Michelle Krusiec), life is a juggling act between a promising career as a surgeon and her responsibilities as a dutiful daughter. Like the #7 train she takes to visit her Chinese family on a weekly basis, Wil is perpetually in transit between two worlds. The expectations of the (Chinese-American) society she is from and the desires that alienate her from it have made Wil content to live below the surface. Even if if means playing an inadvertent game of charades with her widowed mother (Joan Chen) and the old world Ma represents. The masquerade is comic even in its pain as Wil tolerates Ma's weekly set ups with eligible Chinese-American boys at the Friday Chinese socials; but it quickly becomes a farce when Ma's mask cracks first.
One night, Wil comes home to find Ma on her doorstep - pregnant. Disgraced by the Chinese community, and with nowhere else to go, Ma moves in with her daughter, making it difficult for Wil to nurture a budding relationship with gorgeous dancer Vivan (Lynn Chen). As her carefully compartmentalized worlds collide, Wil is forced to find her mother a husband, placate her girlfriend, and choose between breaking a cycle of keeping up appearances, or risk losing the girl that she loves.

題材聽起來好像頗嚴肅(有Chinese-American, 同性戀, 中國傳統價值觀, 文化衝擊等), 但以romantic comedy的方法來導來演, 沒有誇張的笑位或激情, 只有會心微笑溫馨甜蜜偶有感慨.
~ Director+Writer Alice Wu首次執導. 她本是Standford master 畢業的IT人, 10年IT生涯後決定追尋電影理想. 雖說電影監製是Will Smith的公司, 但這冷門電影的資源投放還是有限, 據聞只用了27個工作天拍攝(跟香港電影有得揮).
~ Michelle Krusiec 第一次大銀幕擔正, 演來很自然傳神. 後來從多個中外interviews 得知她戲裏戲外是完全兩個人, 不得不佩服她的演技及3個月學好外語(是國語)的決心和能力. 當然還有導演casting的獨到.
~ 陳冲演一個老教授之女, 十分保守, 守寡多年卻突然懷孕. 驚喜來自跟陳冲"過去式"的不同 - 以前的戲裏都頗"性感", 而戲外是她到美國當導演後的"才氣".
~ Lynn Chen 也很有說服力, 有型格之餘又討人歡喜.
~ 在2005年的金馬獎, 片子贏了"觀眾票選最佳電影". Michelle Krusiec 本報名最佳女配角, 後得評審主動"升格"提名女主角, 最終以1票之差輸了給<最好的時光>的舒淇(11位評審的票全投在她們兩人身上).

Recommended. 輕鬆98min.



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